Commit c595bfc4 authored by Larkin Heintzman's avatar Larkin Heintzman

mild updates

parent 0078c4f6
......@@ -16,10 +16,34 @@
<!-- number of drones to generate waypoints for -->
<param name="droneNum" type="double" value="2"/>
<!-- kentland data -->
<!-- kentland network data -->
<rosparam command="load" param="anchorPoint">
[37.197280, -80.577791]
<param name="altitude" type="double" value="40"/>
<param name="altitudeIncrement" type="double" value="10"/>
<rosparam command="load" param="pathPoints">
[37.197694, -80.578729],
[37.198569, -80.578427],
[37.198991, -80.576635],
[37.198480, -80.575202],
[37.197114, -80.573645],
[37.196497, -80.574630],
[37.195502, -80.576064],
[37.195474, -80.577796],
[37.196511, -80.579256]
<!-- kentland data -->
<!-- <rosparam command="load" param="anchorPoint">
[37.197280, -80.577791]
<param name="altitude" type="double" value="60"/>
<param name="altitudeIncrement" type="double" value="10"/>
<rosparam command="load" param="pathPoints">
......@@ -54,7 +78,7 @@
[37.196822, -80.578455]
</rosparam> -->
<!-- drone cage data -->
<!-- <rosparam command="load" param="anchorPoint">
......@@ -90,15 +114,22 @@
<!-- load machine names, plath, neruda, and home versions -->
<include file="$(find base_station)/launch/machines.launch"/>
<!-- <include file="$(find base_station)/launch/remote_vehicle.launch">
<include file="$(find base_station)/launch/remote_vehicle.launch">
<arg name="machine_name" value="marioModem"/>
<arg name="machine_id" value="0"/>
</include> -->
<!-- <include file="$(find base_station)/launch/remote_vehicle.launch">
<arg name="machine_name" value="nerudaModem"/>
<arg name="machine_id" value="1"/>
</include> -->
<!-- interface testing stuff -->
<!-- <group ns="marioModem">
<param name="drone_id" type="int" value="0"/>
<node pkg="database_tools" type="" name="sqliteHandler" output="screen"/>
</group> -->
......@@ -22,14 +22,14 @@
<!-- drone number, passed argument -->
<param name="drone_id" type="int" value="$(arg machine_id)"/>
<!-- base movement speed through waypoints -->
<param name="base_speed" type="double" value="2.0"/>
<param name="base_speed" type="double" value="4.0"/>
<!-- waypoint loading node -->
<node pkg="dji_sdk" type="" name="waypointDriver" output="screen" machine="$(arg machine_name)"/>
<!-- usb and image activation nodes -->
<node pkg="dji_sdk" type="" name="imageActivation" output="screen" machine="$(arg machine_name)"/>
<!-- usb and image activation nodes -->
<node pkg="database_tools" type="" name="sqliteHandler" output="screen"/>
<!-- web interface uploader -->
<!-- <node pkg="database_tools" type="" name="sqliteHandler" output="screen"/> -->
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