from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division import ctypes import os import sys import warnings import numpy as np from six import integer_types from six.moves import reduce import theano from theano import Op, Apply, tensor, config, Variable from theano.scalar import (as_scalar, constant, Log, get_scalar_type, int32 as int_t, bool as bool_t, uint32 as uint32_t) from theano.tensor import as_tensor_variable, Argmax from theano.tensor.extra_ops import cpu_contiguous from theano.gradient import DisconnectedType, grad_not_implemented from theano.gof import Optimizer, local_optimizer, COp, ParamsType, EnumList from theano.gof.cmodule import GCC_compiler from theano.gof.type import CDataType, Generic from theano.gof.opt import inherit_stack_trace from theano.tensor.opt import Assert from theano.compile import optdb from theano.compile.ops import shape_i, shape_i_op from theano.tensor.nnet import LogSoftmax, SoftmaxGrad from theano.tensor.nnet.abstract_conv import (AbstractConv2d, AbstractConv2d_gradWeights, AbstractConv2d_gradInputs, AbstractConv3d, AbstractConv3d_gradWeights, AbstractConv3d_gradInputs, get_conv_output_shape, assert_conv_shape) from theano.tensor.signal.pool import ( Pool, MaxPoolGrad, AveragePoolGrad) from . import pygpu, cudnn_defs from .type import (get_context, gpu_context_type, list_contexts, GpuArraySharedVariable) from .basic_ops import (as_gpuarray_variable, infer_context_name, gpuarray_helper_inc_dir, gpu_contiguous, GpuAllocEmpty, empty_like, GpuArrayType, HostFromGpu) from .elemwise import GpuElemwise, GpuCAReduceCuda from .reduction import GpuMaxAndArgmax # These don't exist in gpuarray # GpuDownsampleFactorMax, GpuDownsampleFactorMaxGrad from .nnet import GpuSoftmax from .opt import (gpu_seqopt, register_opt, pool_db, pool_db2, op_lifter, register_opt2, register_inplace) from .opt_util import alpha_merge, output_merge, inplace_allocempty, pad_dims, unpad_dims from theano.configdefaults import SUPPORTED_DNN_CONV_ALGO_RUNTIME import theano.pathparse DNN_CONV_ALGO_CHOOSE_ONCE = ['guess_once', 'time_once'] DNN_CONV_ALGO_CHOOSE_TIME = ['time_once', 'time_on_shape_change'] try: from pygpu import gpuarray except ImportError: pass # Update these names when new versions of cudnn are supported. WIN32_CUDNN_NAMES = ['cudnn64_7.dll', 'cudnn64_6.dll', 'cudnn64_5.dll'] if sys.platform == 'win32': theano.pathparse.PathParser(theano.config.dnn.bin_path) def _load_lib(name): try: return ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(name) except OSError: return None def _dnn_lib(): if _dnn_lib.handle is None: import ctypes.util if config.dnn.bin_path != "": if sys.platform == 'darwin': dnn_handle = _load_lib(os.path.join(config.dnn.bin_path, 'libcudnn.dylib')) elif sys.platform == 'win32': for name in WIN32_CUDNN_NAMES: dnn_handle = _load_lib(os.path.join(config.dnn.bin_path, name)) if dnn_handle is not None: break else: dnn_handle = _load_lib(os.path.join(config.dnn.bin_path, '')) else: lib_name = ctypes.util.find_library('cudnn') if lib_name is None and sys.platform == 'win32': for name in WIN32_CUDNN_NAMES: lib_name = ctypes.util.find_library(name) if lib_name: break if lib_name is None: raise RuntimeError( 'Could not find cudnn library (looked for v5* to v7*).' ' Check your cudnn installation. Maybe using the Theano' ' flag dnn.base_path can help you. Current value "%s"' % config.dnn.base_path) else: dnn_handle = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(lib_name) if dnn_handle is None: raise RuntimeError('Could not load cudnn library. Check your cudnn' ' installation. Maybe using the Theano' ' flag dnn.base_path can help you. Current value "%s"' % config.dnn.base_path) _dnn_lib.handle = dnn_handle cudnn = _dnn_lib.handle cudnn.cudnnCreate.argtypes = [ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_void_p)] cudnn.cudnnCreate.restype = ctypes.c_int cudnn.cudnnDestroy.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p] cudnn.cudnnDestroy.restype = ctypes.c_int return _dnn_lib.handle _dnn_lib.handle = None def _make_handle(ctx): cudnn = _dnn_lib() handle = ctypes.c_void_p() with ctx: err = cudnn.cudnnCreate(ctypes.byref(handle)) if err != 0: raise RuntimeError("Error creating cudnn handle. " "This can be a sign of a too old driver.", err) return handle def _dnn_check_compile(): preambule = """ #include <stdio.h> #include <cudnn.h> #include <cudnn_helper.h> """ # No need for the context in here since we won't execute that code body = """ cudnnHandle_t _handle = NULL; cudnnStatus_t err; if ((err = cudnnCreate(&_handle)) != CUDNN_STATUS_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "could not create cuDNN handle: %s", cudnnGetErrorString(err)); return 1; } """ path_wrapper = "\"" if == 'nt' else "" params = ["-l", "cudnn"] params.extend(['-I%s%s%s' % (path_wrapper, gpuarray_helper_inc_dir(), path_wrapper)]) if config.dnn.include_path: params.extend(['-I%s%s%s' % (path_wrapper, config.dnn.include_path, path_wrapper)]) if config.cuda.include_path: params.extend(['-I%s%s%s' % (path_wrapper, config.cuda.include_path, path_wrapper)]) if config.dnn.library_path: params.extend(['-L%s%s%s' % (path_wrapper, config.dnn.library_path, path_wrapper)]) # Do not run here the test program. It would run on the # default gpu, not the one selected by the user. If mixed # GPU are installed or if the GPUs are configured in # exclusive mode, this cause bad detection. # NB: GCC_compiler.try_flags() may return just a boolean instead of a tuple (avail, out, here). compiler_res = GCC_compiler.try_flags( params, preambule=preambule, body=body, try_run=False, output=True) avail, out, err = compiler_res if isinstance(compiler_res, tuple) else (compiler_res, None, None) if not avail: return False, ("cannot compile with cuDNN. " "We got this error:\n" + str(err)) return True, None def _dnn_check_version(): v = version() if v < 5000: return False, "cuDNN version is too old. Update to v5* or higher, was %d." % v if v >= 7200: warnings.warn("Your cuDNN version is more recent than " "Theano. If you encounter problems, try " "updating Theano or downgrading cuDNN to " "a version >= v5 and <= v7.") return True, None def dnn_present(): if dnn_present.avail is not None: return dnn_present.avail if config.dnn.enabled == "False": dnn_present.msg = "Disabled by dnn.enabled flag" dnn_present.avail = False return False if pygpu is None: dnn_present.msg = "PyGPU not available" dnn_present.avail = False return False if config.dnn.enabled == "no_check": dnn_present.avail, dnn_present.msg = True, "presence check disabled by dnn.enabled flag" else: dnn_present.avail, dnn_present.msg = _dnn_check_compile() if dnn_present.avail: dnn_present.avail, dnn_present.msg = _dnn_check_version() if not dnn_present.avail: return False return dnn_present.avail dnn_present.avail = None dnn_present.msg = None def dnn_available(context_name): if not dnn_present(): dnn_available.msg = dnn_present.msg return False ctx = get_context(context_name) if not ctx.kind == b'cuda': dnn_available.msg = "Not on a CUDA device." return False # This is a hack because bin_id is in the from of # "<something>_<major><minor>" for cuda devices. if int(ctx.bin_id[-2:]) < 30: dnn_available.msg = "Device not supported" return False # On V100, cuDNN lower then 7002 don't raise error but # takes hours to load or execute! So raise a good user error. if version() < 7002: if int(ctx.bin_id[-2:]) >= 70: dnn_available.msg = "Use cuDNN 7.0.2 or higher for Volta." return False return True dnn_available.msg = None def CUDNNDataType(name, freefunc=None): cargs = [] if config.dnn.bin_path and sys.platform != 'win32': cargs.append('-Wl,-rpath,' + config.dnn.bin_path) return CDataType(name, freefunc, headers=['cudnn.h'], header_dirs=[config.dnn.include_path, config.cuda.include_path], libraries=['cudnn'], lib_dirs=[config.dnn.library_path], compile_args=cargs, version=version(raises=False)) class DnnVersion(Op): __props__ = () def c_headers(self): return ['cudnn.h'] def c_header_dirs(self): return [config.dnn.include_path, config.cuda.include_path] def c_libraries(self): return ['cudnn'] def c_lib_dirs(self): return [config.dnn.library_path] def c_compile_args(self): if config.dnn.bin_path and sys.platform != 'win32': return ['-Wl,-rpath,' + config.dnn.bin_path] return [] def c_support_code(self): return """ #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3 #define PyInt_FromLong PyLong_FromLong #endif """ def make_node(self): return Apply(self, [], [Generic()()]) def c_code(self, node, name, inputs, outputs, sub): o = outputs[0] return """ %(o)s = PyTuple_Pack(2, PyInt_FromLong(CUDNN_VERSION), PyInt_FromLong(cudnnGetVersion())); """ % locals() def do_constant_folding(self, node): # Needed as we do not want to cache this information. return False def c_code_cache_version(self): # Not needed, but make it clear that we do not want to cache this. return None def version(raises=True): """Return the current cuDNN version we link with. This also does a check that the header version matches the runtime version. :raises: If True, raise an exception if cuDNN is not present. Otherwise, return -1. It always raise an RuntimeError if the header and library version are not the same. """ if not dnn_present(): if raises: raise RuntimeError( "We can't determine the cudnn version as it is not available", dnn_available.msg) else: return -1 if version.v is None: f = theano.function([], DnnVersion()(), theano.Mode(optimizer=None), profile=False) v = f() if v[0] != v[1]: raise RuntimeError("Mixed dnn version. The header is version %s " "while the library is version %s." % v) version.v = v[1] return version.v version.v = None handle_type = CUDNNDataType('cudnnHandle_t', 'cudnnDestroy') # Get cuDNN definitions to be used. cudnn = cudnn_defs.get_definitions(version(raises=False)) def get_precision(precision, inputs, for_grad=False): common_dtype = theano.scalar.upcast(*[i.dtype for i in inputs]) if not common_dtype.startswith('float'): raise TypeError("cuDNN convolution only works on real numbers") if precision is None: precision = theano.config.dnn.conv.precision if precision == 'as_input' or precision == 'as_input_f32': if common_dtype == 'float16' and precision == 'as_input_f32': precision = 'float32' else: precision = common_dtype if for_grad and precision == 'float16': raise TypeError("Float16 precision is disabled for cuDNN backward convolutions due to computation errors.") return precision, common_dtype class DnnBase(COp): """ Creates a handle for cudnn and pulls in the cudnn libraries and headers. """ # dnn does not know about broadcasting, so we do not need to assert # the input broadcasting pattern. check_broadcast = False params_type = handle_type def dnn_context(self, node): return node.outputs[0].type.context_name def get_params(self, node): ctx_name = self.dnn_context(node) ctx = get_context(ctx_name) if not hasattr(ctx, 'cudnn_handle_param'): ptr = ctx.cudnn_handle.value res = handle_type.make_value(ptr) ctx.cudnn_handle_param = res if isinstance(self.params_type, ParamsType): if not self.params_type.has_type(handle_type): raise TypeError('DnnBase: params_type must take into account the cuDNN handle type.') handle_field = self.params_type.get_field(handle_type) return self.params_type.get_params(self, **{handle_field: ctx.cudnn_handle_param}) return ctx.cudnn_handle_param def __init__(self, files=None, c_func=None): if files is None: files = [] COp.__init__(self, ["c_code/dnn_base.c"] + files, c_func) def c_headers(self): return ['gpuarray/types.h', 'gpuarray/array.h', 'gpuarray/kernel.h', 'gpuarray/util.h', 'gpuarray/ext_cuda.h', 'gpuarray_api.h', 'numpy_compat.h', 'cudnn.h', 'cudnn_helper.h', 'gpuarray_helper.h'] def c_header_dirs(self): return [gpuarray_helper_inc_dir(), pygpu.get_include(), config.dnn.include_path, config.cuda.include_path] def c_libraries(self): return ['cudnn', 'gpuarray'] def c_lib_dirs(self): return [config.dnn.library_path] def c_compile_args(self): if config.dnn.bin_path and sys.platform != 'win32': return ['-Wl,-rpath,' + config.dnn.bin_path] return [] def c_code_cache_version(self): return (super(DnnBase, self).c_code_cache_version(), version(), 4) class GpuDnnConvDesc(COp): """ This Op builds a convolution descriptor for use in the other convolution operations. See the doc of :func:`dnn_conv` for a description of the parameters """ __props__ = ('border_mode', 'subsample', 'dilation', 'conv_mode', 'precision', 'num_groups') params_type = ParamsType(pad0=int_t, pad1=int_t, pad2=int_t, sub0=int_t, sub1=int_t, sub2=int_t, dil0=int_t, dil1=int_t, dil2=int_t, nb_dims=int_t, bmode=EnumList(('BORDER_MODE_FULL', 'full'), ('BORDER_MODE_VALID', 'valid'), ('BORDER_MODE_HALF', 'half')), conv_mode=cudnn.cudnnConvolutionMode_t, precision=cudnn.cudnnDataType_t, num_groups=int_t) def c_headers(self): return ['cudnn.h', 'cudnn_helper.h'] def c_header_dirs(self): return [gpuarray_helper_inc_dir(), config.dnn.include_path, config.cuda.include_path] def c_libraries(self): return ['cudnn'] def c_lib_dirs(self): return [config.dnn.library_path] def c_compile_args(self): if config.dnn.bin_path and sys.platform != 'win32': return ['-Wl,-rpath,' + config.dnn.bin_path] return [] def do_constant_folding(self, node): return False def __init__(self, border_mode, subsample=(1, 1), dilation=(1, 1), conv_mode='conv', precision="float32", num_groups=1): COp.__init__(self, ["c_code/conv_desc.c"], "APPLY_SPECIFIC(conv_desc)") if version() < 6000 and any([d != 1 for d in dilation]): raise RuntimeError("Dilation > 1 not supported for cuDNN version < 6.") if isinstance(border_mode, integer_types): border_mode = (border_mode,) * len(subsample) if isinstance(border_mode, tuple): assert len(border_mode) == len(subsample) border_mode = tuple(map(int, border_mode)) if not ((isinstance(border_mode, tuple) and min(border_mode) >= 0) or border_mode in ('valid', 'full', 'half')): raise ValueError( 'invalid border_mode {}, which must be either ' '"valid", "full", "half", an integer or a pair of' ' integers'.format(border_mode)) self.border_mode = border_mode assert len(subsample) in (2, 3) self.subsample = subsample assert cudnn.cudnnConvolutionMode_t.has_alias(conv_mode) self.conv_mode = conv_mode self.num_groups = num_groups assert len(dilation) == len(subsample) self.dilation = dilation assert cudnn.cudnnDataType_t.has_alias(precision) self.precision = precision def make_node(self, kern_shape): kern_shape = as_tensor_variable(kern_shape) if kern_shape.type.ndim != 1 or kern_shape.dtype not in theano.tensor.basic.int_dtypes: raise TypeError('kern must be an int64 1D shape tensor') kern_shape = theano.tensor.basic.cast(kern_shape, 'int64') node = Apply(self, [kern_shape], [CUDNNDataType("cudnnConvolutionDescriptor_t", freefunc="cudnnDestroyConvolutionDescriptor")()]) # DebugMode cannot compare the values of CDataType variables, so by # default it returns False all the time. To prevent DebugMode from # complaining because of the MergeOptimizer, we make this variable # always compare to True. out = node.outputs[0] out.tag.values_eq_approx = tensor.type.values_eq_approx_always_true return node bmode = property(lambda self: 'valid' if isinstance(self.border_mode, tuple) else self.border_mode) pad0 = property(lambda self: self.border_mode[0] if isinstance(self.border_mode, tuple) else 0) pad1 = property(lambda self: self.border_mode[1] if isinstance(self.border_mode, tuple) else 0) pad2 = property(lambda self: self.border_mode[2] if (isinstance(self.border_mode, tuple) and len(self.border_mode) > 2) else 0) sub0 = property(lambda self: self.subsample[0]) sub1 = property(lambda self: self.subsample[1]) sub2 = property(lambda self: self.subsample[2] if len(self.subsample) > 2 else 0) dil0 = property(lambda self: self.dilation[0]) dil1 = property(lambda self: self.dilation[1]) dil2 = property(lambda self: self.dilation[2] if len(self.dilation) > 2 else 0) nb_dims = property(lambda self: len(self.subsample)) def c_code_cache_version(self): return (super(GpuDnnConvDesc, self).c_code_cache_version(), version()) def __setstate__(self, d): self.__dict__.update(d) if not hasattr(self, "dilation"): self.dilation = (1,) * len(self.subsample) if not hasattr(self, "num_groups"): self.num_groups = 1 # scalar constants _zero = constant(np.asarray(0.0, dtype='float64')) _one = constant(np.asarray(1.0, dtype='float64')) def ensure_dt(val, default, name, dtype): if dtype == 'float16': dtype = 'float32' if val is None: val = default.clone() if not isinstance(val, Variable): val = constant(val) if hasattr(val, 'ndim') and val.ndim == 0: val = as_scalar(val) if not isinstance(val.type, theano.scalar.Scalar): raise TypeError("%s: expected a scalar value" % (name,)) if not val.type.dtype == dtype: val = val.astype(dtype) return val class GpuDnnConv(DnnBase): """ The forward convolution. Parameters ---------- image kernel descr : The convolution descriptor. algo : {'small', 'none', 'large', 'fft', 'fft_tiling', 'winograd', 'guess_once', 'guess_on_shape_change', 'time_once', 'time_on_shape_change'} Default is the value of :attr:`config.dnn.conv.algo_fwd`. num_groups : Divides the image, kernel and output tensors into num_groups separate groups. Each which carry out convolutions separately """ _f16_ok = True __props__ = ('algo', 'inplace', 'num_groups') check_input = False params_type = ParamsType(conv_algo=cudnn.cudnnConvolutionFwdAlgo_t, choose_algo=bool_t, choose_once=bool_t, choose_time=bool_t, inplace=bool_t, handle=handle_type, num_groups=int_t) def __init__(self, algo=None, inplace=False, num_groups=1): DnnBase.__init__(self, ["c_code/dnn_conv_base.c", "c_code/dnn_fwd.c"], "APPLY_SPECIFIC(conv_fwd)") if algo is None: algo = config.dnn.conv.algo_fwd self.algo = algo self.inplace = bool(inplace) if self.inplace: self.destroy_map = {0: [2]} assert cudnn.cudnnConvolutionFwdAlgo_t.has_alias(self.algo) or self.algo in SUPPORTED_DNN_CONV_ALGO_RUNTIME self.conv_algo = cudnn.cudnnConvolutionFwdAlgo_t.CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_FWD_ALGO_IMPLICIT_PRECOMP_GEMM if self.algo not in SUPPORTED_DNN_CONV_ALGO_RUNTIME: self.conv_algo = self.algo self.choose_algo = self.algo in SUPPORTED_DNN_CONV_ALGO_RUNTIME self.choose_once = self.algo in DNN_CONV_ALGO_CHOOSE_ONCE self.choose_time = self.algo in DNN_CONV_ALGO_CHOOSE_TIME self.num_groups = num_groups def __setstate__(self, d): self.__dict__.update(d) if not hasattr(self, 'algo'): if hasattr(self, 'workmem'): self.algo = self.workmem else: self.algo = config.dnn.conv.algo_fwd if not hasattr(self, 'inplace'): self.inplace = False if not hasattr(self, 'num_groups'): self.num_groups = 1 def make_node(self, img, kern, output, desc, alpha=None, beta=None): ctx_name = infer_context_name(img, kern, output) img = as_gpuarray_variable(img, ctx_name) kern = as_gpuarray_variable(kern, ctx_name) output = as_gpuarray_variable(output, ctx_name) if img.type.ndim not in (4, 5): raise TypeError('img must be 4D or 5D tensor') if kern.type.ndim not in (4, 5): raise TypeError('kern must be 4D or 5D tensor') if output.type.ndim not in (4, 5): raise TypeError('output must be a 4D or 5D tensor') if (img.type.ndim != kern.type.ndim or img.type.ndim != output.type.ndim): raise TypeError("The number of dimensions of " "img, kern and output must match") if img.type.ndim == 5 and self.algo not in (cudnn.conv3d_fwd_algorithms + SUPPORTED_DNN_CONV_ALGO_RUNTIME): raise ValueError("convolution algo %s can't be used for " "3d convolutions", (self.algo,)) if (not isinstance(desc.type, CDataType) or desc.type.ctype != 'cudnnConvolutionDescriptor_t'): raise TypeError('desc must be cudnnConvolutionDescriptor_t') alpha = ensure_dt(alpha, _one, 'alpha', img.dtype) beta = ensure_dt(beta, _zero, 'beta', img.dtype) return Apply(self, [img, kern, output, desc, alpha, beta], [output.type()]) def grad(self, inp, grads): img, kerns, output, desc, alpha, beta = inp top, = grads top = gpu_contiguous(top) d_img = GpuDnnConvGradI(num_groups=self.num_groups)(kerns, top, empty_like(img), desc) d_kerns = GpuDnnConvGradW(num_groups=self.num_groups)(img, top, empty_like(kerns), desc) d_alpha = grad_not_implemented(self, 4, alpha) d_beta = grad_not_implemented(self, 5, beta) return [d_img * alpha, d_kerns * alpha, top * beta, DisconnectedType()(), d_alpha, d_beta] def connection_pattern(self, node): # not connected to desc return [[1], [1], [1], [0], [1], [1]] @staticmethod def get_out_shape(ishape, kshape, border_mode, subsample, dilation): """ This function computes the output shape for a convolution with the specified parameters. `ishape` and `kshape` can be symbolic or scalar. """ # if ishape and/or kshape are not tuples or list, but rather symbolic # vectors, turn them into lists of symbolic scalars. if not isinstance(ishape, (list, tuple)): ishape = [ishape[i] for i in range(len(subsample) + 2)] if not isinstance(kshape, (list, tuple)): kshape = [kshape[i] for i in range(len(subsample) + 2)] return get_conv_output_shape( ishape, kshape, border_mode, subsample, dilation) def infer_shape(self, node, shape): return [shape[2]] class GpuDnnConvGradW(DnnBase): """ The convolution gradient with respect to the weights. Parameters ---------- image kernel descr : The convolution descriptor. algo : {'none', 'deterministic', 'fft', 'small', 'guess_once', 'guess_on_shape_change', 'time_once', 'time_on_shape_change'} Default is the value of :attr:`config.dnn.conv.algo_bwd_filter`. num_groups : Divides the image, kernel and output tensors into num_groups separate groups. Each which carry out convolutions separately """ _f16_ok = True __props__ = ('algo', 'inplace', 'num_groups') check_input = False params_type = ParamsType(conv_algo=cudnn.cudnnConvolutionBwdFilterAlgo_t, choose_algo=bool_t, choose_once=bool_t, choose_time=bool_t, inplace=bool_t, handle=handle_type, num_groups=int_t) def __init__(self, inplace=False, algo=None, num_groups=1): DnnBase.__init__(self, ["c_code/dnn_conv_base.c", "c_code/dnn_gw.c"], "APPLY_SPECIFIC(conv_gw)") self.inplace = bool(inplace) if self.inplace: self.destroy_map = {0: [2]} if algo is None: algo = config.dnn.conv.algo_bwd_filter self.algo = algo assert cudnn.cudnnConvolutionBwdFilterAlgo_t.has_alias(self.algo) or self.algo in SUPPORTED_DNN_CONV_ALGO_RUNTIME self.conv_algo = cudnn.cudnnConvolutionBwdFilterAlgo_t.CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_BWD_FILTER_ALGO_0 if self.algo not in SUPPORTED_DNN_CONV_ALGO_RUNTIME: self.conv_algo = self.algo self.choose_algo = self.algo in SUPPORTED_DNN_CONV_ALGO_RUNTIME self.choose_once = self.algo in DNN_CONV_ALGO_CHOOSE_ONCE self.choose_time = self.algo in DNN_CONV_ALGO_CHOOSE_TIME self.num_groups = num_groups def __setstate__(self, d): self.__dict__.update(d) if not hasattr(self, 'inplace'): self.inplace = False if not hasattr(self, 'algo'): self.algo = config.dnn.conv.algo_bwd_filter if not hasattr(self, 'num_groups'): self.num_groups = 1 def grad(self, inp, grads): img, top, output, desc, alpha, beta = inp kerns, = grads kerns = gpu_contiguous(kerns) d_img = GpuDnnConvGradI(num_groups=self.num_groups)(kerns, top, empty_like(img), desc) d_top = GpuDnnConv(num_groups=self.num_groups)(img, kerns, empty_like(top), desc) d_alpha = grad_not_implemented(self, 4, alpha) d_beta = grad_not_implemented(self, 5, beta) return (d_img * alpha, d_top * alpha, kerns * beta, DisconnectedType()(), d_alpha, d_beta) def connection_pattern(self, node): # not connected to desc return [[1], [1], [1], [0], [1], [1]] def op_may_fail_with_subsample(self, img, desc): return (version() < 6000 and img.type.dtype == 'float32' and img.type.ndim == 5 and self.algo != 'none' and desc.owner.op.subsample != (1, 1, 1)) def op_may_fail_with_beta(self, img, beta): return (version() < 6000 and img.type.dtype == 'float32' and self.algo not in ('none', 'deterministic', 'fft', 'small') and beta is not None and theano.tensor.extract_constant(beta) != 1) def make_node(self, img, topgrad, output, desc, alpha=None, beta=None): if self.op_may_fail_with_subsample(img, desc): warnings.warn('cuDNN backward filter operation for 3D convolutions may produce bad results ' 'with certain cuDNN algorithms depending on the compute capability of your GPU ' 'if subsample is not (1, 1, 1). If you encounter problems, consider ' 'setting the theano flag "dnn.conv.algo_bwd_filter" to "none".') if self.op_may_fail_with_beta(img, beta): warnings.warn('cuDNN backward filter operation for convolutions may produce bad results ' 'with certain cuDNN algorithms depending on the compute capability of your GPU ' 'if beta != 1. If you encounter problems, consider ' 'setting the theano flag "dnn.conv.algo_bwd_filter" to ' '"none", "deterministic", "fft", or "small".') ctx_name = infer_context_name(img, topgrad, output) img = as_gpuarray_variable(img, ctx_name) topgrad = as_gpuarray_variable(topgrad, ctx_name) output = as_gpuarray_variable(output, ctx_name) if img.type.ndim not in (4, 5): raise TypeError('img must be 4D or 5D tensor') if topgrad.type.ndim not in (4, 5): raise TypeError('topgrad must be 4D or 5D tensor') if output.type.ndim not in (4, 5): raise TypeError('output must be 4D or 5D tensor') if (img.type.ndim != topgrad.type.ndim or img.type.ndim != output.type.ndim): raise TypeError("The number of dimensions of " "img, topgrad and output must match") if img.type.ndim == 5 and self.algo not in (cudnn.conv3d_bwd_filter_algorithms + SUPPORTED_DNN_CONV_ALGO_RUNTIME): raise ValueError("convolution algo %s can't be used for " "3d convolutions", (self.algo,)) if (not isinstance(desc.type, CDataType) or desc.type.ctype != 'cudnnConvolutionDescriptor_t'): raise TypeError('desc must be cudnnConvolutionDescriptor_t') alpha = ensure_dt(alpha, _one, 'alpha', img.dtype) beta = ensure_dt(beta, _zero, 'beta', img.dtype) return Apply(self, [img, topgrad, output, desc, alpha, beta], [output.type()]) def infer_shape(self, node, shape): return [shape[2]] class GpuDnnConvGradI(DnnBase): """ The convolution gradient with respect to the inputs. Parameters ---------- image kernel descr The convolution descriptor. algo : {'none', 'deterministic', 'fft', 'fft_tiling', 'winograd', 'guess_once', 'guess_on_shape_change', 'time_once', 'time_on_shape_change'} Default is the value of :attr:`config.dnn.conv.algo_bwd_data`. num_groups : Divides the image, kernel and output tensors into num_groups separate groups. Each which carry out convolutions separately """ _f16_ok = True __props__ = ('algo', 'inplace', 'num_groups') check_input = False params_type = ParamsType(conv_algo=cudnn.cudnnConvolutionBwdDataAlgo_t, choose_algo=bool_t, choose_once=bool_t, choose_time=bool_t, inplace=bool_t, handle=handle_type, num_groups=int_t) def __init__(self, inplace=False, algo=None, num_groups=1): DnnBase.__init__(self, ["c_code/dnn_conv_base.c", "c_code/dnn_gi.c"], "APPLY_SPECIFIC(conv_gi)") self.inplace = bool(inplace) if self.inplace: self.destroy_map = {0: [2]} if algo is None: algo = config.dnn.conv.algo_bwd_data self.algo = algo assert cudnn.cudnnConvolutionBwdDataAlgo_t.has_alias(self.algo) or self.algo in SUPPORTED_DNN_CONV_ALGO_RUNTIME self.conv_algo = cudnn.cudnnConvolutionBwdDataAlgo_t.CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_BWD_DATA_ALGO_0 if self.algo not in SUPPORTED_DNN_CONV_ALGO_RUNTIME: self.conv_algo = self.algo self.choose_algo = self.algo in SUPPORTED_DNN_CONV_ALGO_RUNTIME self.choose_once = self.algo in DNN_CONV_ALGO_CHOOSE_ONCE self.choose_time = self.algo in DNN_CONV_ALGO_CHOOSE_TIME self.num_groups = num_groups def __setstate__(self, d): self.__dict__.update(d) if not hasattr(self, 'algo'): self.algo = config.dnn.conv.algo_bwd_data if not hasattr(self, 'inplace'): self.inplace = False if not hasattr(self, 'num_groups'): self.num_groups = 1 def grad(self, inp, grads): kerns, top, output, desc, alpha, beta = inp img, = grads img = gpu_contiguous(img) d_kerns = GpuDnnConvGradW(num_groups=self.num_groups)(img, top, empty_like(kerns), desc) d_top = GpuDnnConv(num_groups=self.num_groups)(img, kerns, empty_like(top), desc) d_alpha = grad_not_implemented(self, 4, alpha) d_beta = grad_not_implemented(self, 5, beta) return (d_kerns * alpha, d_top * alpha, img * beta, DisconnectedType()(), d_alpha, d_beta) def connection_pattern(self, node): # not connected to desc return [[1], [1], [1], [0], [1], [1]] def make_node(self, kern, topgrad, output, desc, alpha=None, beta=None): ctx_name = infer_context_name(kern, topgrad, output) kern = as_gpuarray_variable(kern, ctx_name) topgrad = as_gpuarray_variable(topgrad, ctx_name) output = as_gpuarray_variable(output, ctx_name) if kern.type.ndim not in (4, 5): raise TypeError('kern must be 4D or 5D tensor') if topgrad.type.ndim not in (4, 5): raise TypeError('topgrad must be 4D or 5D tensor') if output.type.ndim not in (4, 5): raise TypeError('output must be 4D or 5D tensor') if (kern.type.ndim != topgrad.type.ndim or kern.type.ndim != output.type.ndim): raise TypeError("The number of dimensions of " "kern, topgrad and output must match") if kern.type.ndim == 5 and self.algo not in (cudnn.conv3d_bwd_data_algorithms + SUPPORTED_DNN_CONV_ALGO_RUNTIME): raise ValueError("convolution algo %s can't be used for " "3d convolutions", (self.algo,)) if (not isinstance(desc.type, CDataType) or desc.type.ctype != 'cudnnConvolutionDescriptor_t'): raise TypeError('desc must be cudnnConvolutionDescriptor_t') alpha = ensure_dt(alpha, _one, 'alpha', kern.dtype) beta = ensure_dt(beta, _zero, 'beta', kern.dtype) return Apply(self, [kern, topgrad, output, desc, alpha, beta], [output.type()]) def infer_shape(self, node, shape): return [shape[2]] # These internal implementations for dnn_conv, dnn_gradweight and dnn_gradinput # support alpha, beta and out as parameters. Public interfaces follow without # underscore prefix. def _dnn_conv(img, kerns, alpha=1, beta=0, out=None, border_mode='valid', subsample=(1, 1), dilation=(1, 1), conv_mode='conv', algo=None, precision=None, num_groups=1): ctx_name = infer_context_name(img, kerns) img = as_gpuarray_variable(img, ctx_name) kerns = as_gpuarray_variable(kerns, ctx_name) precision, dt = get_precision(precision, [img, kerns]) img = gpu_contiguous(img.astype(dt)) kerns = gpu_contiguous(kerns.astype(dt)) desc = GpuDnnConvDesc(border_mode=border_mode, subsample=subsample, dilation=dilation, conv_mode=conv_mode, precision=precision, num_groups=num_groups)(kerns.shape) desc_op = desc.owner.op # We can use Shape_i and bypass the infer_shape here as this is on # the input of node and it will always be present. ishape = [shape_i_op(i)(img) for i in range(img.ndim)] kshape = [shape_i_op(i)(kerns) for i in range(kerns.ndim)] out_shp = get_conv_output_shape(ishape, kshape, desc_op.border_mode, desc_op.subsample, filter_dilation=dilation) out_shp = assert_conv_shape(out_shp) if beta == 0: real_out = GpuAllocEmpty(dtype=img.dtype, context_name=ctx_name)(*out_shp) else: assert out is not None out = gpu_contiguous(as_gpuarray_variable(out, ctx_name)) check = Assert('GpuDnnConv: given output (for beta not null) does not have expected shape') real_out = check(out, theano.tensor.all(theano.tensor.eq(out.shape, out_shp))) return GpuDnnConv(algo=algo, num_groups=num_groups)(img, kerns, real_out, desc, alpha, beta) def _dnn_gradweight(img, topgrad, kerns_shp, alpha=1, beta=0, out=None, border_mode='valid', subsample=(1, 1), dilation=(1, 1), conv_mode='conv', algo=None, precision=None, num_groups=1): ctx_name = infer_context_name(img, topgrad) img = as_gpuarray_variable(img, ctx_name) topgrad = as_gpuarray_variable(topgrad, ctx_name) kerns_shp = theano.tensor.as_tensor_variable(kerns_shp) precision, dt = get_precision(precision, [img, topgrad], for_grad=True) img = gpu_contiguous(img.astype(dt)) topgrad = gpu_contiguous(topgrad.astype(dt)) desc = GpuDnnConvDesc(border_mode=border_mode, subsample=subsample, dilation=dilation, conv_mode=conv_mode, precision=precision, num_groups=num_groups)(kerns_shp) if beta == 0: real_out = GpuAllocEmpty(dtype=img.dtype, context_name=ctx_name)(*kerns_shp) else: assert out is not None out = gpu_contiguous(as_gpuarray_variable(out, ctx_name)) check = Assert('GpuDnnConvGradW: given output (for beta not null) does not have expected shape') real_out = check(out, theano.tensor.all(theano.tensor.eq(out.shape, kerns_shp))) return GpuDnnConvGradW(algo=algo, num_groups=num_groups)(img, topgrad, real_out, desc, alpha, beta) def _dnn_gradinput(kerns, topgrad, img_shp, alpha=1, beta=0, out=None, border_mode='valid', subsample=(1, 1), dilation=(1, 1), conv_mode='conv', algo=None, precision=None, num_groups=1): ctx_name = infer_context_name(kerns, topgrad) kerns = as_gpuarray_variable(kerns, ctx_name) topgrad = as_gpuarray_variable(topgrad, ctx_name) img_shp = theano.tensor.as_tensor_variable(img_shp) precision, dt = get_precision(precision, [kerns, topgrad], for_grad=True) kerns = gpu_contiguous(kerns.astype(dt)) topgrad = gpu_contiguous(topgrad.astype(dt)) desc = GpuDnnConvDesc(border_mode=border_mode, subsample=subsample, dilation=dilation, conv_mode=conv_mode, precision=precision, num_groups=num_groups)(kerns.shape) if beta == 0: real_out = GpuAllocEmpty(dtype=kerns.dtype, context_name=ctx_name)(*img_shp) else: assert out is not None out = gpu_contiguous(as_gpuarray_variable(out, ctx_name)) check = Assert('GpuDnnConvGradI: given output (for beta not null) does not have expected shape') real_out = check(out, theano.tensor.all(theano.tensor.eq(out.shape, img_shp))) return GpuDnnConvGradI(algo=algo, num_groups=num_groups)(kerns, topgrad, real_out, desc, alpha, beta) def dnn_conv(img, kerns, border_mode='valid', subsample=(1, 1), dilation=(1, 1), conv_mode='conv', direction_hint=None, workmem=None, algo=None, precision=None, num_groups=1): """ GPU convolution using cuDNN from NVIDIA. The memory layout to use is 'bc01', that is 'batch', 'channel', 'first dim', 'second dim' in that order. Parameters ---------- img Images to do the convolution over. kerns Convolution filters. border_mode One of 'valid', 'full', 'half'; additionally, the padding size could be directly specified by an integer or a pair of integers. subsample Perform subsampling of the output (default: (1, 1)). dilation Filter dilation factor. A dilation factor of d is equivalent to a convolution with d - 1 zeros inserted between neighboring filter values. conv_mode Perform convolution (kernels flipped) or cross-correlation. One of 'conv', 'cross' (default: 'conv'). direction_hint Used by graph optimizers to change algorithm choice. By default, GpuDnnConv will be used to carry out the convolution. If border_mode is 'valid', subsample is (1, 1), dilation is (1, 1), and direction_hint is 'bprop weights', it will use GpuDnnConvGradW. If border_mode is 'full', subsample is (1, 1), dilation is (1, 1), and direction_hint is *not* 'forward!', it will use GpuDnnConvGradI. This parameter is used internally by graph optimizers and may be removed at any time without a deprecation period. You have been warned. algo : {'none', 'small', 'large', 'fft', 'guess_once', 'guess_on_shape_change', 'time_once', 'time_on_shape_change'} Convolution implementation to use. Some of its values may require certain versions of cuDNN to be installed. Default is the value of :attr:`config.dnn.conv.algo_fwd`. precision : {'as_input_f32', 'as_input', 'float16', 'float32', 'float64'} Description of the dtype in which the computation of the convolution should be done. Possible values are 'as_input', 'float16', 'float32' and 'float64'. Default is the value of :attr:`config.dnn.conv.precision`. num_groups : Divides the image, kernel and output tensors into num_groups separate groups. Each which carry out convolutions separately .. warning:: The cuDNN library only works with GPUs that have a compute capability of 3.0 or higher. This means that older GPUs will not work with this Op. """ if workmem is not None: if algo is not None: raise ValueError("You can't use both algo and workmem") warnings.warn("workmem is deprecated, use algo instead", stacklevel=2) algo = workmem fgraph = getattr(img, 'fgraph', None) or getattr(kerns, 'fgraph', None) ctx_name = infer_context_name(img, kerns) if (border_mode == 'valid' and subsample == (1, 1) and dilation == (1, 1) and direction_hint == 'bprop weights' and num_groups == 1): # Special case: We are asked to use GpuDnnConvGradW. We need to set # up a suitable 'fake' convolution to compute the gradient for. img = gpu_contiguous(img.dimshuffle(1, 0, 2, 3)) if conv_mode == 'conv': # We need to flip manually. These 'kerns' are not the kernels # that would be flipped by conv_mode='conv' in GpuDnnConvGradW. kerns = kerns[:, :, ::-1, ::-1] kerns = gpu_contiguous(kerns.dimshuffle(1, 0, 2, 3)) out_shp = (shape_i(kerns, 1, fgraph), shape_i(img, 1, fgraph), shape_i(img, 2, fgraph) - shape_i(kerns, 2, fgraph) + 1, shape_i(img, 3, fgraph) - shape_i(kerns, 3, fgraph) + 1) out_shp = assert_conv_shape(out_shp) out = GpuAllocEmpty(dtype=img.dtype, context_name=ctx_name)(*out_shp) precision, _ = get_precision(precision, [img, kerns], for_grad=True) desc = GpuDnnConvDesc(border_mode='valid', subsample=(1, 1), dilation=(1, 1), num_groups=num_groups, conv_mode='cross', precision=precision)(out.shape) conv = GpuDnnConvGradW(num_groups=num_groups)(img, kerns, out, desc) return as_gpuarray_variable(conv.dimshuffle(1, 0, 2, 3), ctx_name) elif (border_mode == 'full' and subsample == (1, 1) and direction_hint != 'forward!' and num_groups == 1): # Special case: We can be faster by using GpuDnnConvGradI to compute # the full convolution as the backward pass of a valid convolution. # We just need to set up a suitable 'fake' valid convolution. img = gpu_contiguous(img) # cudnn v2 rc3 need contiguous data kerns = gpu_contiguous(kerns.dimshuffle(1, 0, 2, 3)) conv_mode = 'cross' if conv_mode == 'conv' else 'conv' out_shp = (shape_i(img, 0, fgraph), shape_i(kerns, 1, fgraph), shape_i(img, 2, fgraph) + (shape_i(kerns, 2, fgraph) - 1) * dilation[0], shape_i(img, 3, fgraph) + (shape_i(kerns, 3, fgraph) - 1) * dilation[1]) out_shp = assert_conv_shape(out_shp) out = GpuAllocEmpty(dtype=img.dtype, context_name=ctx_name)(*out_shp) precision, _ = get_precision(precision, [img, kerns], for_grad=True) desc = GpuDnnConvDesc(border_mode='valid', subsample=(1, 1), dilation=dilation, num_groups=num_groups, conv_mode=conv_mode, precision=precision)(kerns.shape) return GpuDnnConvGradI(num_groups=num_groups)(kerns, img, out, desc) # Standard case: We use GpuDnnConv with suitable padding. return _dnn_conv(img, kerns, algo=algo, border_mode=border_mode, subsample=subsample, dilation=dilation, conv_mode=conv_mode, precision=precision, num_groups=num_groups) def dnn_conv3d(img, kerns, border_mode='valid', subsample=(1, 1, 1), dilation=(1, 1, 1), conv_mode='conv', direction_hint=None, algo=None, precision=None, num_groups=1): """ GPU convolution using cuDNN from NVIDIA. The memory layout to use is 'bc012', that is 'batch', 'channel', 'first dim', 'second dim', 'third dim' in that order. Parameters ---------- img Images to do the convolution over. kerns Convolution filters. border_mode One of 'valid', 'full', 'half'; additionally, the padding size could be directly specified by an integer or a pair of integers. subsample Perform subsampling of the output (default: (1, 1, 1)). dilation Filter dilation factor. A dilation factor of d is equivalent to a convolution with d - 1 zeros inserted between neighboring filter values. conv_mode Perform convolution (kernels flipped) or cross-correlation. One of 'conv', 'cross' (default: 'conv'). direction_hint Used by graph optimizers to change algorithm choice. By default, GpuDnnConv will be used to carry out the convolution. If border_mode is 'valid', subsample is (1, 1, 1), dilation is (1, 1, 1), and direction_hint is 'bprop weights', it will use GpuDnnConvGradW. If border_mode is 'full', subsample is (1, 1, 1), dilation is (1, 1, 1), and direction_hint is *not* 'forward!', it will use GpuDnnConvGradI. This parameter is used internally by graph optimizers and may be removed at any time without a deprecation period. You have been warned. algo : convolution implementation to use. Only 'none' is implemented for the conv3d. Default is the value of :attr:`config.dnn.conv.algo_fwd`. precision : {'as_input_f32', 'as_input', 'float16', 'float32', 'float64'} Description of the dtype in which the computation of the convolution should be done. Possible values are 'as_input', 'float16', 'float32' and 'float64'. Default is the value of :attr:`config.dnn.conv.precision`. num_groups : Divides the image, kernel and output tensors into num_groups separate groups. Each which carry out convolutions separately .. warning:: The cuDNN library only works with GPUs that have a compute capability of 3.0 or higher. This means that older GPUs will not work with this Op. """ fgraph = getattr(img, 'fgraph', None) or getattr(kerns, 'fgraph', None) ctx_name = infer_context_name(img, kerns) if (border_mode == 'valid' and subsample == (1, 1, 1) and dilation == (1, 1, 1) and direction_hint == 'bprop weights' and num_groups == 1): # Special case: We are asked to use GpuDnnConvGradW. We need to set # up a suitable 'fake' convolution to compute the gradient for. img = gpu_contiguous(img.dimshuffle(1, 0, 2, 3, 4)) if conv_mode == 'conv': # We need to flip manually. These 'kerns' are not the kernels # that would be flipped by conv_mode='conv' in GpuDnnConvGradW. kerns = kerns[:, :, ::-1, ::-1, ::-1] kerns = gpu_contiguous(kerns.dimshuffle(1, 0, 2, 3, 4)) out_shp = (shape_i(kerns, 1, fgraph), shape_i(img, 1, fgraph), shape_i(img, 2, fgraph) - shape_i(kerns, 2, fgraph) + 1, shape_i(img, 3, fgraph) - shape_i(kerns, 3, fgraph) + 1, shape_i(img, 4, fgraph) - shape_i(kerns, 4, fgraph) + 1) out_shp = assert_conv_shape(out_shp) out = GpuAllocEmpty(dtype=img.dtype, context_name=ctx_name)(*out_shp) precision, _ = get_precision(precision, [img, kerns], for_grad=True) desc = GpuDnnConvDesc(border_mode='valid', subsample=(1, 1, 1), dilation=(1, 1, 1), num_groups=num_groups, conv_mode='cross', precision=precision)(out.shape) conv = GpuDnnConvGradW(num_groups=num_groups)(img, kerns, out, desc) return as_gpuarray_variable(conv.dimshuffle(1, 0, 2, 3, 4), ctx_name) elif (border_mode == 'full' and subsample == (1, 1, 1) and direction_hint != 'forward!' and num_groups == 1): # Special case: We can be faster by using GpuDnnConvGradI to compute # the full convolution as the backward pass of a valid convolution. # We just need to set up a suitable 'fake' valid convolution. img = gpu_contiguous(img) # cudnn v2 rc3 need contiguous data kerns = gpu_contiguous(kerns.dimshuffle(1, 0, 2, 3, 4)) conv_mode = 'cross' if conv_mode == 'conv' else 'conv' out_shp = (shape_i(img, 0, fgraph), shape_i(kerns, 1, fgraph), shape_i(img, 2, fgraph) + (shape_i(kerns, 2, fgraph) - 1) * dilation[0], shape_i(img, 3, fgraph) + (shape_i(kerns, 3, fgraph) - 1) * dilation[1], shape_i(img, 4, fgraph) + (shape_i(kerns, 4, fgraph) - 1) * dilation[2]) out_shp = assert_conv_shape(out_shp) out = GpuAllocEmpty(dtype=img.dtype, context_name=ctx_name)(*out_shp) precision, _ = get_precision(precision, [img, kerns], for_grad=True) desc = GpuDnnConvDesc(border_mode='valid', subsample=(1, 1, 1), dilation=dilation, num_groups=num_groups, conv_mode=conv_mode, precision=precision)(kerns.shape) return GpuDnnConvGradI(num_groups=num_groups)(kerns, img, out, desc) # Standard case: We use GpuDnnConv with suitable padding. return _dnn_conv(img, kerns, algo=algo, border_mode=border_mode, subsample=subsample, dilation=dilation, conv_mode=conv_mode, precision=precision, num_groups=num_groups) def dnn_gradweight(img, topgrad, kerns_shp, border_mode='valid', subsample=(1, 1), dilation=(1, 1), conv_mode='conv', precision=None, algo=None, num_groups=1): """ TODO: document this """ return _dnn_gradweight(img, topgrad, kerns_shp, border_mode=border_mode, subsample=subsample, dilation=dilation, conv_mode=conv_mode, algo=algo, precision=precision, num_groups=num_groups) def dnn_gradweight3d(img, topgrad, kerns_shp, border_mode='valid', subsample=(1, 1, 1), dilation=(1, 1, 1), conv_mode='conv', precision=None, algo=None, num_groups=1): """ 3d version of dnn_gradweight """ return dnn_gradweight(img, topgrad, kerns_shp, border_mode, subsample, dilation, conv_mode, precision, algo, num_groups) def dnn_gradinput(kerns, topgrad, img_shp, border_mode='valid', subsample=(1, 1), dilation=(1, 1), conv_mode='conv', precision=None, algo=None, num_groups=1): """ TODO: document this """ return _dnn_gradinput(kerns, topgrad, img_shp, border_mode=border_mode, subsample=subsample, dilation=dilation, conv_mode=conv_mode, algo=algo, precision=precision, num_groups=num_groups) def dnn_gradinput3d(kerns, topgrad, img_shp, border_mode='valid', subsample=(1, 1, 1), dilation=(1, 1, 1), conv_mode='conv', precision=None, algo=None, num_groups=1): """ 3d version of `dnn_gradinput`. """ return dnn_gradinput(kerns, topgrad, img_shp, border_mode, subsample, dilation, conv_mode, precision, algo, num_groups) class GpuDnnPoolDesc(Op): """ This Op builds a pooling descriptor for use in the other pooling operations. `ws`, `stride` and `pad` must have the same length. Parameters ---------- ws : tuple Window size. stride : tuple (dx, dy) or (dx, dy, dz). mode : {'max', 'average_inc_pad', 'average_exc_pad'} The old deprecated name 'average' corresponds to 'average_inc_pad'. pad : tuple (padX, padY) or (padX, padY, padZ) Note ---- Not used anymore. Only needed to reload old pickled files. """ __props__ = ('ws', 'stride', 'mode', 'pad') def c_headers(self): return ['cudnn.h', 'cudnn_helper.h'] def c_header_dirs(self): return [gpuarray_helper_inc_dir(), config.dnn.include_path] def c_libraries(self): return ['cudnn'] def c_lib_dirs(self): return [config.dnn.library_path] def do_constant_folding(self, node): return False def __init__(self, ws=(1, 1), stride=(1, 1), mode='max', pad=(0, 0)): if mode == 'average': mode = 'average_inc_pad' assert mode in ('max', 'average_inc_pad', 'average_exc_pad') self.mode = mode assert len(ws) == len(stride) and len(stride) == len(pad) assert len(ws) in (2, 3) = ws self.stride = stride self.pad = pad def get_ndim(self): return len( def __setstate__(self, d): self.__dict__.update(d) if not hasattr(self, 'pad'): self.pad = (0, 0) def make_node(self): node = Apply(self, [], [CUDNNDataType("cudnnPoolingDescriptor_t", freefunc="cudnnDestroyPoolingDescriptor")()]) # DebugMode cannot compare the values of CDataType variables, so by # default it returns False all the time. To prevent DebugMode from # complaining because of the MergeOptimizer, we make this variable # always compare to True. out = node.outputs[0] out.tag.values_eq_approx = tensor.type.values_eq_approx_always_true return node def c_code(self, node, name, inputs, outputs, sub): desc, = outputs if self.mode == 'max': mode_flag = 'CUDNN_POOLING_MAX' elif self.mode == "average_inc_pad": mode_flag = 'CUDNN_POOLING_AVERAGE_COUNT_INCLUDE_PADDING' elif self.mode == "average_exc_pad": mode_flag = 'CUDNN_POOLING_AVERAGE_COUNT_EXCLUDE_PADDING' else: raise NotImplementedError("Unsupported pooling model.") return """ { cudnnStatus_t err; if ((err = cudnnCreatePoolingDescriptor(&%(desc)s)) != CUDNN_STATUS_SUCCESS) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "could not allocate pooling " "descriptor: %%s", cudnnGetErrorString(err)); %(fail)s } static const int win[%(nd)d] = {%(win)s}; static const int pad[%(nd)d] = {%(pad)s}; static const int str[%(nd)d] = {%(str)s}; err = cudnnSetPoolingNdDescriptor(%(desc)s, %(mode_flag)s, CUDNN_PROPAGATE_NAN, %(nd)d, win, pad, str); if (err != CUDNN_STATUS_SUCCESS) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_RuntimeError, "could not set op descriptor: %%s", cudnnGetErrorString(err)); %(fail)s } } """ % dict(name=name, desc=desc, mode_flag=mode_flag, fail=sub['fail'], nd=self.get_ndim(), win=', '.join(map(str,, pad=', '.join(map(str, self.pad)), str=', '.join(map(str, self.stride))) def c_code_cache_version(self): return (4, version()) class GpuDnnPoolBase(DnnBase): """ Abstract base class for GpuDnnPool and GpuDnnPoolGrad. """ # c_file and c_function must be defined in sub-classes. c_file = None c_function = None _f16_ok = True __props__ = ('mode',) check_input = False params_type = ParamsType(mode=cudnn.cudnnPoolingMode_t, handle=handle_type) def __init__(self, mode='max'): DnnBase.__init__(self, [self.c_file], self.c_function) if mode == 'average': mode = 'average_inc_pad' # Supported modes depend on runtime cuDNN version. assert cudnn.cudnnPoolingMode_t.has_alias(mode) self.mode = mode class GpuDnnPool(GpuDnnPoolBase): """ Parameters ---------- img : tensor The image 4d or 5d tensor. ws : tensor Window size. stride : tensor (dx, dy) or (dx, dy, dz). mode : {'max', 'average_inc_pad', 'average_exc_pad'} The old deprecated name 'average' corresponds to 'average_inc_pad'. pad : tensor (padX, padY) or (padX, padY, padZ) """ c_file = "c_code/dnn_pool.c" c_function = "APPLY_SPECIFIC(dnn_pool)" def make_node(self, img, ws, stride, pad): ctx_name = infer_context_name(img) img = as_gpuarray_variable(img, ctx_name) ws = tensor.as_tensor_variable(ws) stride = tensor.as_tensor_variable(stride) pad = tensor.as_tensor_variable(pad) assert ws.type.ndim == stride.type.ndim and ws.type.ndim == pad.type.ndim assert ws.type.ndim == 1 return Apply(self, [img, ws, stride, pad], [img.type()]) def infer_shape(self, node, shape): w = node.inputs[1] s = node.inputs[2] p = node.inputs[3] res = [shape[0][0], shape[0][1], (shape[0][2] + 2 * p[0] - w[0]) // s[0] + 1, (shape[0][3] + 2 * p[1] - w[1]) // s[1] + 1 ] if node.inputs[0].ndim == 5: res.append((shape[0][4] + 2 * p[2] - w[2]) // s[2] + 1) return [res] def L_op(self, inp, outputs, grads): img, ws, stride, pad = inp grad, = grads grad = gpu_contiguous(grad) out, = outputs g_out = GpuDnnPoolGrad(mode=self.mode)(img, out, grad, ws, stride, pad) return g_out, theano.gradient.DisconnectedType()(), theano.gradient.DisconnectedType()(), theano.gradient.DisconnectedType()() def connection_pattern(self, node): # not connected to parameters return [[1], [0], [0], [0]] class GpuDnnPoolGrad(GpuDnnPoolBase): """ The pooling gradient. Parameters ---------- inp The input of the pooling. out The output of the pooling in the forward. out_grad Same size as out, but is the corresponding gradient information. ws : tensor variable Window size. stride : tensor variable (dx, dy) or (dx, dy, dz). mode : {'max', 'average_inc_pad', 'average_exc_pad'} The old deprecated name 'average' corresponds to 'average_inc_pad'. pad : tensor (padX, padY) or (padX, padY, padZ) """ c_file = "c_code/dnn_pool_grad.c" c_function = "APPLY_SPECIFIC(dnn_pool_grad)" def make_node(self, inp, out, out_grad, ws, stride, pad): ctx_name = infer_context_name(inp, out, out_grad) inp = as_gpuarray_variable(inp, ctx_name) assert (inp.ndim in [4, 5]) out_grad = as_gpuarray_variable(out_grad, ctx_name) assert (out_grad.ndim in [4, 5]) out = as_gpuarray_variable(out, ctx_name) assert(out.ndim in [4, 5]) assert (out_grad.ndim == inp.ndim) assert (inp.ndim == out.ndim) ws = tensor.as_tensor_variable(ws) stride = tensor.as_tensor_variable(stride) pad = tensor.as_tensor_variable(pad) assert ws.type.ndim == stride.type.ndim and ws.type.ndim == pad.type.ndim assert ws.type.ndim == 1 return Apply(self, [inp, out, out_grad, ws, stride, pad], [inp.type()]) def infer_shape(self, node, shape): return [shape[0]] def dnn_pool(img, ws, stride=None, mode='max', pad=None): """ GPU pooling using cuDNN from NVIDIA. The memory layout to use is 'bc01', that is 'batch', 'channel', 'first dim', 'second dim' in that order. `ws`, `stride` and `pad` must have the same length. Parameters ---------- img Images to do the pooling over. ws : tuple Subsampling window size. Should have 2 or 3 elements. stride : tuple Subsampling stride (default: (1, 1) or (1, 1, 1)). mode : {'max', 'average_inc_pad', 'average_exc_pad', 'sum', 'max_deterministic'} **NB**: 'max_deterministic' is supported since cuDNN v6. pad : tuple (padX, padY) or (padX, padY, padZ) default: (0, 0) or (0, 0, 0) .. warning:: The cuDNN library only works with GPU that have a compute capability of 3.0 or higher. This means that older GPU will not work with this Op. Notes ----- This Op implements the ignore_border=True of max_pool_2d. """ img = gpu_contiguous(img) if stride is None: stride = (1,) * len(ws) if pad is None: pad = (0,) * len(ws) if mode == "sum": ret = GpuDnnPool(mode="average_inc_pad")(img, ws, stride, pad) context_name = ret.type.context_name window_elem = return as_gpuarray_variable(ret * window_elem, context_name) return GpuDnnPool(mode=mode)(img, ws, stride, pad) class GpuDnnSoftmaxBase(DnnBase): """ Op for the cuDNN Softmax. Parameters ---------- algo : {'fast', 'accurate', 'log'} Indicating whether, respectively, computations should be optimized for speed, for accuracy, or if cuDNN should rather compute the log-softmax instead. mode : {'instance', 'channel'} Indicating whether the softmax should be computed per image across 'c01' or per spatial location '01' per image across 'c'. """ __props__ = ('mode', 'algo') # Neither inputs nor output types properties are used # neither in dnn_base.c nor in dnn_softmax*.c, # so we can disable input checking. check_input = False params_type = ParamsType(algo=cudnn.cudnnSoftmaxAlgorithm_t, mode=cudnn.cudnnSoftmaxMode_t, handle=handle_type) def __init__(self, algo, mode): DnnBase.__init__(self, [self.file], self.c_func) assert cudnn.cudnnSoftmaxAlgorithm_t.has_alias(algo) self.algo = algo assert cudnn.cudnnSoftmaxMode_t.has_alias(mode) self.mode = mode def infer_shape(self, node, shape): if self.direction == 'forward': return [shape[0]] else: return [shape[1]] class GpuDnnSoftmax(GpuDnnSoftmaxBase): """ Op for the cuDNN Softmax. algo : {'fast', 'accurate', 'log'} Indicating whether, respectively, computations should be optimized for speed, for accuracy, or if cuDNN should rather compute the log-softmax instead. mode : {'instance', 'channel'} Indicating whether the softmax should be computed per image across 'c01' or per spatial location '01' per image across 'c'. """ _f16_ok = True direction = "forward" file = "c_code/dnn_softmax.c" c_func = "APPLY_SPECIFIC(softmax)" def make_node(self, x): x = as_gpuarray_variable(x, infer_context_name(x)) assert x.ndim == 4 return Apply(self, [x], [x.type()]) def L_op(self, inp, outputs, grads): x, = inp g_sm, = grads sm, = outputs return [GpuDnnSoftmaxGrad( self.algo, self.mode )(g_sm, sm)] class GpuDnnSoftmaxGrad(GpuDnnSoftmaxBase): """ Op for the cuDNN SoftmaxGrad. Parameters ---------- algo 'fast', 'accurate' or 'log' indicating whether, respectively, computations should be optimized for speed, for accuracy, or if cuDNN should rather compute the gradient of the log-softmax instead. mode 'instance' or 'channel' indicating whether the softmax should be computed per image across 'c01' or per spatial location '01' per image across 'c'. """ _f16_ok = True direction = 'backward' file = "c_code/dnn_softmax_grad.c" c_func = "APPLY_SPECIFIC(softmax_grad)" def make_node(self, dy, sm): ctx_name = infer_context_name(dy, sm) dy = as_gpuarray_variable(dy, ctx_name) sm = as_gpuarray_variable(sm, ctx_name) assert dy.ndim == 4 assert sm.ndim == 4 return Apply(self, [dy, sm], [sm.type()]) class GpuDnnReduction(DnnBase): check_input = False _f16_ok = True _cop_num_outputs = 2 __props__ = ('red_op', 'axis', 'acc_dtype', 'dtype', 'return_indices') params_type = ParamsType(red_op=cudnn.cudnnReduceTensorOp_t, acc_dtype=cudnn.cudnnDataType_t, c_axis=uint32_t, handle=handle_type) def __init__(self, red_op, axis, acc_dtype, dtype, return_indices): DnnBase.__init__(self, ['c_code/dnn_redux.c'], 'APPLY_SPECIFIC(dnn_redux)') assert cudnn.cudnnReduceTensorOp_t.has_alias(red_op) self.red_op = red_op assert acc_dtype in ['float16', 'float32', 'float64'] self.acc_dtype = acc_dtype assert dtype in ['float16', 'float32', 'float64'] self.dtype = dtype # 8 is the current limit for cudnn if axis is not None: if len(axis) > 8: raise ValueError('Too many axes to reduce on') if any(a >= 8 for a in axis): raise ValueError('Axes larger than 8 not supported') axis = tuple(axis) # c_axis is a bitfield (1 to reduce) self.c_axis = self._convert_axis(axis) # axis is a list of axes to reduce on self.axis = axis if return_indices and (red_op != 'maximum' and red_op != 'minimum'): raise ValueError("Can't request indices for something other than" " minimum or maximum") self.return_indices = return_indices def _convert_axis(self, axis): if axis is None: return np.uint32(-1) else: return reduce(lambda a, b: a | b, map(lambda a: 1 << a, axis), 0) def make_node(self, inp): ctx_name = infer_context_name(inp) inp = as_gpuarray_variable(inp, ctx_name) inp = gpu_contiguous(inp) if inp.ndim > 8: raise ValueError("cuDNN reduction doesn't support nd > 8") assert inp.dtype in ['float16', 'float32', 'float64'] # These restrictions where guessed from vague clues since # there is no actual documentation on this if inp.dtype == 'float64': assert self.acc_dtype == 'float64' if inp.dtype == 'float32': assert self.acc_dtype == 'float32' if inp.dtype == 'float16': assert self.acc_dtype != 'float64' bcast = [] for i in range(inp.ndim): if not (self.c_axis & (1 << i)): bcast.append(inp.broadcastable[i]) outs = [inp.type.clone(dtype=self.dtype, broadcastable=bcast)()] if self.return_indices: outs.append(GpuArrayType(dtype='uint32', broadcastable=bcast, context_name=ctx_name)()) return Apply(self, [inp], outs) class GpuDnnBatchNorm(DnnBase): """ Base Op for cuDNN Batch Normalization. Parameters ---------- mode : {'per-activation', 'spatial'} Whether to normalize per activation (in this mode, bias and scale tensor dimensions are 1xCxHxW) or share normalization factors across spatial dimensions (in this mode, bias and scale tensor dimensions are 1xCx1x1). epsilon Epsilon value used in the batch normalization formula. Minimum allowed value is 1e-5 (imposed by cuDNN). running_average_factor : float Factor for updating the values or `running_mean` and `running_var`. If the factor is close to one, the running averages will update quickly, if the factor is close to zero it will update slowly. running_mean : tensor or None Previous value of the running mean. If this is given, the new value ``running_mean * (1 - r_a_factor) + batch mean * r_a_factor`` will be returned as one of the outputs of this function. `running_mean` and `running_var` should either both be given or both be None. running_var : tensor or None Previous value of the running variance. If this is given, the new value ``running_var * (1 - r_a_factor) + (m / (m - 1)) * batch var * r_a_factor`` will be returned as one of the outputs of this function, where `m` is the product of lengths of the averaged-over dimensions. `running_mean` and `running_var` should either both be given or both be None. """ __props__ = ('mode', 'running_averages', 'inplace_running_mean', 'inplace_running_var', 'inplace_output') _cop_num_inputs = 7 _cop_num_outputs = 5 check_input = False params_type = ParamsType(mode=cudnn.cudnnBatchNormMode_t, inplace_output=bool_t, inplace_running_mean=bool_t, inplace_running_var=bool_t, handle=handle_type) def __init__(self, mode='per-activation', running_averages=False, inplace_running_mean=False, inplace_running_var=False, inplace_output=False): DnnBase.__init__(self, ['c_code/dnn_batchnorm_base.c', 'c_code/dnn_batchnorm.c'], 'dnn_batchnorm_op') assert cudnn.cudnnBatchNormMode_t.has_alias(mode) self.mode = mode self.running_averages = running_averages self.inplace_output = inplace_output self.inplace_running_mean = inplace_running_mean self.inplace_running_var = inplace_running_var self.destroy_map = {} if self.inplace_output: self.destroy_map[0] = [0] if self.running_averages and self.inplace_running_mean: self.destroy_map[3] = [5] if self.running_averages and self.inplace_running_var: self.destroy_map[4] = [6] def __setstate__(self, d): self.__dict__.update(d) if not hasattr(self, 'running_average_factor'): self.running_average_factor = 0 if not hasattr(self, 'running_averages'): self.running_averages = False if not (hasattr(self, 'inplace_running_mean') and hasattr(self, 'inplace_running_var') and hasattr(self, 'inplace_output')): self.inplace_running_mean = False self.inplace_running_var = False self.inplace_output = False self.destroy_map = {} def infer_shape(self, node, shape): return [shape[0]] + [shape[1]] * (len(node.outputs) - 1) def make_node(self, x, scale, bias, epsilon=1e-4, running_average_factor=0.1, running_mean=None, running_var=None): assert x.ndim == scale.ndim == bias.ndim assert x.ndim in (4, 5) assert self.running_averages == (running_mean is not None) == (running_var is not None) assert (running_mean is None or running_mean.ndim == x.ndim) assert (running_var is None or running_var.ndim == x.ndim) ctx_name = infer_context_name(x, scale, bias) x = as_gpuarray_variable(x, ctx_name) scale = as_gpuarray_variable(scale, ctx_name) bias = as_gpuarray_variable(bias, ctx_name) epsilon = as_scalar(epsilon).astype('float64') running_average_factor = as_scalar(running_average_factor).astype('float64') inputs = [x, scale, bias, epsilon, running_average_factor] output_types = [x.type(), scale.type(), scale.type()] if running_mean is not None and running_var is not None: inputs.append(as_gpuarray_variable(running_mean, ctx_name)) inputs.append(as_gpuarray_variable(running_var, ctx_name)) output_types.append(scale.type()) output_types.append(scale.type()) return Apply(self, inputs, output_types) def L_op(self, inputs, outputs, grads): x, scale, bias, epsilon, running_average_factor = inputs[:5] dy = grads[0] _, x_mean, x_invstd = outputs[:3] disconnected_outputs = [ DisconnectedType()(), # epsilon DisconnectedType()()] # running_average_factor # Optional running_mean and running_var. for i in range(5, len(inputs)): disconnected_outputs.append(DisconnectedType()()) return GpuDnnBatchNormGrad(self.mode)( x, dy, scale, x_mean, x_invstd, epsilon) + disconnected_outputs def connection_pattern(self, node): # Specificy that epsilon and running_average_factor are not connected to outputs. patterns = [[True, True, True], # x [True, True, True], # scale [True, True, True], # bias [False, False, False], # epsilon [False, False, False]] # running_average_factor # Optional running_mean and running_var are only # connected to their new values. for i in range(5, len(node.inputs)): patterns[0].append(True) for pattern in patterns[1:]: pattern.append(False) patterns.append([False] * (3 + i - 5) + [True]) return patterns class GpuDnnBatchNormInference(DnnBase): """ Base Op for cuDNN Batch Normalization. Parameters ---------- mode : {'per-activation', 'spatial'} Whether to normalize per activation (in this mode, bias and scale tensor dimensions are 1xCxHxW) or share normalization factors across spatial dimensions (in this mode, bias and scale tensor dimensions are 1xCx1x1). epsilon Epsilon value used in the batch normalization formula. Minimum allowed value is 1e-5 (imposed by cuDNN). """ __props__ = ('mode', 'inplace') check_input = False params_type = ParamsType(mode=cudnn.cudnnBatchNormMode_t, inplace=bool_t, handle=handle_type) def __init__(self, mode='per-activation', inplace=False): DnnBase.__init__(self, ['c_code/dnn_batchnorm_base.c', 'c_code/dnn_batchnorm_inf.c'], 'dnn_batchnorm_op') assert cudnn.cudnnBatchNormMode_t.has_alias(mode) self.mode = mode self.inplace = bool(inplace) if self.inplace: self.destroy_map = {0: [0]} def __setstate__(self, d): self.__dict__.update(d) if not hasattr(self, 'inplace'): self.inplace = False def infer_shape(self, node, shape): return [shape[0]] def make_node(self, x, scale, bias, estimated_mean, estimated_variance, epsilon=1e-4): ctx_name = infer_context_name(x, scale, bias, estimated_mean, estimated_variance) x = as_gpuarray_variable(x, ctx_name) scale = as_gpuarray_variable(scale, ctx_name) bias = as_gpuarray_variable(bias, ctx_name) estimated_mean = as_gpuarray_variable(estimated_mean, ctx_name) estimated_variance = as_gpuarray_variable(estimated_variance, ctx_name) epsilon = as_scalar(epsilon).astype('float64') assert x.ndim == scale.ndim == bias.ndim == estimated_mean.ndim == estimated_variance.ndim assert x.ndim in (4, 5) return Apply(self, [x, scale, bias, estimated_mean, estimated_variance, epsilon], [x.type()]) def grad(self, inputs, grads): x, scale, bias, est_mean, est_var, epsilon = inputs dy = grads[0] if self.mode == "per-activation": axes = (0,) elif self.mode == "spatial": axes = (0,) + tuple(range(2, x.ndim)) scale, bias, est_mean, est_var = (theano.tensor.addbroadcast(t, *axes) for t in (scale, bias, est_mean, est_var)) # define helper expressions est_var_eps = est_var + epsilon est_std = theano.tensor.sqrt(est_var_eps) two = theano.tensor.constant(2.) # define and return gradients dx = dy * (scale / est_std) dscale = (dy * (x - est_mean)).sum(axes, keepdims=True) / est_std dbias = dy.sum(axes, keepdims=True) dmean = -dy.sum(axes, keepdims=True) * (scale / est_std) dvar = -(dy * (x - est_mean)).sum(axes, keepdims=True) * (scale / (two * est_var_eps * est_std)) return [dx, dscale, dbias, dmean, dvar, DisconnectedType()()] def connection_pattern(self, node): # Specificy that epsilon is not connected to outputs. return [[True], [True], [True], [True], [True], [False]] class GpuDnnBatchNormGrad(DnnBase): __props__ = ('mode',) check_input = False params_type = ParamsType(mode=cudnn.cudnnBatchNormMode_t, handle=handle_type) def __init__(self, mode='per-activation'): DnnBase.__init__(self, ['c_code/dnn_batchnorm_base.c', 'c_code/dnn_batchnorm_grad.c'], 'dnn_batchnorm_grad') assert cudnn.cudnnBatchNormMode_t.has_alias(mode) self.mode = mode def make_node(self, x, dy, scale, x_mean, x_invstd, epsilon=1e-4): ctx_name = infer_context_name(x, dy, scale, x_mean, x_invstd) x = as_gpuarray_variable(x, ctx_name) dy = as_gpuarray_variable(dy, ctx_name) scale = as_gpuarray_variable(scale, ctx_name) x_mean = as_gpuarray_variable(x_mean, ctx_name) x_invstd = as_gpuarray_variable(x_invstd, ctx_name) epsilon = as_scalar(epsilon).astype('float64') assert x.ndim == dy.ndim == scale.ndim == x_mean.ndim == x_invstd.ndim assert x.ndim in (4, 5) return Apply(self, [x, dy, scale, x_mean, x_invstd, epsilon], [x.type(), scale.type(), scale.type()]) def infer_shape(self, node, shape): return [shape[0], shape[2], shape[2]] gpudata_type = CDataType('gpudata *', 'gpudata_release') dropoutdesc_type = CUDNNDataType('cudnnDropoutDescriptor_t', 'cudnnDestroyDropoutDescriptor') class GpuDnnDropoutOp(DnnBase): __props__ = ('inplace',) def __init__(self, inplace=False): DnnBase.__init__(self, ["c_code/dnn_dropout_fwd.c"], "dnn_dropout_fwd") self.inplace = inplace if self.inplace: self.destroy_map = {1: [2]} def make_node(self, inp, descriptor, state): ctx_name = infer_context_name(inp) inp = as_gpuarray_variable(inp, ctx_name) return Apply(self, [inp, descriptor, state], [inp.type(), state.type(), gpudata_type()]) def prepare_node(self, node, storage_map, compute_map, impl): assert self.inplace, "GpuDnnDropoutOp not inplace" class _DropoutDescriptor(DnnBase): __props__ = ('context_name',) def __init__(self, context_name): DnnBase.__init__(self, ["c_code/dnn_dropout_desc.c"], "dnn_dropout_desc") self.context_name = context_name def dnn_context(self, node): return self.context_name def do_constant_folding(self, node): return False def make_node(self, dropout, seed, context_name): dropout = as_scalar(dropout).astype('float32') seed = as_scalar(seed).astype('uint64') assert context_name == self.context_name # This is a dirty hack to pass the context because params is # occupied by the cudnn handle context = gpu_context_type.make_constant(get_context(context_name)) return Apply(self, [dropout, seed, context], [dropoutdesc_type(), GpuArrayType('uint8', (False,), context_name=context_name)()]) def c_code_cache_version_apply(self, node): # disable the cache since we can't pickle contexts return None def _make_dropout_desc(dropout, seed, context_name): desc, states = theano.function( [], _DropoutDescriptor(context_name)(dropout, seed, context_name), theano.Mode(optimizer=None), profile=False)() return desc, states def dropout(x, dropout=0.0, seed=4242): desc, states = _make_dropout_desc(dropout, seed, x.type.context_name) y, odesc = GpuDnnDropoutOp()(x, desc) return y, desc, odesc, states rnndesc_type = CUDNNDataType('cudnnRNNDescriptor_t', 'cudnnDestroyRNNDescriptor') def as_i32(v): return as_scalar(v).astype('int32') class _RNNDescriptor(DnnBase): __props__ = ('context_name',) def __init__(self, context_name): if version() < 5005: raise RuntimeError("cudnn RNN require cudnn v5 final or higher.") DnnBase.__init__(self, ["c_code/dnn_rnn_desc.c"], "dnn_rnn_desc") self.context_name = context_name def dnn_context(self, node): return self.context_name def do_constant_folding(self, node): return False def make_node(self, hidden_size, num_layers, ddesc, input_mode, direction_mode, rnn_mode, dtype): hidden_size = as_i32(hidden_size) num_layers = as_i32(num_layers) if version() < 5005: raise RuntimeError("cudnn RNN require cudnn v5 final or higher.") if input_mode == 'linear': input_mode = as_i32(0) elif input_mode == 'skip': input_mode = as_i32(1) else: raise ValueError("input_mode") if direction_mode == 'unidirectional': direction_mode = as_i32(0) elif direction_mode == 'bidirectional': direction_mode = as_i32(1) else: raise ValueError("direction_mode") if rnn_mode == 'rnn_relu': rnn_mode = as_i32(0) elif rnn_mode == 'rnn_tanh': rnn_mode = as_i32(1) elif rnn_mode == 'lstm': rnn_mode = as_i32(2) elif rnn_mode == 'gru': rnn_mode = as_i32(3) else: raise ValueError("rnn_mode") dtype = as_i32(gpuarray.dtype_to_typecode(dtype)) return Apply(self, [hidden_size, num_layers, dropoutdesc_type.make_constant(ddesc), input_mode, direction_mode, rnn_mode, dtype], [rnndesc_type()]) def _make_rnn_desc(hidden_size, num_layers, ddesc, rnn_mode, input_mode, direction_mode, dtype, context_name): desc = theano.function( [], _RNNDescriptor(context_name)(hidden_size, num_layers, ddesc, input_mode, direction_mode, rnn_mode, dtype), theano.Mode(optimizer=None), profile=False)() return desc class _RNNParamSize(DnnBase): __props__ = ('context_name',) def __init__(self, context_name): DnnBase.__init__(self, ["c_code/dnn_rnn_paramsize.c"], "dnn_rnn_paramsize") self.context_name = context_name def dnn_context(self, node): return self.context_name def do_constant_folding(self, node): return False def make_node(self, desc, input_size, typecode): input_size = as_tensor_variable(input_size).astype('uint64') typecode = as_i32(typecode) return Apply(self, [rnndesc_type.make_constant(desc), input_size, typecode], [get_scalar_type('uint64')()]) def _get_param_size(desc, input_size, dtype, context_name): typecode = gpuarray.dtype_to_typecode(dtype) return theano.function( [], _RNNParamSize(context_name)(desc, input_size, typecode), theano.Mode(optimizer=None), profile=False)() class _RNNSplitParams(DnnBase): __props__ = ('rnn_mode',) def __init__(self, rnn_mode): DnnBase.__init__(self) self.rnn_mode = rnn_mode def make_node(self, w, desc, layer, isize, typecode): w = as_gpuarray_variable(w, infer_context_name(w)) assert w.ndim == 1 layer = as_scalar(layer).astype('int32') isize = as_tensor_variable(isize).astype('uint64') assert isize.ndim == 1 typecode = as_scalar(typecode).astype('int32') _1d = GpuArrayType(w.type.dtype, [False], context_name=w.type.context_name) _2d = GpuArrayType(w.type.dtype, [False, False], context_name=w.type.context_name) outputs = [] if self.rnn_mode == 'rnn_relu' or self.rnn_mode == 'rnn_tanh': outputs.extend([_2d(), _1d()]) # input outputs.extend([_2d(), _1d()]) # recurrent elif self.rnn_mode == 'lstm': outputs.extend([_2d(), _1d()]) # input input outputs.extend([_2d(), _1d()]) # input forget outputs.extend([_2d(), _1d()]) # input newmem outputs.extend([_2d(), _1d()]) # input output outputs.extend([_2d(), _1d()]) # recur input outputs.extend([_2d(), _1d()]) # recur forget outputs.extend([_2d(), _1d()]) # recur newmem outputs.extend([_2d(), _1d()]) # recur output elif self.rnn_mode == 'gru': outputs.extend([_2d(), _1d()]) # input reset outputs.extend([_2d(), _1d()]) # input update outputs.extend([_2d(), _1d()]) # input newmem outputs.extend([_2d(), _1d()]) # recur reset outputs.extend([_2d(), _1d()]) # recur update outputs.extend([_2d(), _1d()]) # recur newmem return Apply(self, [w, layer, rnndesc_type.make_constant(desc), isize, typecode], outputs) def c_code(self, node, name, inputs, outputs, sub): kw = dict(fail=sub['fail'], w=inputs[0], layer=inputs[1], desc=inputs[2], isize=inputs[3], typecode=inputs[4], handle=sub['params']) code = """ cudnnTensorDescriptor_t xdesc; cudnnFilterDescriptor_t wdesc; cudnnFilterDescriptor_t odesc; size_t nshp[2]; void *w; void *o; ptrdiff_t off; #if CUDNN_VERSION < 7100 size_t bshp; #endif cudnnStatus_t err; cudnnDataType_t dt; cudnnTensorFormat_t tf; int nd; int dims[3]; int strs[3]; if (PyArray_DIM(%(isize)s, 0) != 2) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "input_size should be of length two"); %(fail)s; } switch (%(typecode)s) { case GA_FLOAT: dt = CUDNN_DATA_FLOAT; break; case GA_DOUBLE: dt = CUDNN_DATA_DOUBLE; break; case GA_HALF: dt = CUDNN_DATA_HALF; break; default: PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Unsupported data type"); %(fail)s; } err = cudnnCreateTensorDescriptor(&xdesc); if (err != CUDNN_STATUS_SUCCESS) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "Could not create xdesc"); %(fail)s; } dims[0] = *(npy_uint64 *)PyArray_GETPTR1(%(isize)s, 0); dims[1] = *(npy_uint64 *)PyArray_GETPTR1(%(isize)s, 1); dims[2] = 1; strs[0] = dims[2] * dims[1]; strs[1] = dims[2]; strs[2] = 1; err = cudnnSetTensorNdDescriptor(xdesc, dt, 3, dims, strs); if (err != CUDNN_STATUS_SUCCESS) { cudnnDestroyTensorDescriptor(xdesc); PyErr_Format(PyExc_RuntimeError, "Could not set xdesc: %%s", cudnnGetErrorString(err)); %(fail)s; } if (c_make_filter(%(w)s, &wdesc)) { cudnnDestroyTensorDescriptor(xdesc); %(fail)s } err = cudnnCreateFilterDescriptor(&odesc); if (err != CUDNN_STATUS_SUCCESS) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "could not create odesc"); cudnnDestroyTensorDescriptor(xdesc); cudnnDestroyFilterDescriptor(wdesc); %(fail)s } w = PyGpuArray_DEV_DATA(%(w)s); nshp[0] = PyGpuArray_DIM(%(w)s, 0); nshp[1] = 1; """ % kw def get_params(id, m, b): kw2 = kw.copy() kw2['id'] = id kw2['m'] = m kw2['b'] = b return """ err = cudnnGetRNNLinLayerBiasParams(%(handle)s, %(desc)s, %(layer)s, xdesc, wdesc, w, %(id)s, odesc, &o); if (err != CUDNN_STATUS_SUCCESS) { cudnnDestroyTensorDescriptor(xdesc); cudnnDestroyFilterDescriptor(wdesc); cudnnDestroyFilterDescriptor(odesc); PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "can't fetch bias for id %(id)s"); %(fail)s } off = (intptr_t)o - (intptr_t)w; assert(off >= 0 && "bias"); err = cudnnGetFilterNdDescriptor(odesc, 3, &dt, &tf, &nd, dims); if (err != CUDNN_STATUS_SUCCESS) { cudnnDestroyTensorDescriptor(xdesc); cudnnDestroyFilterDescriptor(wdesc); cudnnDestroyFilterDescriptor(odesc); PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "could not get bias shape for id %(id)s"); %(fail)s; } // We assume that the typecode matches #if CUDNN_VERSION < 7100 assert(dims[2] == 1 && "bias"); assert(dims[1] == 1 && "bias"); %(b)s = pygpu_view(%(w)s, Py_None); %(b)s->ga.offset += off; %(b)s->ga.dimensions[0] = dims[0]; bshp = dims[0]; #else assert(dims[0] == 1 && "bias"); assert(dims[2] == 1 && "bias"); %(b)s = pygpu_view(%(w)s, Py_None); %(b)s->ga.offset += off; %(b)s->ga.dimensions[0] = dims[1]; #endif GpuArray_fix_flags(&%(b)s->ga); err = cudnnGetRNNLinLayerMatrixParams(%(handle)s, %(desc)s, %(layer)s, xdesc, wdesc, w, %(id)s, odesc, &o); if (err != CUDNN_STATUS_SUCCESS) { cudnnDestroyTensorDescriptor(xdesc); cudnnDestroyFilterDescriptor(wdesc); cudnnDestroyFilterDescriptor(odesc); PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "can't fetch matrix for id %(id)s"); %(fail)s } off = (intptr_t)o - (intptr_t)w; assert(off >= 0 && "matrix"); // This is 3d because of cudnn limitations. err = cudnnGetFilterNdDescriptor(odesc, 3, &dt, &tf, &nd, dims); if (err != CUDNN_STATUS_SUCCESS) { cudnnDestroyTensorDescriptor(xdesc); cudnnDestroyFilterDescriptor(wdesc); cudnnDestroyFilterDescriptor(odesc); PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "could not get matrix shape for id %(id)s"); %(fail)s; } #if CUDNN_VERSION < 7100 assert(dims[1] == 1 && "matrix"); assert(dims[2] == 1 && "matrix"); // We assume that the typecode matches %(m)s = pygpu_reshape(%(w)s, 2, nshp, GA_F_ORDER, 1, -1); %(m)s->ga.offset += off; assert(dims[0] %% bshp == 0); %(m)s->ga.dimensions[0] = dims[0] / bshp; %(m)s->ga.dimensions[1] = bshp; #else assert(dims[0] == 1 && "matrix"); // We assume that the typecode matches %(m)s = pygpu_reshape(%(w)s, 2, nshp, GA_F_ORDER, 1, -1); %(m)s->ga.offset += off; %(m)s->ga.dimensions[1] = dims[1]; %(m)s->ga.dimensions[0] = dims[2]; #endif %(m)s->ga.strides[1] = %(m)s->ga.dimensions[0] * gpuarray_get_elsize(%(m)s->ga.typecode); GpuArray_fix_flags(&%(m)s->ga); """ % kw2 for i in range(len(outputs) // 2): code += get_params(i, outputs[2 * i], outputs[(2 * i) + 1]) code += """ cudnnDestroyTensorDescriptor(xdesc); cudnnDestroyFilterDescriptor(wdesc); cudnnDestroyFilterDescriptor(odesc); """ return code def c_code_cache_version(self): return (5, version()) def _split_rnn_params(w, desc, layer, input_size, dtype, rnn_mode): typecode = gpuarray.dtype_to_typecode(dtype) outs = _RNNSplitParams(rnn_mode)(w, desc, layer, input_size, typecode) outs = [theano.Out(o, borrow=True) for o in outs] return theano.function( [], outs, theano.Mode(optimizer=None), profile=False)() class GpuDnnRNNOp(DnnBase): __props__ = () _cop_num_inputs = 6 _cop_num_outputs = 4 def __init__(self, rnn_mode, direction_mode): DnnBase.__init__(self, ["c_code/dnn_rnn_fwd.c"], 'dnn_rnn_fwd') self.rnn_mode = rnn_mode if direction_mode == 'bidirectional': self.num_dirs = 2 elif direction_mode == 'unidirectional': self.num_dirs = 1 else: raise ValueError('direction_mode is invalid (got %s)' % (direction_mode,)) def dnn_context(self, node): return node.outputs[1].type.context_name def make_node(self, desc, w, x, hx, cx=None): if cx is None: context_name = infer_context_name(w, x, hx) else: context_name = infer_context_name(w, x, hx, cx) w = as_gpuarray_variable(w, context_name) x = as_gpuarray_variable(x, context_name) hx = as_gpuarray_variable(hx, context_name) inputs = [desc, as_i32(self.num_dirs), w, x, hx] assert w.ndim == 1 assert x.ndim == 3 # seqLength, minibatch, inputSize assert hx.ndim == 3 # numLayers, minibatch, hiddenSize * bidi if self.rnn_mode == 'lstm': cx = as_gpuarray_variable(cx, context_name) assert cx.ndim == 3 # numLayers, minibatch, hiddenSize * bidi inputs.append(cx) _3d = GpuArrayType(dtype=x.dtype, broadcastable=(False, False, False), context_name=context_name) reserve = gpudata_type() y = _3d() # seqLength, minibatch, hiddenSize * bidi hy = _3d() # numLayers, miniBatch, hiddenSize * bidi outputs = [reserve, y, hy] if self.rnn_mode == 'lstm': cy = _3d() # numLayers, miniBatch, hiddenSize * bidi outputs.append(cy) return Apply(self, inputs, outputs) def L_op(self, inputs, outputs, output_grads): desc, numDirs, w, x, hx = inputs[:5] cx = inputs[5] if len(inputs) == 6 else None reserve, y, hy = outputs[:3] _, dy, dhy = output_grads[:3] dcy = output_grads[3] if len(output_grads) == 4 else None # Since the op return two outputs which contain essentially # the same information, the user will most likely only use one # of them. This leads to the situation that the other is # considered "disconnected" by theano in the gradient. # However we know that this isn't really the case so we fix it # here. # If all the ys are disconnected, then you get a boring # gradient instead of an error. But in that case you # shouldn't call this method anyway. if isinstance(dy.type, DisconnectedType): dy = as_gpuarray_variable(y.zeros_like(), context_name=y.type.context_name) if isinstance(dhy.type, DisconnectedType): dhy = None if dcy and isinstance(dcy.type, DisconnectedType): dcy = None dinputs = GpuDnnRNNGradInputs(rnn_mode=self.rnn_mode, grad_h=(dhy is not None), grad_c=(dcy is not None))( desc, x, y, dy, dhy, dcy, w, hx, cx, reserve, return_list=True) reserve2, dx, dhx = dinputs[:3] dw = GpuDnnRNNGradWeights()( desc, x, hx, y, reserve2, w) res = [DisconnectedType()(), DisconnectedType()(), dw, dx, dhx] if cx is not None: res.append(dinputs[3]) # dcx return res def connection_pattern(self, node): deconn = [[False] * len(node.outputs)] * 2 conn = [[True] * len(node.outputs)] * (len(node.inputs) - 2) return deconn + conn class GpuDnnRNNGradInputs(DnnBase): __props__ = ('rnn_mode', 'grad_c', 'grad_h') _cop_num_inputs = 10 _cop_num_outputs = 4 def __init__(self, rnn_mode, grad_h, grad_c): DnnBase.__init__(self, ['c_code/dnn_rnn_gi.c'], 'dnn_rnn_gi') self.rnn_mode = rnn_mode self.grad_h = grad_h self.grad_c = grad_c if self.grad_c: assert self.rnn_mode == 'lstm' def dnn_context(self, node): return node.outputs[1].type.context_name def make_node(self, desc, x, y, dy, dhy, dcy, w, hx, cx, reserve): # We trust the callers here xshp = as_scalar(x.shape[2]).astype('uint64') inputs = [desc, xshp, y, dy, w, hx, reserve] outputs = [reserve.type(), x.type(), hx.type()] if self.rnn_mode == 'lstm': inputs.append(cx) outputs.append(cx.type()) if self.grad_h: inputs.append(dhy) if self.grad_c: inputs.append(dcy) return Apply(self, inputs, outputs) # We have special requirements so this is hooking into COp def format_c_function_args(self, inp, out): rinp = inp[:7] others = inp[7:] if self.rnn_mode == 'lstm': rinp.append(others.pop(0)) else: rinp.append('NULL') if self.grad_h: rinp.append(others.pop(0)) else: rinp.append('NULL') if self.grad_c: rinp.append(others.pop(0)) else: rinp.append('NULL') assert len(others) == 0 return COp.format_c_function_args(self, rinp, out) class GpuDnnRNNGradWeights(DnnBase): __props__ = () def __init__(self): DnnBase.__init__(self, ['c_code/dnn_rnn_gw.c'], 'dnn_rnn_gw') def make_node(self, desc, x, hx, y, reserve, w): # We trust the callers here wsize = as_scalar(w.shape[0]).astype('uint64') inputs = [desc, wsize, x, hx, y, reserve] outputs = [w.type()] return Apply(self, inputs, outputs) class RNNBlock(object): """ An object that allow us to use CuDNN RNN implementation. TODO: make an example how to use. You can check Theano tests test_dnn_rnn_gru() and test_dnn_rnn_lstm() in the file theano/gpuarray/tests/ for now. Parameters ---------- dtype : data type of computation hidden_size : int hidden layer dimension. num_layers : int number of the recurrent layer you want to set. rnn_mode : {'rnn_relu', 'rnn_tanh', 'lstm', 'gru'} rnn_relu: A single-gate recurrent neural network with a ReLU activation function. .. math:: h_t=ReLU(W_ix_t+U_ih_{t-1}+b_{wi}+b_{Ri}) rnn_tanh: A single-gate recurrent neural network with a tanh activation function. .. math:: h_t=tanh(W_ix_t+U_ih_{t-1}+b_{wi}+b_{Ri}) lstm: A four-gate Long Short-Term Memory network with no peephole connections. gru: A three-gate network consisting of Gated Recurrent Units. input_mode : {'linear', 'skip'} linear: input will be multiplied by a biased matrix skip: No operation is performed on the input. The size must match the hidden size. direction_mode : {'unidirectional', 'bidirectional'} unidirectional: The network operates recurrently from the first input to the last. bidirectional: The network operates from first to last then from last to first and concatenates the results at each layer. """ def __init__(self, dtype, hidden_size, num_layers, rnn_mode, input_mode='linear', direction_mode='unidirectional', context_name=None): # This is not supported for any value other than 0, so don't change it ddesc, states = _make_dropout_desc(0, 4242, context_name) self.ddesc = ddesc self.dstates = states self.desc = _make_rnn_desc(hidden_size, num_layers, ddesc, rnn_mode, input_mode, direction_mode, dtype, context_name) self.rnn_mode = rnn_mode self.direction_mode = direction_mode self.context_name = context_name self.dtype = dtype def get_param_size(self, input_size): """ Get the size of the shared variable for the parameters of the RNN. This will return a size (in items) necessary to store all the parameters for the RNN. You should allocate a variable of that size to store those parameters. The order and layout of the parameters is opaque. Parameters ---------- input_size: (int, int) Size of the input blocks """ bytesize = _get_param_size(self.desc, input_size, self.dtype, self.context_name) bytesize = int(bytesize) assert bytesize % np.dtype(self.dtype).itemsize == 0 return bytesize // np.dtype(self.dtype).itemsize def split_params(self, w, layer, input_size): """ Split the opaque parameter block into components. Parameters ---------- w: GpuArraySharedVariable opaque parameter block layer: int ID of the layer input_size: (int, int) Size of the input blocks """ if not isinstance(w, GpuArraySharedVariable): raise TypeError("split_params only works on gpuarray shared variables") return _split_rnn_params(w, self.desc, layer, input_size, self.dtype, self.rnn_mode) def apply(self, w, x, hx, cx=None): """ Apply the RNN to some data Parameters ---------- w: opaque parameter block x: input hx: initial hidden state cx: initial cell state (for LSTM) """ # Don't return the reserve as an output return GpuDnnRNNOp(self.rnn_mode, self.direction_mode)( rnndesc_type.make_constant(self.desc), w, x, hx, cx, return_list=True)[1:] def dnn_batch_normalization_train(inputs, gamma, beta, mode='per-activation', epsilon=1e-4, running_average_factor=0.1, running_mean=None, running_var=None): """ Performs batch normalization of the given inputs, using the mean and variance of the inputs. Parameters ---------- mode : {'per-activation', 'spatial'} Whether to normalize per activation or share normalization factors across spatial dimensions (i.e., all dimensions past the second). gamma : tensor Learnable scale factors. Must match the dimensionality of `inputs`, but have sizes of `1` for all axes normalized over (i.e., in the first dimension for ``mode='per-activation'`, and additionally in all dimensions past the second for ``mode='spatial'``). beta : tensor Learnable biases. Must match the tensor layout of `gamma`. epsilon : float Epsilon value used in the batch normalization formula. Minimum allowed value is 1e-5 (imposed by cuDNN). running_average_factor : float Factor for updating the values or `running_mean` and `running_var`. If the factor is close to one, the running averages will update quickly, if the factor is close to zero it will update slowly. running_mean : tensor or None Previous value of the running mean. If this is given, the new value ``running_mean * (1 - r_a_factor) + batch mean * r_a_factor`` will be returned as one of the outputs of this function. `running_mean` and `running_var` should either both be given or both be None. running_var : tensor or None Previous value of the running variance. If this is given, the new value ``running_var * (1 - r_a_factor) + (m / (m - 1)) * batch var * r_a_factor`` will be returned as one of the outputs of this function, where `m` is the product of lengths of the averaged-over dimensions. `running_mean` and `running_var` should either both be given or both be None. Returns ------- out : tensor Batch-normalized inputs. mean : tensor Means of `inputs` across the normalization axes. invstd : tensor Inverse standard deviations of `inputs` across the normalization axes. new_running_mean : tensor New value of the running mean (only if both `running_mean` and `running_var` were given). new_running_var : tensor New value of the running variance (only if both `running_var` and `running_mean` were given). Notes ----- Requires cuDNN 5 and Theano 0.9dev2 or more recent. For 4d tensors, returned values are equivalent to: .. code-block:: python axes = 0 if mode == 'per-activation' else (0, 2, 3) mean = inputs.mean(axes, keepdims=True) var = inputs.var(axes, keepdims=True) invstd = T.inv(T.sqrt(var + epsilon)) out = (inputs - mean) * gamma * invstd + beta m = T.cast( /, 'float32') running_mean = running_mean * (1 - running_average_factor) + \\ mean * running_average_factor running_var = running_var * (1 - running_average_factor) + \\ (m / (m - 1)) * var * running_average_factor For 5d tensors, the axes are (0, 2, 3, 4). """ ndim = inputs.ndim if gamma.ndim != ndim or beta.ndim != ndim: raise ValueError("gamma and beta must be of the same dimensionality " "as inputs; got %d and %d instead of %d" % (gamma.ndim, beta.ndim, ndim)) if (running_mean is None) != (running_var is None): raise ValueError("running_mean and running_var must either both be " "given or both be None") if running_mean is not None and running_mean.ndim != ndim: raise ValueError("running_mean must be of the same dimensionality " "as inputs; got %d instead of %d" % (running_mean.ndim, ndim)) if running_var is not None and running_var.ndim != ndim: raise ValueError("running_var must be of the same dimensionality " "as inputs; got %d instead of %d" % (running_var.ndim, ndim)) if epsilon < 1e-5: raise ValueError("epsilon must be at least 1e-5, got %f" % epsilon) running_averages = (running_mean is not None and running_var is not None) if ndim < 4: inputs = theano.tensor.shape_padright(inputs, 4 - ndim) gamma = theano.tensor.shape_padright(gamma, 4 - ndim) beta = theano.tensor.shape_padright(beta, 4 - ndim) if running_averages: running_mean = theano.tensor.shape_padright(running_mean, 4 - ndim) running_var = theano.tensor.shape_padright(running_var, 4 - ndim) elif ndim > 5: inputs_shape = inputs.shape params_shape = gamma.shape inputs = theano.tensor.flatten(inputs, 5) gamma = theano.tensor.flatten(gamma, 5) beta = theano.tensor.flatten(beta, 5) if running_averages: running_mean = theano.tensor.flatten(running_mean, 5) running_var = theano.tensor.flatten(running_var, 5) batchnorm_op = GpuDnnBatchNorm(mode=mode, running_averages=running_averages) if running_averages: out, mean, invstd, new_running_mean, new_running_var = batchnorm_op( gpu_contiguous(inputs), gpu_contiguous(gamma), gpu_contiguous(beta), epsilon=epsilon, running_average_factor=running_average_factor, running_mean=gpu_contiguous(running_mean), running_var=gpu_contiguous(running_var)) if new_running_mean.broadcastable != running_mean.broadcastable: new_running_mean = tensor.patternbroadcast(new_running_mean, running_mean.broadcastable) if new_running_var.broadcastable != running_var.broadcastable: new_running_var = tensor.patternbroadcast(new_running_var, running_var.broadcastable) result = (out, mean, invstd, new_running_mean, new_running_var) else: result = batchnorm_op(gpu_contiguous(inputs), gpu_contiguous(gamma), gpu_contiguous(beta), epsilon=epsilon) if ndim < 4: result = tuple(theano.tensor.flatten(r, ndim) for r in result) elif ndim > 5: result = (theano.tensor.reshape(result[0], inputs_shape),) + tuple( theano.tensor.reshape(r, params_shape) for r in result[1:]) return result def dnn_batch_normalization_test(inputs, gamma, beta, mean, var, mode='per-activation', epsilon=1e-4): """ Performs batch normalization of the given inputs, using the given mean and variance. Parameters ---------- mode : {'per-activation', 'spatial'} Whether to normalize per activation or share normalization factors across spatial dimensions (i.e., all dimensions past the second). gamma : tensor Scale factors. Must match the dimensionality of `inputs`, but have sizes of `1` for all axes normalized over (i.e., in the first dimension for ``mode='per-activation'`, and additionally in all dimensions past the second for ``mode='spatial'``). beta : tensor Biases. Must match the tensor layout of `gamma`. mean : tensor Means. Usually these are running averages computed during training. Must match the tensor layout of `gamma`. var : tensor Variances. Usually these are running averages computed during training. Must match the tensor layout of `gamma`. epsilon : float Epsilon value used in the batch normalization formula. Minimum allowed value is 1e-5 (imposed by cuDNN). Returns ------- out : tensor Batch-normalized inputs. Notes ----- Requires cuDNN 5 and Theano 0.9dev2 or more recent. For 4d tensors, the returned value is equivalent to: .. code-block:: python axes = (0,) if mode == 'per-activation' else (0, 2, 3) gamma, beta, mean, var = (T.addbroadcast(t, *axes) for t in (gamma, beta, mean, var)) out = (inputs - mean) * gamma / T.sqrt(var + epsilon) + beta For 5d tensors, the axes would be (0, 2, 3, 4). """ ndim = inputs.ndim if gamma.ndim != ndim or beta.ndim != ndim: raise ValueError("gamma and beta must be of the same dimensionality " "as inputs; got %d and %d instead of %d" % (gamma.ndim, beta.ndim, ndim)) if mean.ndim != ndim or var.ndim != ndim: raise ValueError("mean and var must be of the same dimensionality " "as inputs; got %d and %d instead of %d" % (mean.ndim, var.ndim, ndim)) if epsilon < 1e-5: raise ValueError("epsilon must be at least 1e-5, got %f" % epsilon) if ndim < 4: inputs = theano.tensor.shape_padright(inputs, 4 - ndim) gamma = theano.tensor.shape_padright(gamma, 4 - ndim) beta = theano.tensor.shape_padright(beta, 4 - ndim) mean = theano.tensor.shape_padright(mean, 4 - ndim) var = theano.tensor.shape_padright(var, 4 - ndim) elif ndim > 5: inputs_shape = inputs.shape inputs = theano.tensor.flatten(inputs, 5) gamma = theano.tensor.flatten(gamma, 5) beta = theano.tensor.flatten(beta, 5) mean = theano.tensor.flatten(mean, 5) var = theano.tensor.flatten(var, 5) batchnorm_op = GpuDnnBatchNormInference(mode=mode) result = batchnorm_op(gpu_contiguous(inputs), gpu_contiguous(gamma), gpu_contiguous(beta), gpu_contiguous(mean), gpu_contiguous(var), epsilon=epsilon) if ndim < 4: result = theano.tensor.flatten(result, ndim) elif ndim > 5: result = theano.tensor.reshape(result, inputs_shape) return result class GpuDnnTransformerGrid(DnnBase): """ Grid generator Op for cuDNN Spatial Transformer. """ __props__ = () _cop_num_inputs = 2 _cop_num_outputs = 1 _f16_ok = True check_input = False def __init__(self): DnnBase.__init__(self, ["c_code/dnn_sptf_grid.c"], "APPLY_SPECIFIC(dnn_sptf_grid)") def make_node(self, theta, out_dims): """ Create a grid generator node for a cuDNN Spatial Transformer Parameters ---------- theta : tensor Affine transformation tensor containing one affine transformation matrix per image. ``theta`` is usually generated by the localization network. out_dims : tuple Dimensions of the transformed inputs, containing four elements, and is given by (N, C, H, W), where N is the number of inputs, C the number of channels, H and W are the height and width of each input. """ context_name = infer_context_name(theta) theta = gpu_contiguous(as_gpuarray_variable(theta, context_name)) assert theta.dtype in ('float16', 'float32', 'float64') assert theta.ndim == 3 out_dims = cpu_contiguous(as_tensor_variable(out_dims)) assert out_dims.dtype in theano.tensor.basic.integer_dtypes assert out_dims.ndim == 1 # Ensure 64-bit ints are passed to the C code out_dims = theano.tensor.basic.cast(out_dims, 'int64') grid = GpuArrayType(dtype=theta.dtype, broadcastable=(theta.type.ndim + 1) * (False,), context_name=context_name)() inputs = [theta, out_dims] outputs = [grid] return Apply(self, inputs, outputs) def grad(self, inputs, grads): theta, out_dims = inputs dgrid = grads[0] dtheta = GpuDnnTransformerGradT()(dgrid) return [dtheta, grad_not_implemented(self, 1, out_dims)] class GpuDnnTransformerSampler(DnnBase): """ Grid sampler Op for cuDNN Spatial Transformer. """ __props__ = () _cop_num_inputs = 2 _cop_num_outputs = 1 _f16_ok = True check_input = False def __init__(self): DnnBase.__init__(self, ["c_code/dnn_sptf_sampler.c"], "APPLY_SPECIFIC(dnn_sptf_sampler)") def make_node(self, img, grid): """ Create a grid sampler node for a cuDNN Spatial Transformer Parameters ---------- img : tensor Images from which the pixels will be sampled. The implementation assumes the tensor is in NCHW format, where N is the number of images, C is the number of color channels, H is the height of the inputs, and W is width of the inputs. grid : GpuDnnTransformerGrid Grid that contains the coordinates of the pixels to be sampled from the inputs images. """ context_name = infer_context_name(img, grid) img = gpu_contiguous(as_gpuarray_variable(img, context_name)) if img.type.ndim != 4: raise TypeError('img must be a 4D tensor') elif img.dtype not in ('float16', 'float32', 'float64'): raise TypeError('img type must be floating-point') grid = gpu_contiguous(as_gpuarray_variable(grid, context_name)) if grid.type.ndim != 4: raise TypeError('grid must be a 4D tensor') elif grid.dtype not in ('float16', 'float32', 'float64'): raise TypeError('grid type must be floating-point') out = GpuArrayType(dtype=img.dtype, broadcastable=img.type.ndim * (False,), context_name=context_name)() inputs = [img, grid] outputs = [out] return Apply(self, inputs, outputs) def grad(self, inputs, grads): img, grid = inputs dy = grads[0] dimg, dgrid = GpuDnnTransformerGradI()(img, grid, dy) return [dimg, dgrid] class GpuDnnTransformerGradI(DnnBase): """ Gradient of inputs Op for cuDNN Spatial Transformer. """ __props__ = () _cop_num_inputs = 3 _cop_num_outputs = 2 _f16_ok = True check_input = False def __init__(self): DnnBase.__init__(self, ["c_code/dnn_sptf_gi.c"], "APPLY_SPECIFIC(dnn_sptf_gi)") def make_node(self, img, grid, dy): context_name = infer_context_name(img, grid, dy) img = as_gpuarray_variable(gpu_contiguous(img), context_name) if img.ndim != 4: raise TypeError('img must have 4 dimensions.') grid = as_gpuarray_variable(gpu_contiguous(grid), context_name) if img.ndim != grid.ndim: raise TypeError('grid should have the same number of dimensions as img') dy = as_gpuarray_variable(dy, context_name) if dy.ndim != 4: raise TypeError('dy must have 4 dimensions.') dimg = img.type() dgrid = grid.type() inputs = [img, grid, dy] outputs = [dimg, dgrid] return Apply(self, inputs, outputs) class GpuDnnTransformerGradT(DnnBase): """ Gradient of affine transformations Op for cuDNN Spatial Transformer. """ __props__ = () _cop_num_inputs = 1 _cop_num_outputs = 1 _f16_ok = True check_input = False def __init__(self): DnnBase.__init__(self, ["c_code/dnn_sptf_gt.c"], "APPLY_SPECIFIC(dnn_sptf_gt)") def make_node(self, dgrid): context_name = infer_context_name(dgrid) dgrid = as_gpuarray_variable(dgrid, context_name) assert dgrid.dtype in ('float16', 'float32', 'float64') assert dgrid.ndim == 4 dtheta = GpuArrayType(dtype=dgrid.dtype, broadcastable=(dgrid.type.ndim - 1) * (False,), context_name=context_name)() inputs = [dgrid] outputs = [dtheta] return Apply(self, inputs, outputs) def dnn_spatialtf(img, theta, scale_width=1, scale_height=1): """ GPU spatial transformer using cuDNN from NVIDIA. Parameters ---------- img : tensor Images to which the transformations will be applied. The implementation assumes the tensor is in NCHW format, where N is the number of images, C is the number of color channels, H is the height of the inputs, and W is width of the inputs. theta : tensor Affine transformation tensor containing one affine transformation matrix per image. ``theta`` is usually generated by the localization network. scale_height: float A float specifying the scaling factor for the height of the output image. A value of 1 will keep the original height of the input. Values larger than 1 will upsample the input. Values below 1 will downsample the input. scale_width: float A float specifying the scaling factor for the width of the output image. A value of 1 will keep the original width of the input. Values larger than 1 will upsample the input. Values below 1 will downsample the input. Returns ------- out : tensor Transformed images with width and height properly scaled. Notes ----- Currently, cuDNN only supports 2D transformations with 2x3 affine transformation matrices. Bilinear interpolation is the only grid sampler method available. """ out_dims = (img.shape[0], img.shape[1], theano.tensor.ceil(img.shape[2] * scale_height), theano.tensor.ceil(img.shape[3] * scale_width)) out_dims = tuple([as_scalar(v).astype('int64') for v in out_dims]) # Setup spatial transformer grid = GpuDnnTransformerGrid()(theta, out_dims) sampler = GpuDnnTransformerSampler()(img, grid) return sampler def local_abstractconv_cudnn_graph(op, context_name, inputs, outputs): if (not isinstance(op, (AbstractConv2d, AbstractConv2d_gradWeights, AbstractConv2d_gradInputs))): return if version(raises=False) < 6000 and op.filter_dilation != (1, 1): return None if op.unshared: return None if isinstance(op.border_mode, tuple) and any(isinstance(p, tuple) for p in op.border_mode): # Asymmetric padding not yet supported return None inp1 = inputs[0] inp2 = inputs[1] if not dnn_available(inp1.type.context_name): return if op.filter_flip: conv_mode = 'conv' else: conv_mode = 'cross' if isinstance(op, AbstractConv2d): rval = dnn_conv(inp1, inp2, border_mode=op.border_mode, subsample=op.subsample, dilation=op.filter_dilation, direction_hint='forward!', conv_mode=conv_mode, num_groups=op.num_groups) elif isinstance(op, AbstractConv2d_gradWeights): shape = (inp2.shape[1], inp1.shape[1] // op.num_groups, inputs[2][0], inputs[2][1]) rval = dnn_gradweight(inp1, inp2, shape, border_mode=op.border_mode, subsample=op.subsample, dilation=op.filter_dilation, conv_mode=conv_mode, num_groups=op.num_groups) elif isinstance(op, AbstractConv2d_gradInputs): shape = (inp2.shape[0], inp1.shape[1] * op.num_groups, inputs[2][0], inputs[2][1]) rval = dnn_gradinput(inp1, inp2, shape, border_mode=op.border_mode, subsample=op.subsample, dilation=op.filter_dilation, conv_mode=conv_mode, num_groups=op.num_groups) return [rval] def local_abstractconv3d_cudnn_graph(op, context_name, inputs, outputs): if (not isinstance(op, (AbstractConv3d, AbstractConv3d_gradWeights, AbstractConv3d_gradInputs))): return if version(raises=False) < 6000 and op.filter_dilation != (1, 1, 1): return None inp1 = inputs[0] inp2 = inputs[1] if not dnn_available(inp1.type.context_name): return if op.filter_flip: conv_mode = 'conv' else: conv_mode = 'cross' if isinstance(op, AbstractConv3d): rval = dnn_conv3d(inp1, inp2, border_mode=op.border_mode, subsample=op.subsample, dilation=op.filter_dilation, direction_hint='forward!', conv_mode=conv_mode, num_groups=op.num_groups) elif isinstance(op, AbstractConv3d_gradWeights): shape = (inp2.shape[1], inp1.shape[1] // op.num_groups, inputs[2][0], inputs[2][1], inputs[2][2]) rval = dnn_gradweight3d(inp1, inp2, shape, border_mode=op.border_mode, subsample=op.subsample, dilation=op.filter_dilation, conv_mode=conv_mode, num_groups=op.num_groups) elif isinstance(op, AbstractConv3d_gradInputs): shape = (inp2.shape[0], inp1.shape[1] * op.num_groups, inputs[2][0], inputs[2][1], inputs[2][2]) rval = dnn_gradinput3d(inp1, inp2, shape, border_mode=op.border_mode, subsample=op.subsample, dilation=op.filter_dilation, conv_mode=conv_mode, num_groups=op.num_groups) return [rval] @local_optimizer([AbstractConv2d, AbstractConv3d]) def local_abstractconv_cudnn(node): ctx = infer_context_name(*node.inputs) if not isinstance(node.inputs[0].type, GpuArrayType): return if node.op.unshared: return None if isinstance(node.op.border_mode, tuple) and any(isinstance(p, tuple) for p in node.op.border_mode): # Asymmetric padding not yet supported return None if isinstance(node.op, AbstractConv2d): with inherit_stack_trace(node.outputs): return local_abstractconv_cudnn_graph(node.op, ctx, node.inputs, node.outputs) elif isinstance(node.op, AbstractConv3d): with inherit_stack_trace(node.outputs): return local_abstractconv3d_cudnn_graph(node.op, ctx, node.inputs, node.outputs) @local_optimizer([AbstractConv2d, AbstractConv2d_gradWeights, AbstractConv2d_gradInputs]) def local_abstractconv_cudnn_alt(node): if(not isinstance(node.op, (AbstractConv2d, AbstractConv2d_gradWeights, AbstractConv2d_gradInputs))): return if version(raises=False) < 6000 and node.op.filter_dilation != (1, 1): return None if node.op.unshared: return None if isinstance(node.op.border_mode, tuple) and any(isinstance(p, tuple) for p in node.op.border_mode): # Asymmetric padding not yet supported return None inp1 = node.inputs[0] inp2 = node.inputs[1] if not dnn_available(inp1.type.context_name): return op = node.op border_mode = node.op.border_mode subsample = node.op.subsample filter_dilation = node.op.filter_dilation num_groups = node.op.num_groups precision, _ = get_precision(None, [inp1, inp2]) if node.op.filter_flip: conv_mode = 'conv' else: conv_mode = 'cross' if isinstance(op, AbstractConv2d): if border_mode == 'half' or subsample != (1, 1) or num_groups != 1: return None if border_mode == 'full': direction_hint = 'bprop inputs' elif border_mode == 'valid' and filter_dilation == (1, 1): direction_hint = 'bprop weights' else: return None rval = dnn_conv(inp1, inp2, border_mode=border_mode, subsample=subsample, dilation=filter_dilation, direction_hint=direction_hint, conv_mode=conv_mode, num_groups=num_groups) elif isinstance(op, AbstractConv2d_gradWeights): if(border_mode == 'valid' and subsample == (1, 1) and filter_dilation == (1, 1) and num_groups == 1): img = gpu_contiguous(inp1) topgrad = gpu_contiguous(inp2) ctx_name = infer_context_name(img, topgrad) img = gpu_contiguous(img.dimshuffle(1, 0, 2, 3)) topgrad = gpu_contiguous(topgrad.dimshuffle(1, 0, 2, 3)) ishape = [shape_i_op(i)(img) for i in range(img.ndim)] tshape = [shape_i_op(i)(topgrad) for i in range(topgrad.ndim)] out_shp = get_conv_output_shape(ishape, tshape, border_mode=border_mode, subsample=subsample, filter_dilation=filter_dilation) out_shp = assert_conv_shape(out_shp) out = GpuAllocEmpty(dtype=img.dtype, context_name=ctx_name)(*out_shp) desc = GpuDnnConvDesc(border_mode=border_mode, subsample=subsample, dilation=filter_dilation, conv_mode='cross', precision=precision)(out.shape) conv = GpuDnnConv(algo=None, num_groups=num_groups)(img, topgrad, out, desc) if conv_mode == 'conv': conv = conv[:, :, ::-1, ::-1] rval = as_gpuarray_variable(conv.dimshuffle(1, 0, 2, 3), ctx_name) else: return None elif isinstance(op, AbstractConv2d_gradInputs): if border_mode == 'valid' and subsample == (1, 1) and num_groups == 1: kerns = gpu_contiguous(inp1.dimshuffle(1, 0, 2, 3)) topgrad = gpu_contiguous(inp2) ctx_name = infer_context_name(kerns, topgrad) conv_mode = 'cross' if conv_mode == 'conv' else 'conv' desc = GpuDnnConvDesc(border_mode='full', subsample=subsample, dilation=filter_dilation, conv_mode=conv_mode, precision=precision)(kerns.shape) tshape = [shape_i_op(i)(topgrad) for i in range(topgrad.ndim)] kshape = [shape_i_op(i)(kerns) for i in range(kerns.ndim)] shape = get_conv_output_shape(tshape, kshape, border_mode='full', subsample=subsample, filter_dilation=filter_dilation) shape = assert_conv_shape(shape) out = GpuAllocEmpty(dtype=topgrad.dtype, context_name=ctx_name)(*shape) rval = GpuDnnConv(algo=None, num_groups=num_groups)(topgrad, kerns, out, desc) else: return None return [rval] @local_optimizer([AbstractConv3d, AbstractConv3d_gradWeights, AbstractConv3d_gradInputs]) def local_abstractconv3d_cudnn_alt(node): if(not isinstance(node.op, (AbstractConv3d, AbstractConv3d_gradWeights, AbstractConv3d_gradInputs))): return if version(raises=False) < 6000 and node.op.filter_dilation != (1, 1, 1): return None inp1 = node.inputs[0] inp2 = node.inputs[1] if not dnn_available(inp1.type.context_name): return op = node.op border_mode = node.op.border_mode subsample = node.op.subsample filter_dilation = node.op.filter_dilation num_groups = node.op.num_groups precision, _ = get_precision(None, [inp1, inp2]) if node.op.filter_flip: conv_mode = 'conv' else: conv_mode = 'cross' if isinstance(op, AbstractConv3d): if border_mode == 'half' or subsample != (1, 1, 1) or num_groups > 1: return None if border_mode == 'full': direction_hint = 'bprop inputs' elif border_mode == 'valid' and filter_dilation == (1, 1, 1): direction_hint = 'bprop weights' else: return None rval = dnn_conv3d(inp1, inp2, border_mode=border_mode, subsample=subsample, dilation=filter_dilation, direction_hint=direction_hint, conv_mode=conv_mode) elif isinstance(op, AbstractConv3d_gradWeights): if(border_mode == 'valid' and subsample == (1, 1, 1) and filter_dilation == (1, 1, 1) and num_groups == 1): img = gpu_contiguous(inp1) topgrad = gpu_contiguous(inp2) ctx_name = infer_context_name(img, topgrad) img = gpu_contiguous(img.dimshuffle(1, 0, 2, 3, 4)) topgrad = gpu_contiguous(topgrad.dimshuffle(1, 0, 2, 3, 4)) ishape = [shape_i_op(i)(img) for i in range(img.ndim)] tshape = [shape_i_op(i)(topgrad) for i in range(topgrad.ndim)] out_shp = get_conv_output_shape(ishape, tshape, border_mode=border_mode, subsample=subsample, filter_dilation=filter_dilation) out_shp = assert_conv_shape(out_shp) out = GpuAllocEmpty(dtype=img.dtype, context_name=ctx_name)(*out_shp) desc = GpuDnnConvDesc(border_mode=border_mode, subsample=subsample, dilation=filter_dilation, conv_mode='cross', num_groups=num_groups, precision=precision)(out.shape) conv = GpuDnnConv(algo=None, num_groups=num_groups)( img, topgrad, out, desc) if conv_mode == 'conv': conv = conv[:, :, ::-1, ::-1, ::-1] rval = as_gpuarray_variable(conv.dimshuffle(1, 0, 2, 3, 4), ctx_name) else: return None elif isinstance(op, AbstractConv3d_gradInputs): if border_mode == 'valid' and subsample == (1, 1, 1) and num_groups == 1: kerns = gpu_contiguous(inp1.dimshuffle(1, 0, 2, 3, 4)) topgrad = gpu_contiguous(inp2) ctx_name = infer_context_name(kerns, topgrad) conv_mode = 'cross' if conv_mode == 'conv' else 'conv' desc = GpuDnnConvDesc(border_mode='full', subsample=subsample, dilation=filter_dilation, conv_mode=conv_mode, num_groups=num_groups, precision=precision)(kerns.shape) tshape = [shape_i_op(i)(topgrad) for i in range(topgrad.ndim)] kshape = [shape_i_op(i)(kerns) for i in range(kerns.ndim)] shape = get_conv_output_shape(tshape, kshape, border_mode='full', subsample=subsample, filter_dilation=filter_dilation) shape = assert_conv_shape(shape) out = GpuAllocEmpty(dtype=topgrad.dtype, context_name=ctx_name)(*shape) rval = GpuDnnConv(algo=None, num_groups=num_groups)( topgrad, kerns, out, desc) else: return None return [rval] @local_optimizer([AbstractConv2d_gradWeights, AbstractConv3d_gradWeights]) def local_abstractconv_gw_cudnn(node): ctx = infer_context_name(*node.inputs) if not isinstance(node.inputs[0].type, GpuArrayType): return if node.op.unshared: return None if isinstance(node.op.border_mode, tuple) and any(isinstance(p, tuple) for p in node.op.border_mode): # Asymmetric padding not yet supported return None if isinstance(node.op, AbstractConv2d_gradWeights): with inherit_stack_trace(node.outputs): return local_abstractconv_cudnn_graph(node.op, ctx, node.inputs, node.outputs) elif isinstance(node.op, AbstractConv3d_gradWeights): with inherit_stack_trace(node.outputs): return local_abstractconv3d_cudnn_graph(node.op, ctx, node.inputs, node.outputs) @local_optimizer([AbstractConv2d_gradInputs, AbstractConv3d_gradInputs]) def local_abstractconv_gi_cudnn(node): ctx = infer_context_name(*node.inputs) if not isinstance(node.inputs[0].type, GpuArrayType): return if node.op.unshared: return None if isinstance(node.op.border_mode, tuple) and any(isinstance(p, tuple) for p in node.op.border_mode): # Asymmetric padding not yet supported return None if isinstance(node.op, AbstractConv2d_gradInputs): with inherit_stack_trace(node.outputs): return local_abstractconv_cudnn_graph(node.op, ctx, node.inputs, node.outputs) elif isinstance(node.op, AbstractConv3d_gradInputs): with inherit_stack_trace(node.outputs): return local_abstractconv3d_cudnn_graph(node.op, ctx, node.inputs, node.outputs) @inplace_allocempty(GpuDnnConv, 2) def local_dnn_conv_inplace(node, inputs): return [GpuDnnConv(algo=node.op.algo, inplace=True, num_groups=node.op.num_groups)(*inputs)] @inplace_allocempty(GpuDnnConvGradW, 2) def local_dnn_convgw_inplace(node, inputs): return [GpuDnnConvGradW(algo=node.op.algo, inplace=True, num_groups=node.op.num_groups)(*inputs)] @inplace_allocempty(GpuDnnConvGradI, 2) def local_dnn_convgi_inplace(node, inputs): return [GpuDnnConvGradI(algo=node.op.algo, inplace=True, num_groups=node.op.num_groups)(*inputs)] optdb.register('local_dnna_conv_inplace', tensor.opt.in2out(local_dnn_conv_inplace, local_dnn_convgw_inplace, local_dnn_convgi_inplace, name="local_dnna_conv_inplace"), 70.0, 'fast_run', 'inplace', 'gpuarray', 'cudnn') @register_opt('cudnn') @alpha_merge(GpuDnnConv, alpha_in=4, beta_in=5) def local_dnn_conv_alpha_merge(node, *inputs): return [GpuDnnConv(algo=node.op.algo, num_groups=node.op.num_groups)(*inputs)] @register_opt('cudnn') @alpha_merge(GpuDnnConvGradW, alpha_in=4, beta_in=5) def local_dnn_convw_alpha_merge(node, *inputs): return [GpuDnnConvGradW(algo=node.op.algo, num_groups=node.op.num_groups)(*inputs)] @register_opt('cudnn') @alpha_merge(GpuDnnConvGradI, alpha_in=4, beta_in=5) def local_dnn_convi_alpha_merge(node, *inputs): return [GpuDnnConvGradI(algo=node.op.algo, num_groups=node.op.num_groups)(*inputs)] @register_opt('cudnn') @output_merge(GpuDnnConv, alpha_in=4, beta_in=5, out_in=2) def local_dnn_conv_output_merge(node, *inputs): inputs = inputs[0:2] + (gpu_contiguous(inputs[2]),) + inputs[3:] return [GpuDnnConv(algo=node.op.algo, num_groups=node.op.num_groups)(*inputs)] @register_opt('cudnn') @output_merge(GpuDnnConvGradW, alpha_in=4, beta_in=5, out_in=2) def local_dnn_convw_output_merge(node, *inputs): inputs = inputs[0:2] + (gpu_contiguous(inputs[2]),) + inputs[3:] return [GpuDnnConvGradW(algo=node.op.algo, num_groups=node.op.num_groups)(*inputs)] @register_opt('cudnn') @output_merge(GpuDnnConvGradI, alpha_in=4, beta_in=5, out_in=2) def local_dnn_convi_output_merge(node, *inputs): inputs = inputs[0:2] + (gpu_contiguous(inputs[2]),) + inputs[3:] return [GpuDnnConvGradI(algo=node.op.algo, num_groups=node.op.num_groups)(*inputs)] def local_gpua_pool_dnn_alternative(op, ctx_name, inputs, outputs): if not dnn_available(ctx_name): return if not op.ignore_border: return img, ws, stride, pad = inputs nd = op.ndim if nd not in (2, 3): return img = gpu_contiguous(as_gpuarray_variable(img, ctx_name)) mode = op.mode # dnn_pool expects exactly 2 non-pooling dimensions if img.ndim == nd + 2: return dnn_pool(img, ws, stride=stride, pad=pad, mode=mode) else: # reshape to 4D or 5D with 2 non-pooling dimensions img_padded = pad_dims(img, 2, nd) ret_padded = dnn_pool(img_padded, ws, stride=stride, pad=pad, mode=mode) return unpad_dims(ret_padded, img, 2, nd) pool_db.register("local_gpua_pool_dnn_alternative", op_lifter([Pool])(local_gpua_pool_dnn_alternative), 'gpuarray', 'fast_compile', 'fast_run', 'cudnn', position=0) pool_db2.register("local_gpua_pool_dnn_alternative", local_optimizer([Pool])(local_gpua_pool_dnn_alternative), 'gpuarray', 'fast_compile', 'fast_run', 'cudnn', position=0) def local_gpua_pool_dnn_grad_stride(op, ctx_name, inputs, outputs): if not dnn_available(ctx_name): return if not op.ignore_border: return inp, out, out_grad, ws, stride, pad = inputs nd = op.ndim if nd not in (2, 3): return inp = gpu_contiguous(as_gpuarray_variable(inp, ctx_name)) out = gpu_contiguous(as_gpuarray_variable(out, ctx_name)) out_grad = gpu_contiguous(as_gpuarray_variable(out_grad, ctx_name)) mode = op.mode # the GPU ops expect exactly 2 non-pooling dimensions if inp.ndim == nd + 2: return GpuDnnPoolGrad(mode=mode)(inp, out, out_grad, ws, stride, pad) else: # reshape to 4D or 5D with 2 non-pooling dimensions inp_padded = pad_dims(inp, 2, nd) out_padded = pad_dims(out, 2, nd) out_grad_padded = pad_dims(out_grad, 2, nd) ret_padded = GpuDnnPoolGrad(mode=mode)(inp_padded, out_padded, out_grad_padded, ws, stride, pad) return unpad_dims(ret_padded, inp, 2, nd) pool_db.register("local_gpua_pool_dnn_grad_stride", op_lifter([MaxPoolGrad])(local_gpua_pool_dnn_grad_stride), 'gpuarray', 'fast_compile', 'fast_run', 'cudnn', position=0) pool_db2.register("local_gpua_pool_dnn_grad_stride", local_optimizer([MaxPoolGrad])(local_gpua_pool_dnn_grad_stride), 'gpuarray', 'fast_compile', 'fast_run', 'cudnn', position=0) def local_gpua_avg_pool_dnn_grad_stride(op, ctx_name, inputs, outputs): if not dnn_available(ctx_name): return if not op.ignore_border: return inp, out_grad, ws, stride, pad = inputs nd = op.ndim if nd not in (2, 3): return inp = gpu_contiguous(as_gpuarray_variable(inp, ctx_name)) out_grad = gpu_contiguous(as_gpuarray_variable(out_grad, ctx_name)) mode = op.mode # the GPU ops expect exactly 2 non-pooling dimensions if inp.ndim == nd + 2: # We reuse out_grad because cuDNN does not use the value of the `out` # argument but still checks its shape for average pooling. This # has been observed in v2 and v3 as far as I know. return GpuDnnPoolGrad(mode=mode)(inp, out_grad, out_grad, ws, stride, pad) else: # reshape to 4D or 5D with 2 non-pooling dimensions inp_padded = pad_dims(inp, 2, nd) out_grad_padded = pad_dims(out_grad, 2, nd) ret_padded = GpuDnnPoolGrad(mode=mode)(inp_padded, out_grad_padded, out_grad_padded, ws, stride, pad) return unpad_dims(ret_padded, inp, 2, nd) pool_db.register("local_gpua_avg_pool_dnn_grad_stride", op_lifter([AveragePoolGrad])(local_gpua_avg_pool_dnn_grad_stride), 'gpuarray', 'fast_compile', 'fast_run', 'cudnn', position=0) pool_db2.register("local_gpua_avg_pool_dnn_grad_stride", local_optimizer([AveragePoolGrad])(local_gpua_avg_pool_dnn_grad_stride), 'gpuarray', 'fast_compile', 'fast_run', 'cudnn', position=0) @register_opt('cudnn', 'fast_compile') @local_optimizer([GpuSoftmax]) def local_softmax_dnn(node): if isinstance(node.op, GpuSoftmax): if not dnn_available(node.outputs[0].type.context_name): return ins = node.inputs[0].dimshuffle(0, 1, 'x', 'x') ins = gpu_contiguous(ins) out = GpuDnnSoftmax('accurate', 'channel')(ins) out = as_gpuarray_variable(out.dimshuffle(0, 1), out.type.context_name) return [out] @register_opt('cudnn', 'stabilize') @local_optimizer([GpuElemwise]) def local_log_softmax_dnn(node): # This looks for GpuDnnSoftmax so we know that we have cudnn. if (isinstance(node.op, GpuElemwise) and isinstance(node.op.scalar_op, Log) and node.inputs[0].owner and isinstance(node.inputs[0].owner.op, GpuDnnSoftmax) and len(node.inputs[0].clients) == 1): softmax_node = node.inputs[0].owner new_softmax = GpuDnnSoftmax('log', softmax_node.op.mode) return [new_softmax(softmax_node.inputs[0])] @register_opt('cudnn', 'fast_compile') @op_lifter([LogSoftmax]) @register_opt2([LogSoftmax], 'fast_compile', 'cudnn') def local_gpua_logsoftmax_to_dnn(op, ctx_name, inputs, outputs): # Transform the input in the format expected by GpuDnnSoftmax inp = inputs[0] if inp.ndim != 2: return if not dnn_available(ctx_name): return inp = inp.dimshuffle(0, 1, 'x', 'x') inp.tag.context_name = ctx_name # Apply GpuDnnSoftmax and return the result out = GpuDnnSoftmax('log', 'channel')(gpu_contiguous(inp)) return [out.dimshuffle(0, 1)] @register_opt('cudnn', 'fast_compile') @op_lifter([SoftmaxGrad]) @register_opt2([SoftmaxGrad], 'cudnn', 'fast_compile') def local_gpua_softmax_dnn_grad(op, ctx_name, inputs, outputs): if not dnn_available(ctx_name): return ins = [] for n in inputs: n = as_gpuarray_variable(n, ctx_name) if n.ndim != 2: return ins.append(n.dimshuffle(0, 'x', 1, 'x')) out = GpuDnnSoftmaxGrad('accurate', 'instance')( gpu_contiguous(ins[0]), gpu_contiguous(ins[1])) return [out.dimshuffle(0, 2)] @register_opt('cudnn') @local_optimizer([GpuCAReduceCuda]) def local_dnn_reduction(node): if not isinstance(node.op, GpuCAReduceCuda): return if not dnn_available(node.inputs[0].type.context_name): return if version(raises=False) < 6000: return if node.inputs[0].ndim > 8: return acc_dtype = node.op._acc_dtype(node.inputs[0].dtype) if node.inputs[0].dtype != node.outputs[0].dtype: # We can mix float16 and float32, but not float64. if (node.inputs[0].dtype == 'float64' or node.outputs[0].dtype == 'float64'): return if acc_dtype != 'float32': return if node.inputs[0].dtype not in ['float16', 'float32', 'float64']: return if (node.inputs[0].dtype == 'float64' and acc_dtype != 'float64'): return if (node.inputs[0].dtype == 'float32' and acc_dtype != 'float32'): return if (node.inputs[0].dtype == 'float16' and acc_dtype == 'float64'): return def _identity(a): return a def _square(a): return GpuElemwise(theano.scalar.basic.sqr)(a) scal = post = _identity if node.op.pre_scalar_op is not None: if isinstance(node.op.scalar_op, theano.scalar.basic.Add): if isinstance(node.op.pre_scalar_op, theano.scalar.basic.Sqr): scal = 'norm2' post = _square elif isinstance(node.op.pre_scalar_op, theano.scalar.basic.Abs): scal = 'norm1' else: return elif (isinstance(node.op.scalar_op, theano.scalar.basic.Maximum) and isinstance(node.op.pre_scalar_op, theano.scalar.basic.Abs)): scal = 'absmax' else: return if not cudnn.cudnnReduceTensorOp_t.has_alias(scal): return with inherit_stack_trace(node.outputs): ret = GpuDnnReduction(scal, node.op.axis, acc_dtype, node.op.dtype, False)(node.inputs[0]) return [post(ret)] @register_opt('cudnn') @local_optimizer([GpuMaxAndArgmax]) def local_cudnn_maxandargmax(node): if not isinstance(node.op, GpuMaxAndArgmax): return if not dnn_available(node.inputs[0].type.context_name): return if version(raises=False) < 6000: return if node.inputs[0].ndim > 8: return if node.inputs[0].dtype != node.outputs[0].dtype: return if node.inputs[0].dtype not in ['float16', 'float32', 'float64']: return # order of the axes influences the output indices if (node.op.axis is not None and tuple(sorted(node.op.axis)) != node.op.axis): return max, arg = GpuDnnReduction('maximum', node.op.axis, node.outputs[0].dtype, node.outputs[0].dtype, True)(node.inputs[0]) # cudnn can only return int32 indices return (max, as_gpuarray_variable(arg.astype('int64'), node.outputs[1].type.context_name)) @register_opt('cudnn', 'fast_compile') @op_lifter([Argmax]) @register_opt2([Argmax], 'fast_compile', 'cudnn') def local_dnn_argmax(op, ctx_name, inputs, outputs): if not dnn_available(ctx_name): return if version(raises=False) < 6000: return if inputs[0].ndim > 8: return if inputs[0].dtype not in ['float16', 'float32', 'float64']: return # order of the axes influences the output indices if op.axis is not None and tuple(sorted(op.axis)) != op.axis: return max, arg = GpuDnnReduction('maximum', op.axis, inputs[0].dtype, inputs[0].dtype, True)(*inputs) return [as_gpuarray_variable(arg.astype('int64'), ctx_name)] class NoCuDNNRaise(Optimizer): def apply(self, fgraph): """ Raise a error if cudnn can't be used. """ for c in list_contexts(): if not dnn_available(c): # Make an assert error as we want Theano to fail, not # just skip this optimization. raise AssertionError( "cuDNN optimization was enabled, but Theano was not able " "to use it for context " + str(c) + ". We got this error: \n" + dnn_available.msg) gpu_seqopt.register("NoCuDNNRaise", NoCuDNNRaise(), 0, 'cudnn') def local_abstract_batch_norm_train_cudnn(op, ctx_name, inputs, outputs): x, scale, bias, epsilon, running_average_factor = inputs[:5] running_mean = inputs[5] if len(inputs) > 5 else None running_var = inputs[6] if len(inputs) > 6 else None # convert axes to cuDNN mode axes = tuple(op.axes) if axes == (0,): mode = 'per-activation' elif axes == (0,) + tuple(range(2, x.ndim)): mode = 'spatial' else: return None try: eps = theano.tensor.get_scalar_constant_value(epsilon) except theano.tensor.NotScalarConstantError: return None if eps < 1e-5: return None try: running_average_factor = theano.tensor.get_scalar_constant_value(running_average_factor) except theano.tensor.NotScalarConstantError: return None ctx = infer_context_name(*inputs) if not dnn_available(ctx): return x = as_gpuarray_variable(x, context_name=ctx) scale = as_gpuarray_variable(scale, context_name=ctx) bias = as_gpuarray_variable(bias, context_name=ctx) inputs = [x, scale, bias, mode, eps, running_average_factor] if running_mean is not None and running_var is not None: inputs.append(running_mean) inputs.append(running_var) results = list(dnn_batch_normalization_train(*inputs)) return results @register_inplace() @local_optimizer([GpuDnnBatchNorm], inplace=True) def local_batch_norm_inplace_output(node): if isinstance(node.op, GpuDnnBatchNorm) and not node.op.inplace_output: return GpuDnnBatchNorm(mode=node.op.mode, running_averages=node.op.running_averages, inplace_running_mean=node.op.inplace_running_mean, inplace_running_var=node.op.inplace_running_var, inplace_output=True)(*node.inputs) @register_inplace() @local_optimizer([GpuDnnBatchNorm], inplace=True) def local_batch_norm_inplace_running_mean(node): if isinstance(node.op, GpuDnnBatchNorm) and node.op.running_averages and not node.op.inplace_running_mean: return GpuDnnBatchNorm(mode=node.op.mode, running_averages=node.op.running_averages, inplace_running_mean=True, inplace_running_var=node.op.inplace_running_var, inplace_output=node.op.inplace_output)(*node.inputs) @register_inplace() @local_optimizer([GpuDnnBatchNorm], inplace=True) def local_batch_norm_inplace_running_var(node): if isinstance(node.op, GpuDnnBatchNorm) and node.op.running_averages and not node.op.inplace_running_var: return GpuDnnBatchNorm(mode=node.op.mode, running_averages=node.op.running_averages, inplace_running_mean=node.op.inplace_running_mean, inplace_running_var=True, inplace_output=node.op.inplace_output)(*node.inputs) @register_inplace() @local_optimizer([GpuDnnBatchNormInference], inplace=True) def local_batch_norm_inference_inplace(node): if isinstance(node.op, GpuDnnBatchNormInference) and not node.op.inplace: return [GpuDnnBatchNormInference(mode=node.op.mode, inplace=True)(*node.inputs)] def local_abstract_batch_norm_train_grad_cudnn(op, ctx_name, inputs, outputs): x, dy, scale, x_mean, x_invstd, epsilon = inputs # input on gpu? TODO what about the output? x_on_gpu = (isinstance(x.type, GpuArrayType) or (x.owner and isinstance(x.owner.op, HostFromGpu))) dy_on_gpu = (isinstance(dy.type, GpuArrayType) or (dy.owner and isinstance(dy.owner.op, HostFromGpu))) if not (x_on_gpu or dy_on_gpu): return None # convert axes to cuDNN mode axes = tuple(op.axes) if axes == (0,): mode = 'per-activation' elif axes == (0,) + tuple(range(2, x.ndim)): mode = 'spatial' else: return None ndim = x.ndim if ndim < 4: x = theano.tensor.shape_padright(x, 4 - ndim) dy = theano.tensor.shape_padright(dy, 4 - ndim) scale = theano.tensor.shape_padright(scale, 4 - ndim) x_mean = theano.tensor.shape_padright(x_mean, 4 - ndim) x_invstd = theano.tensor.shape_padright(x_invstd, 4 - ndim) elif ndim > 5: x_shape = x.shape params_shape = scale.shape x = theano.tensor.flatten(x, 5) dy = theano.tensor.flatten(dy, 5) scale = theano.tensor.flatten(scale, 5) x_mean = theano.tensor.flatten(x_mean, 5) x_invstd = theano.tensor.flatten(x_invstd, 5) try: eps = theano.tensor.get_scalar_constant_value(epsilon) except theano.tensor.NotScalarConstantError: return None if eps < 1e-5: return None ctx = infer_context_name(*inputs) if not dnn_available(ctx): return x = as_gpuarray_variable(x, context_name=ctx) dy = as_gpuarray_variable(dy, context_name=ctx) scale = as_gpuarray_variable(scale, context_name=ctx) x_mean = as_gpuarray_variable(x_mean, context_name=ctx) x_invstd = as_gpuarray_variable(x_invstd, context_name=ctx) g_wrt_inputs, g_wrt_scale, g_wrt_bias = \ GpuDnnBatchNormGrad(mode)(x, dy, scale, x_mean, x_invstd, eps) if ndim < 4: g_wrt_inputs = theano.tensor.flatten(g_wrt_inputs, ndim) g_wrt_scale = theano.tensor.flatten(g_wrt_scale, ndim) g_wrt_bias = theano.tensor.flatten(g_wrt_bias, ndim) elif ndim > 5: g_wrt_inputs = theano.tensor.reshape(g_wrt_inputs, x_shape) g_wrt_scale = theano.tensor.reshape(g_wrt_scale, params_shape) g_wrt_bias = theano.tensor.reshape(g_wrt_bias, params_shape) return [g_wrt_inputs, g_wrt_scale, g_wrt_bias] def local_abstract_batch_norm_inference_cudnn(op, ctx_name, inputs, outputs): x, scale, bias, estimated_mean, estimated_variance, epsilon = inputs axes = tuple(op.axes) if axes == (0,): mode = 'per-activation' elif axes == (0,) + tuple(range(2, x.ndim)): mode = 'spatial' else: return None try: eps = theano.tensor.get_scalar_constant_value(epsilon) except theano.tensor.NotScalarConstantError: return None if eps < 1e-5: return None ctx = infer_context_name(*inputs) if not dnn_available(ctx): return x = as_gpuarray_variable(x, context_name=ctx) scale = as_gpuarray_variable(scale, context_name=ctx) bias = as_gpuarray_variable(bias, context_name=ctx) estimated_mean = as_gpuarray_variable(estimated_mean, context_name=ctx) estimated_variance = as_gpuarray_variable(estimated_variance, context_name=ctx) out = dnn_batch_normalization_test(x, scale, bias, estimated_mean, estimated_variance, mode, eps) return [out]