Procedure for drone-Jetson communication is found [here]( note details on Advanced Sensing as they are required to use drone cameras.
Procedure for drone-Jetson communication is found [here]( note details on Advanced Sensing as they are required to use drone cameras.
# Running via Launch File
To test the packages, a DJI M200 series drone is required. The hardware setup must be correct or errors will occur due to the Jetson not being able to communicate with the drone. The DJI Assistant simulator (available from the DJI [website]( is helpful for desktop testing. The simulator requires a USB connection to the drone and the simulator's `API Control` option needs to be checked.
Once the drone is powered on and an ssh connection is made, the nodes can be launched via
`roslaunch dji_osdk_ros local_test.launch`
Which launches the vehicle node, various position monitoring nodes, and the main control node `bus_driver`. Drone actions can be carried out via `rosservice call /overwatch <action>` where `<action>` is an integer. The various actions are listed in `rossrv show dji_osdk_ros/overwatch`.
# Branches
There are multiple branches in this repository, each designed for use with different versions of the M210 drone. The main branch, `replicants`, is made to work with the DJI M210V2 drone.