Commit e2743e2d authored by Larkin Heintzman's avatar Larkin Heintzman

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% multi agent path planning testing, including
% - adaptive sampling based on core safe path (tbd)
% - sample selection via sequential greedy methods (tbd, copy paste)
% - multi-agent path planning based on selected samples (d)
% - randomized obstacles based on perlin noise (d)
% plan an initial safe path to build samples around
dummy = rrtAgent(agent_number, mean(starting_locations,1), mean(goal_final,1), token_ownership, ...
environment_size, obstacle_points, distance_increment, step_size, ...
planning_iterations, move_speed, collision_radius);
dummy = dummy.planMultiGoalPath;
% dummy.path_verts
% dummy.path_waypoints
if isempty(dummy.path_waypoints)
error('failed to find a core path to goal');
% build sample areas around regular intervals of path
t_int = (dummy.path_len)./(dummy.move_speed*(Tk+1)); % interval between time slices (dont need one at goal)
sample_centers = zeros(Tk,2); % center of sampling bounding areas
for k=1:(Tk)
sample_centers(k,:) = dummy.timeLookup(k*t_int, {dummy.path_waypoints});
% take the samples and make sure they have a clear view of core path
plcs = cell(Tk,Pj); % cell array for placements per time slice
sample_sets = cell(Tk,1);
sample_sets_const = cell(Tk,1);
% set up circular bounding sets
r = t_int*dummy.move_speed/2;
th = 0:0.05:(2*pi);
for k=1:Tk
[c_pt_x,c_pt_y] = pol2cart(th,r);
sample_sets{k} = [sample_centers(k,1) + c_pt_x', sample_centers(k,2) + c_pt_y'];
[c_pt_x_tmp,c_pt_y_tmp] = pol2cart(th,r - rho/2); % bound away from sides of set
bdd_set_tmp = [sample_centers(k,1) + c_pt_x_tmp', sample_centers(k,2) + c_pt_y_tmp'];
sample_sets_const{k} = getConstBoundSet(Z,x_area,y_area,bdd_set_tmp,rho, obstacle_points); % bounding set for tight sampling case
% generate samples for this time slice
x_len = max(sample_sets{k}(:,1)) - min(sample_sets{k}(:,1));
y_len = max(sample_sets{k}(:,2)) - min(sample_sets{k}(:,2));
x_min = min(sample_sets{k}(:,1));
y_min = min(sample_sets{k}(:,2));
counter = 1;
sample_itr = 0;
while counter <= Pj && sample_itr < max_sample_itr
% guided random sampling, put box around
tmp_pt = [x_min + x_len*rand(N,1), y_min + y_len*rand(N,1)];
% check for collisions with obstacles!
collision_flag = dummy.checkObstaclesOnly(tmp_pt, sample_centers(k,:));
if all(inpolygon(tmp_pt(:,1), tmp_pt(:,2), sample_sets{k}(:,1), sample_sets{k}(:,2))) && ~collision_flag
plcs{k,counter} = tmp_pt;
counter = counter + 1;
sample_itr = sample_itr + 1;
if isempty(plcs{k,end})
error('ran out of sample iterations')
% select the samples based on coverage environmental heatmap
[plcs_sel, gdy_interaction_times] = selectSamples(sample_sets_const, plcs);
figure(1); clf; hold on;
colors = hsv(N);
plot(dummy.obs_points(:,1), dummy.obs_points(:,2), 'k.', 'markersize', ms, 'linewidth', lw);
for a=1:agent_number
plot(starting_locations(a,1), starting_locations(a,2), 'd', 'markersize', ms, 'linewidth', lw, 'color', colors(a,:));
plot(goal_locations(a,1), goal_locations(a,2), 'd', 'markersize', ms, 'linewidth', lw, 'color', colors(a,:));
plot(dummy.path_waypoints(:,1), dummy.path_waypoints(:,2), 'go-', 'markersize', ms, 'linewidth', lw);
for k=1:Tk
for j=1:Pj
plot(plcs{k,j}(:,1), plcs{k,j}(:,2), 'b.', 'markersize', ms, 'linewidth', lw);
plot(sample_sets{k}(:,1), sample_sets{k}(:,2), 'r--', 'markersize', ms, 'linewidth', lw);
plot(sample_sets_const{k}(:,1), sample_sets_const{k}(:,2), 'c--', 'markersize', ms, 'linewidth', lw);
for i=1:N
% plot(plcs_sel{i}(:,1), plcs_sel{i}(:,2), 'o','color', colors(i,:), 'markersize', ms, 'linewidth', lw, 'markerfacecolor',colors(i,:));
axis image
% key point, we are ignoring the intermediate goal positions because we
% assume that the core safe path, which DOES go through the intermediate
% goals, guides the overall path correctly. (should not be a big deal)
agents = cell(N,1);
time_obstacles = cell(N,1);
for i=1:N
agent_goals = [plcs_sel{i};goal_final(i,:)]; % take only final goal position for agent 1
agents{i} = rrtAgent(agent_number, starting_locations(i,:), agent_goals, token_ownership, ...
environment_size, obstacle_points, distance_increment, step_size, ...
planning_iterations, move_speed, collision_radius);
agents{i}.id = i;
agents{i}.time_obs = time_obstacles; % this is some decentralization violation stuff here
agents{i} = agents{i}.planMultiGoalPath;
time_obstacles{i} = agents{i}.path_waypoints;
%% plotting stuff
figure(2); clf; hold on;
mymap = [linspace(1, 0.35, 150); linspace(1, 0.35, 150); linspace(1, 0.35, 150)]';
colormap parula;
hplt = imagesc(environment_size(1):0.1:environment_size(2),environment_size(3):0.1:environment_size(4),...
plot(obstacle_points(:,1), obstacle_points(:,2), 'k.', 'markersize', ms, 'linewidth', lw);
dt = 0.1;
t_max = ceil(1.2*d_max/agents{1}.move_speed);
if mod(t_max,2) ~= 0
t_max = t_max+1;
t = dt:dt:(t_max);
t_len = length(t);
my_map = [linspace(0,1,t_len)', linspace(1,0,t_len)', linspace(0,0,t_len)'];
% plot colors indicating time along the path
time_count = 1; % which time slice we have reached so far
a = 1; % which agent we are working on
agent_reach_flag = zeros(N,1); % which agents have reached the current time slice, needs resetting
agent_times = ones(N,1);
color_idx = 1;
color_start = 1;
color_end = 1;
itr_flag = true;
while time_count < Tk+1
while itr_flag
if a == 1
% color_idx
% plot agent points
pt = agents{a}.timeLookup(t(agent_times(a)), {agents{a}.path_waypoints});
plot(pt(1), pt(2), '.','color', my_map(color_idx,:), 'markersize', ms+8, 'linewidth', lw);
if time_count == Tk
tmp_dist = norm(pt - goal_locations(a,:));
tmp_dist = norm(pt - plcs_sel{a}(time_count,:));
if tmp_dist < step_size % if we are close to sample
a = a + 1;
color_end = max(color_idx, color_end); % record new high point
color_idx = color_start; % reset color parameter
if a > N
color_start = color_end;
color_idx = color_start;
a = 1;
agent_times(a) = agent_times(a) + 1;
color_idx = color_idx + 1;
time_count = time_count + 1;
itr_flag = true;
for k=1:Tk
for a=1:N
plot(plcs_sel{a}(k,1), plcs_sel{a}(k,2), 'o', 'markersize', ms, 'linewidth', lw, 'color', colors(a,:));
d_max = -1;
total_len = 0;
for a=1:agent_number
plot(starting_locations(a,1), starting_locations(a,2), 'd', 'markersize', ms, 'linewidth', lw, 'color', colors(a,:));
plot(goal_locations(a,1), goal_locations(a,2), 'd', 'markersize', ms, 'linewidth', lw, 'color', colors(a,:));
% plot(agents{a}.path_waypoints(2:end-1,1), agents{a}.path_waypoints(2:end-1,2), 's-', 'color',colors(a,:),...
% 'markersize', ms, 'linewidth', lw);
% find longest waypoint path
% D = dist(obj.path_waypoints');
% waypoint_lens = diag(D(1:end-1,2:end));
% max([A, B],[],2)
if d_max < agents{a}.path_len
d_max = agents{a}.path_len;
total_len = total_len + agents{a}.path_len;
% my_map = [linspace(0,1,t_len)', linspace(1,0,t_len)', [linspace(0,1,t_len/2) linspace(1,0,t_len/2)]'];
for k=1:Tk
if ismember(k,gdy_interaction_times)
plot(sample_sets_const{k}(:,1), sample_sets_const{k}(:,2), 'c--', 'markersize', ms, 'linewidth', lw);
plot(starting_locations(:,1), starting_locations(:,2), '.','color', my_map(1,:), 'markersize', ms+8, 'linewidth', lw);
% for a=1:agent_number
% for i=1:(length(agents{a}.goal_list) - 1)
% plot(agents{a}.goal_list{i}.coords(1), agents{a}.goal_list{i}.coords(2), '*', 'color', colors(a,:),...
% 'markersize', ms, 'linewidth', lw);
% end
% end
% plot time obstacles
% for i=1:length(agent.time_obs)
% plot(agent.time_obs{i}(:,1),agent.time_obs{i}(:,2),'r*--');
% end
axis image
% waypoints = [1 1;2 2;4 7];
% agent.timeLookup(0.001,waypoints)
% okay so now we need to take samples around a core path
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