Commit 41365531 authored by Larkin Heintzman's avatar Larkin Heintzman

added better waypoints and mods

parent 3f0b00d8
<rosparam file="$(find dji_osdk_ros)/launch/waypoints_musical_drones.json"/>
<!-- <rosparam file="$(find dji_osdk_ros)/launch/waypoints_musical_drones.json"/> -->
<node pkg="dji_osdk_ros" type="dji_vehicle_node" name="vehicle_node" output="screen">
<!-- node parameters -->
<param name="acm_name" type="string" value="/dev/ttyACM0"/>
......@@ -26,12 +26,9 @@
<node name="waypointGenerator" type="" pkg="dji_osdk_ros">
<rosparam command="load" param="anchorPoint">
[37.196986, -80.578257]
<rosparam command="load" param="altitude">
<rosparam command="load" param="anchorPoint"> [37.196986, -80.578257] </rosparam>
<rosparam command="load" param="altitude"> 2.0 </rosparam>
<rosparam command="load" param="droneNum"> 3 </rosparam>
<!-- <node pkg="dji_osdk_ros" type="" name="image_saver" output="screen"/> -->
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import rospy
import numpy as np
from sensor_msgs.msg import NavSatFix
from geometry_msgs.msg import PointStamped
from geometry_msgs.msg import QuaternionStamped
from dji_osdk_ros.msg import VOPosition
from geometry_msgs.msg import Transform
from geometry_msgs.msg import Vector3
......@@ -16,6 +17,7 @@ homeSetFlag = False
# homePoint = PointStamped()
homePoint = NavSatFix()
transform = Transform()
quat = Quaternion()
angleOffset = 0.0
def point_rotation(origin, pt, ang):
......@@ -30,19 +32,17 @@ def point_rotation(origin, pt, ang):
return pt_spun
def rotCallback(data):
global quat
quat = data.quaternion
def callback(data):
def posCallback(data):
global homeSetFlag
global homePoint
global transform
if not homeSetFlag: # mildly hacky, depends on position format we're using for feedback. might build into bus driver and pub from there
# set up home point in yee pee es
homePoint = data
# homePoint.point.x = data.x
# homePoint.point.y = data.y
# homePoint.point.z = data.z
# homePoint.header = data.header
homeSetFlag = True
rospy.loginfo("setting home point...")
......@@ -71,20 +71,21 @@ def callback(data):
translation.z = data.altitude - homePoint.altitude
transform.translation = translation
transform.rotation = quat
rot = Rotation.from_euler('xyz', [0, 0, 0], degrees = True) # be not rotated pls
zeroQuaternion = rot.as_quat()
rotation.x = zeroQuaternion[0]
rotation.y = zeroQuaternion[1]
rotation.z = zeroQuaternion[2]
rotation.w = zeroQuaternion[3]
# rot = Rotation.from_euler('xyz', [0, 0, 0], degrees = True) # be not rotated pls
# zeroQuaternion = rot.as_quat()
# rotation.x = zeroQuaternion[0]
# rotation.y = zeroQuaternion[1]
# rotation.z = zeroQuaternion[2]
# rotation.w = zeroQuaternion[3]
transform.rotation = rotation
def main():
global transform
rospy.Subscriber("dji_osdk_ros/gps_position", NavSatFix, callback, queue_size = 1)
rospy.Subscriber("dji_osdk_ros/gps_position", NavSatFix, posCallback, queue_size = 1)
rospy.Subscriber("dji_osdk_ros/attitude", QuaternionStamped, rotCallback, queue_size = 1)
posePublisher = rospy.Publisher("pose_feedback", Transform, queue_size = 1)
while not rospy.is_shutdown():
......@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ from tools import meters2lat_lon, lat_lon2meters
import numpy as np
import rospy
def normalizeAngle(angle):
newAngle = angle%360
newAngle = (newAngle + 360)%360
......@@ -12,11 +11,14 @@ def normalizeAngle(angle):
return newAngle
def generateWaypoints():
anchorPoint = rospy.get_param("~anchorPoint")
waypointAltitude = rospy.get_param("~altitude")
baseWaypointAltitude = rospy.get_param("~altitude")
droneNum = rospy.get_param("~droneNum")
waypointAltitudeIncrement = baseWaypointAltitude # increase altitude for each drone in team
# musical drones trajectory is convient test case, but general path is possible
# ring sizes
big = 10
med = 5
......@@ -37,29 +39,38 @@ def generateWaypoints():
[big, -big],
tempDict = {"waypoints" : {}, "positions" : {}, "numWaypoints" : 0, "numPositions" : 0}
waypointDict = {"robot_0" : tempDict, "robot_1" : tempDict}
waypointDict = {}
# define dictionary
# for temp in range(droneNum):
# waypointDict["robot_{}".format(temp)] = tempDict
numWaypoints = len(waypointOffsets)
numPositions = len(waypointOffsets) # TODO, add position list to parameters
for i, offset in enumerate(waypointOffsets):
waypointLatLon = meters2lat_lon([apMeters[0] + offset[0], apMeters[1] + offset[1]])
waypointLatLonRev = meters2lat_lon([apMeters[0] - offset[0], apMeters[1] - offset[1]])
waypointHeading = normalizeAngle(45*i)
# waypoints
waypointDict["robot_0"]["waypoints"].update({"waypoint_{}".format(i) : [i, waypointLatLon[0], waypointLatLon[1], waypointAltitude, waypointHeading]})
waypointDict["robot_1"]["waypoints"].update({"waypoint_{}".format(i) : [i, waypointLatLonRev[0], waypointLatLonRev[1], waypointAltitude, waypointHeading]})
# positions
waypointDict["robot_0"]["positions"].update({"position_{}".format(i) : [i, offset[0], offset[1], waypointAltitude, waypointHeading]})
waypointDict["robot_1"]["positions"].update({"position_{}".format(i) : [i, -offset[0], -offset[1], waypointAltitude, waypointHeading]})
# print(waypointDict)
for d in range(droneNum):
# rospy.loginfo("blah!")
# print(d)
waypointDict["robot_{}".format(d)] = {}
waypointDict["robot_{}".format(d)] = {}
waypointDict["robot_{}".format(d)]["waypoints"] = {}
waypointDict["robot_{}".format(d)]["positions"] = {}
for i, offset in enumerate(waypointOffsets):
waypointLatLon = meters2lat_lon([apMeters[0] + offset[0], apMeters[1] + offset[1]])
waypointLatLonRev = meters2lat_lon([apMeters[0] - offset[0], apMeters[1] - offset[1]])
waypointHeading = normalizeAngle(45*i)
# do this betta
waypointDict["robot_0"]["numWaypoints"] = numWaypoints
waypointDict["robot_0"]["numPositions"] = numPositions
waypointDict["robot_1"]["numWaypoints"] = numWaypoints
waypointDict["robot_1"]["numPositions"] = numPositions
# waypoints
waypointDict["robot_{}".format(d)]["waypoints"].update({"waypoint_{}".format(i) : [i, waypointLatLon[0], waypointLatLon[1], baseWaypointAltitude + d*waypointAltitudeIncrement, waypointHeading]})
# positions
waypointDict["robot_{}".format(d)]["positions"].update({"position_{}".format(i) : [i, offset[0], offset[1], baseWaypointAltitude + d*waypointAltitudeIncrement, waypointHeading]})
# do this betta
waypointDict["robot_{}".format(d)]["numWaypoints"] = numWaypoints
waypointDict["robot_{}".format(d)]["numPositions"] = numPositions
# print(waypointDict)
rospy.set_param("/robot_list", waypointDict)
# print(waypointDict)
if __name__ == "__main__":
......@@ -37,6 +37,9 @@
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <Eigen3/Eigen/Geometry>
#include <Eigen3/Eigen/Dense>
using namespace DJI::OSDK;
using namespace DJI::OSDK::Telemetry;
......@@ -372,7 +375,6 @@ bool runWaypointMission()
bool runPositionMission()
int numPositions;
ros::param::get("/robot_list/robot_" + to_string(droneId) + "/numPositions", numPositions);
int currentPositionIndex = 0; // will increment
......@@ -397,8 +399,16 @@ bool runPositionMission()
// float targetYaw = tempPos[4]; // TODO: need yaw measurement for this to work1!!!!1!
// float currentYaw = ex_pos.rotation.
// may need to rotate this yaw to match coordinate system
float targetYaw = (M_PI/180.0)*tempPos[4];
Eigen::Quaternion<float> currentRotation = {float(ex_pos.rotation.w), float(ex_pos.rotation.x), float(ex_pos.rotation.y), float(ex_pos.rotation.z)};
auto currentRotationEuler = currentRotation.toRotationMatrix().eulerAngles(0, 1, 2);
// TODO need angle mapping right here!!!!
float currentYaw = currentRotationEuler[2];
ROS_INFO("target yaw: %f", targetYaw);
ROS_INFO("current yaw: %f", currentYaw);
float yawCommand = (180.0/M_PI)*(targetYaw - currentYaw);
// map to our coordinate system
if (!rotationMatrixCalibratedFlag) // could also do this before loop?
......@@ -422,7 +432,7 @@ bool runPositionMission()
// go to position
relativePosition(moveCommand[0], moveCommand[1], moveCommand[2], 0.0);
relativePosition(moveCommand[0], moveCommand[1], moveCommand[2], yawCommand);
......@@ -601,29 +611,18 @@ bool relativePosition(float x, float y, float z, float yaw)
// convert relative position to velocity command
std::vector<float> posVec {x, y, z};
float totalDist = Magnitude3(posVec);
// ROS_INFO("uncapped speed: %f", speedScalarParam*pow(totalDist,2) + minSpeedParam);
// ROS_INFO("base speed: %f", baseSpeedParam);
// ROS_INFO("min speed: %f", minSpeedParam);
// ROS_INFO("speed scalar: %f", speedScalarParam);
float speed = min(speedScalarParam*pow(totalDist,2) + minSpeedParam, baseSpeedParam);
float totalTimeMs = (totalDist/speed)*1000.0; // convert from s to ms, aim just short of position
std::vector<float> velDir = normalizeVector(posVec);
std::vector<float> velVec = {velDir[0]*speed, velDir[1]*speed, velDir[2]*speed};
// ROS_INFO("velocity vector: (%f, %f, %f)", velVec[0], velVec[1], velVec[2]);
// ROS_INFO("speed value: %f", speed);
// ROS_INFO("distance: %f", totalDist);
// ROS_INFO("time: %f", totalTimeMs);
dji_osdk_ros::FlightTaskControl flightTaskControl;
dji_osdk_ros::JoystickParams joystickParams;
joystickParams.x = velVec[0];
joystickParams.y = velVec[1];
joystickParams.z = velVec[2];
joystickParams.yaw = yaw; // for now until i have yaw measurement up
joystickParams.yaw = yaw/(totalTimeMs/1000.0); // assuming this is in rads/sec??
flightTaskControl.request.task = dji_osdk_ros::FlightTaskControl::Request::TASK_VELOCITY_AND_YAWRATE_CONTROL;
flightTaskControl.request.joystickCommand = joystickParams;
flightTaskControl.request.velocityControlTimeMs = totalTimeMs;
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