Commit 653a85e0 authored by Your Name's avatar Your Name

typos abound

parent 85662dac
......@@ -38,14 +38,14 @@ def main():
if iv.image is not None:
# cv2.imshow("image window", iv.image)
if np.mod(iv.seq, 32) == 0:
if os.path.isdir(folderName):
# print ("File exist")
directory = "/home/" + getpass.getuser() + "/" + folderName
if os.path.isdir(directory):
if windowFlag:
cv2.imshow("image window", iv.image)
rospy.loginfo("publishing image to window seq: " + iv.seq)
if saveFlag:
cv2.imwrite("/home/" + getpass.getuser() + "/" folderName + "/camera_image_{seq}.jpeg".format(seq = iv.seq), iv.image)
rospy.loginfo("saving image to folder: home-> " + folderName + "-> camera_image_{seq}.jpeg".format(seq = iv.seq) + " seq: " + str(iv.seq))
cv2.imwrite(directory + "/camera_image_{seq}.jpeg".format(seq = iv.seq), iv.image)
rospy.loginfo("saving image to folder: " + directory + "-> camera_image_{seq}.jpeg".format(seq = iv.seq) + " seq: " + str(iv.seq))
rospy.loginfo("camera dir missing!")
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