Commit dc9959bf authored by Bryson Howell's avatar Bryson Howell

Initial commit, copying from branch unity_test of Larkin's ags_grabber repo

parent be716c01
Pipeline #75 canceled with stages
......@@ -104,9 +104,11 @@ def get_terrain_map(lat_lon = [0,0], sample_dist = 10, extent = 100, heading = 0
# gis = GIS("pro")
# gis = GIS(url="", client_id="rluxzSWjZS6TfeXs", username="hlarkin3_virginiatech", password="arcgisheintzman97#26640", verify_cert=False)
gis = GIS(username="larkinheintzman",password="Meepp97#26640")
#gis = GIS(username="larkinheintzman",password="Meepp97#26640")
gis = GIS(api_key="AAPKe7cb1ab4f2ba44748cf53ac4f30d0caavu5t_-uMdWP8SRjtoea3s66-cRyFZmMTNx4rqy2w5sjwegU_tbJyBesd0LCMmdtV")
if verbosity:
print("Successfully logged in as: " +
#print("Successfully logged in as: " +
print("Logged into GIS")
elv_map = gis.content.get('58a541efc59545e6b7137f961d7de883')
elv_layer = elv_map.layers[0]
......@@ -212,18 +214,21 @@ def get_terrain_map(lat_lon = [0,0], sample_dist = 10, extent = 100, heading = 0
# flip elevation data up to down to match other layers
e = np.flipud(e)
# interpolate terrain to match size/resolution of other layers
c =
c = np.int32(extent/sample_dist)
scale_factor = 3/20 # factor to get 6.66667m mapping from 1m mapping (1/6.6667)
scaled_extent = np.ceil(scale_factor*extent).astype(
factor = scaled_extent/e.shape[0]
e_interp = ndimage.zoom(e, factor, order = 3)
if show_plot:
# Attaching 3D axis to the figure
grid_x, grid_y = np.mgrid[min(x):max(x):100j, min(y):max(y):100j]
grid_x, grid_y = np.mgrid[np.min(x):np.max(x):100j, np.min(y):np.max(y):100j]
points = np.array([x, y])
grid_z = griddata(points.transpose(), z, (grid_x, grid_y), method='cubic', fill_value=np.mean(z))
#grid_z = griddata(points.transpose(), e, (grid_x, grid_y), method='cubic', fill_value=np.mean(e))
grid_z = griddata(points.transpose(), e, (grid_x, grid_y), method='cubic', fill_value=np.mean(e))
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
......@@ -255,7 +260,9 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
[e,e_interp,x,y,data,ll_pt] = get_terrain_map(lat_lon=anchor_point,
sample_dist = sample_dist,
extent = extent,
heading = -heading) # because flipping
heading = -heading,
show_plot = True,
verbosity = True) # because flipping
plt.title('e interp')
......@@ -296,4 +303,3 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
# elv_filename = "map_layers\\elv_data_"+file_id+".csv"
# if save_files:
# np.savetxt(elv_filename,e_interp,delimiter=",", fmt='%f')
......@@ -46,12 +46,12 @@ def grab_features(anchor_point, extent, sample_dist = 10, case_name = 'blah', he
name_list = ['rivers_bdd', 'rivers', 'roads', 'lakes', 'powerlines', 'railroads', 'trails']
inac_layers = ['rivers_bdd', 'lakes']
gis = GIS(username="larkinheintzman",password="Meepp97#26640") # linked my arcgis pro account
gis = GIS(api_key="AAPKe7cb1ab4f2ba44748cf53ac4f30d0caavu5t_-uMdWP8SRjtoea3s66-cRyFZmMTNx4rqy2w5sjwegU_tbJyBesd0LCMmdtV") # linked Bryson's pro account
ap_meters = lat_lon2meters(anchor_point[0], anchor_point[1])
scale_factor = 3/20 # factor to get 6.66667m mapping from 1m mapping (1/6.6667)
scaled_extent = np.ceil(scale_factor*extent).astype(
scaled_extent = np.ceil(scale_factor*extent).astype(np.int32)
viz_cnt = 0
viz_map = np.zeros([scaled_extent,scaled_extent,len(name_list)+len(inac_layers)])
......@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ def grab_features(anchor_point, extent, sample_dist = 10, case_name = 'blah', he
print("error on query: {}".format(e))
print("{} layer failed on query, trying again ...".format(name_list[i]))
# gis.
gis = GIS(username="larkinheintzman",password="Meepp97#26640") # linked my arcgis pro account
gis = GIS(api_key="AAPKe7cb1ab4f2ba44748cf53ac4f30d0caavu5t_-uMdWP8SRjtoea3s66-cRyFZmMTNx4rqy2w5sjwegU_tbJyBesd0LCMmdtV") # linked my arcgis pro account
lyr = FeatureLayer(url=url, gis=gis)
print("query time {}".format(query_endtime - query_starttime))
......@@ -99,16 +99,16 @@ def grab_features(anchor_point, extent, sample_dist = 10, case_name = 'blah', he
print("{} layer failed too many times, leaving empty".format(name_list[i]))
if save_files:
if save_to_folder:
fn = "map_layers\\" + case_name + "\\"+name_list[i]+"_data_"+file_id+".csv"
fn = "./map_layers/" + case_name + "/"+name_list[i]+"_data_"+file_id+".csv"
np.savetxt(fn,bin_map,delimiter=",", fmt='%f')
if name_list[i] in inac_layers:
fn = "map_layers\\" + case_name + "\\" + name_list[i] + "_inac_data_" + file_id + ".csv"
fn = "./map_layers/" + case_name + "/" + name_list[i] + "_inac_data_" + file_id + ".csv"
np.savetxt(fn, bin_map, delimiter=",", fmt='%f')
fn = "map_layers\\" + name_list[i]+"_data_"+file_id+".csv"
fn = "./map_layers/" + name_list[i]+"_data_"+file_id+".csv"
np.savetxt(fn,bin_map,delimiter=",", fmt='%f')
if name_list[i] in inac_layers:
fn = "map_layers\\" + name_list[i] + "_inac_data_" + file_id + ".csv"
fn = "./map_layers/" + name_list[i] + "_inac_data_" + file_id + ".csv"
np.savetxt(fn, bin_map, delimiter=",", fmt='%f')
print("{} layer sucessfully queried".format(name_list[i]))
......@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ def grab_features(anchor_point, extent, sample_dist = 10, case_name = 'blah', he
pts_inac = np.delete(pts_inac, np.where(np.equal(pt,pts_inac).all(1)), axis = 0)
# binarization step
pts_inac = np.round(pts_inac).astype(
pts_inac = np.round(pts_inac).astype(np.int32)
# flip y axis
pts_inac[:,1] = inac_bin_map.shape[1] - pts_inac[:,1]
# remove any points outside limits of binary map (fixes round versus ceil issues)
......@@ -226,8 +226,8 @@ def grab_features(anchor_point, extent, sample_dist = 10, case_name = 'blah', he
# trim features to scaled extent
[x_pts, y_pts] = trim_extent(x_pts, y_pts, scaled_extent)
# binarization step
x_pts_idx = np.round(x_pts).astype(
y_pts_idx = np.round(y_pts).astype(
x_pts_idx = np.round(x_pts).astype(np.int32)
y_pts_idx = np.round(y_pts).astype(np.int32)
# flip y axis because indices are fliped
y_pts_idx = bin_map.shape[1] - y_pts_idx
......@@ -246,10 +246,10 @@ def grab_features(anchor_point, extent, sample_dist = 10, case_name = 'blah', he
viz_cnt = viz_cnt + 1
if save_files:
if save_to_folder:
fn = "map_layers\\" + case_name + "\\" + name_list[i] + "_inac_data_" + file_id + ".csv"
fn = "./map_layers/" + case_name + "/" + name_list[i] + "_inac_data_" + file_id + ".csv"
np.savetxt(fn, inac_bin_map, delimiter=",", fmt='%f')
fn = "map_layers\\" + name_list[i] + "_inac_data_" + file_id + ".csv"
fn = "./map_layers/" + name_list[i] + "_inac_data_" + file_id + ".csv"
np.savetxt(fn, inac_bin_map, delimiter=",", fmt='%f')
......@@ -257,10 +257,10 @@ def grab_features(anchor_point, extent, sample_dist = 10, case_name = 'blah', he
viz_cnt = viz_cnt + 1
if save_files:
if save_to_folder:
fn = "map_layers\\" + case_name + "\\" + name_list[i]+"_data_"+file_id+".csv"
fn = "./map_layers/" + case_name + "/" + name_list[i]+"_data_"+file_id+".csv"
np.savetxt(fn,bin_map,delimiter=",", fmt='%f')
fn = "map_layers\\" + name_list[i]+"_data_"+file_id+".csv"
fn = "./map_layers/" + name_list[i]+"_data_"+file_id+".csv"
np.savetxt(fn,bin_map,delimiter=",", fmt='%f')
......@@ -272,10 +272,10 @@ def grab_features(anchor_point, extent, sample_dist = 10, case_name = 'blah', he
if save_files:
if save_to_folder:
elv_filename = "map_layers\\" + case_name + "\\elv_data_" + file_id + ".csv"
elv_filename = "./map_layers/" + case_name + "/elv_data_" + file_id + ".csv"
np.savetxt(elv_filename,e_interp,delimiter=",", fmt='%f')
elv_filename = "map_layers\\elv_data_" + file_id + ".csv"
elv_filename = "./map_layers/elv_data_" + file_id + ".csv"
np.savetxt(elv_filename,e_interp,delimiter=",", fmt='%f')
if plot_data:
......@@ -406,7 +406,8 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
# [48.64606, -122.4247,'[48.64606, -122.4247]']
base_dir = 'C:/Users/Larkin/ags_grabber'
#You should be running this script from the base dir
base_dir = './'
# for item in ics:
# try:
......@@ -427,14 +428,14 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
anchor_point = [float(ics_pt[0]), float(ics_pt[1])]
extent = 10e3
save_flag = True
plot_flag = False
plot_flag = True
file_extension = 'temp'
sample_dist = int(extent/100)
heading = 0
start_time = time.time()
grab_features(anchor_point = anchor_point, extent = extent, sample_dist = sample_dist, case_name = str(ics_pt[2]),
heading = heading, save_files = save_flag, save_to_folder = False, file_id = file_extension, plot_data = plot_flag)
heading = heading, save_files = save_flag, save_to_folder = True, file_id = file_extension, plot_data = plot_flag)
time.sleep(1) # wait for... files to settle?
# run matlab
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from import loadmat
from PIL import Image
from PIL import features
#import libtiff
import cv2
#Loads matlab matrices created by as numpy arrays
def main():
#Load the matlab matrix
dir = './matlab_data/'
savedir = './unity_data/'
filename = 'BW_LFandInac_Zelev_kentland.mat'
matdict = loadmat(dir+filename, appendmat=False)
#Testing stuff
k = matdict.keys()
#These are square numpy arrays of equal size
elev = matdict['sZelev'] #Values are height of grid cell (in meters)
linfeat = matdict['BWLF'] #Values are 1 for linear feature present, 0 for none
obstacles = matdict['BWInac'] #Values are 1 for obstacle, 0 for clear
#Resize arrays to work with Unity
u_elev = clip_size(elev)
u_linfeat = clip_size(linfeat)
#Unity needs heightmap to be a square of size (power of two)+1
#Easiest solution is to reduce size of existing data
def clip_size(mat):
clip = 1025
full = np.shape(mat)[1]
diff = (full - clip) / 2
diff = np.int32(diff)
clipped = mat[diff:diff+clip,diff:diff+clip]
return clipped
#Returns the difference between the min and max elevation.
#To be used as terrain height in Unity.
def check_elev(elev):
diff = np.max(elev)-np.min(elev)
print("Height of environment is %f\n" % diff)
#Saves image of linear features so it can be used as a mesh in Unity
def make_featmap(linfeat,savedir,name):
path = savedir + name
#Convert to png format image
feat_int8 = (linfeat*255).astype(np.uint8)
img = Image.fromarray(feat_int8)
#Converts the terrain height data in the .mat files into a grayscale heightmap
#that can be loaded into Unity. Heightmaps are 16-bit grayscale images saved in
#the RAW format.
def make_heightmap(elev,savedir,name):
path = savedir + name
#Makes sure libtiff is working right
#fig = plt.figure()
#Normalize values to be between 0-1 and preview as grayscale image
elev_gray = np.float16((elev-np.min(elev))/(np.max(elev)-np.min(elev)))
#elev_gray = np.ushort(elev)
#elev_gray = np.uint16(elev)
#From array expects uint8
fig = plt.figure()
#f = open(name,'w')
#Save as png
elev_int8 = (elev_gray*255).astype(np.uint8)
img = Image.fromarray(elev_int8)
#Attempts to convert to raw image format through code
img = img.convert('L')'./unity_data/converted_kentland_gray.raw', 'TIFF', compression='raw')
#img = img.convert('1')
#img = img.convert('I;16')
img = img.convert('1'), 'TIFF', compression='tiff_raw_16') #want tiff_raw_16
#cv2.imshow('Kentland Heightmap',elev_gray)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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