Commit 7ca7c99e authored by Larkin Heintzman's avatar Larkin Heintzman

init mission controller stuff

parent c2e326c8
...@@ -36,19 +36,18 @@ ...@@ -36,19 +36,18 @@
<param name="trackName" type="string" value="M100_CarbonFiber"/> <param name="trackName" type="string" value="M100_CarbonFiber"/>
</node> --> </node> -->
<node name="waypointGenerator" type="" pkg="dji_osdk_ros"> <!-- <node name="waypointGenerator" type="" pkg="dji_osdk_ros">
<rosparam command="load" param="anchorPoint"> [37.196941, -80.578335] </rosparam> <rosparam command="load" param="anchorPoint"> [37.196941, -80.578335] </rosparam>
<rosparam command="load" param="pathPoints"> <rosparam command="load" param="pathPoints">
[ [
[37.197879, -80.578022], [37.197879, -80.578022],
[37.198037, -80.577689], [37.198037, -80.577689],
[37.198161, -80.577359], [37.198161, -80.577359],
[37.198161, -80.577072], [37.198161, -80.577072],
[37.197879, -80.576637] [37.197879, -80.576637]
] ]
<rosparam command="load" param="altitude"> 10.0 </rosparam> <rosparam command="load" param="altitude"> 10.0 </rosparam>
<rosparam command="load" param="droneNum"> 3 </rosparam> <rosparam command="load" param="droneNum"> 3 </rosparam>
</node> </node> -->
<!-- <node pkg="dji_osdk_ros" type="" name="image_saver" output="screen"/> -->
</launch> </launch>
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0.2) cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0.2)
project(misson_controller) project(mission_controller)
## Compile as C++11, supported in ROS Kinetic and newer ## Compile as C++11, supported in ROS Kinetic and newer
# add_compile_options(-std=c++11) # add_compile_options(-std=c++11)
...@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS ...@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS
rospy rospy
sensor_msgs sensor_msgs
std_msgs std_msgs
) )
## System dependencies are found with CMake's conventions ## System dependencies are found with CMake's conventions
...@@ -48,19 +50,133 @@ find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS ...@@ -48,19 +50,133 @@ find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS
## * uncomment the generate_messages entry below ## * uncomment the generate_messages entry below
## * add every package in MSG_DEP_SET to generate_messages(DEPENDENCIES ...) ## * add every package in MSG_DEP_SET to generate_messages(DEPENDENCIES ...)
## Generate messages in the 'msg' folder ## Generate msg in the 'msg' folder
# add_message_files( add_message_files(
# Message1.msg
# Message2.msg FCTimeInUTC.msg
# ) JoystickParams.msg
## Generate services in the 'srv' folder ## Generate services in the 'srv' folder
# add_service_files( add_service_files(
# Service1.srv
# Service2.srv GetDroneType.srv
# ) GetM300StereoParams.srv
## Generate actions in the 'action' folder ## Generate actions in the 'action' folder
# add_action_files( # add_action_files(
...@@ -70,10 +186,12 @@ find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS ...@@ -70,10 +186,12 @@ find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS
# ) # )
## Generate added messages and services with any dependencies listed here ## Generate added messages and services with any dependencies listed here
# generate_messages( generate_messages(
# geometry_msgs# sensor_msgs# std_msgs geometry_msgs
# ) sensor_msgs
################################################ ################################################
## Declare ROS dynamic reconfigure parameters ## ## Declare ROS dynamic reconfigure parameters ##
...@@ -105,10 +223,10 @@ find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS ...@@ -105,10 +223,10 @@ find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS
## CATKIN_DEPENDS: catkin_packages dependent projects also need ## CATKIN_DEPENDS: catkin_packages dependent projects also need
## DEPENDS: system dependencies of this project that dependent projects also need ## DEPENDS: system dependencies of this project that dependent projects also need
catkin_package( catkin_package(
# LIBRARIES misson_controller LIBRARIES mission_controller
# CATKIN_DEPENDS geometry_msgs roscpp rospy sensor_msgs std_msgs CATKIN_DEPENDS geometry_msgs roscpp rospy sensor_msgs std_msgs message_runtime
# DEPENDS system_lib DEPENDS system_lib
) )
########### ###########
...@@ -117,14 +235,11 @@ catkin_package( ...@@ -117,14 +235,11 @@ catkin_package(
## Specify additional locations of header files ## Specify additional locations of header files
## Your package locations should be listed before other locations ## Your package locations should be listed before other locations
include_directories( include_directories(include ${catkin_INCLUDE_DIRS})
# include
## Declare a C++ library ## Declare a C++ library
# add_library(${PROJECT_NAME} # add_library(${PROJECT_NAME}
# src/${PROJECT_NAME}/misson_controller.cpp # src/${PROJECT_NAME}/mission_controller.cpp
# ) # )
## Add cmake target dependencies of the library ## Add cmake target dependencies of the library
...@@ -135,7 +250,7 @@ include_directories( ...@@ -135,7 +250,7 @@ include_directories(
## Declare a C++ executable ## Declare a C++ executable
## With catkin_make all packages are built within a single CMake context ## With catkin_make all packages are built within a single CMake context
## The recommended prefix ensures that target names across packages don't collide ## The recommended prefix ensures that target names across packages don't collide
# add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME}_node src/misson_controller_node.cpp) add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME}_node src/mission_controller_node.cpp)
## Rename C++ executable without prefix ## Rename C++ executable without prefix
## The above recommended prefix causes long target names, the following renames the ## The above recommended prefix causes long target names, the following renames the
...@@ -145,7 +260,7 @@ include_directories( ...@@ -145,7 +260,7 @@ include_directories(
## Add cmake target dependencies of the executable ## Add cmake target dependencies of the executable
## same as for the library above ## same as for the library above
# add_dependencies(${PROJECT_NAME}_node ${${PROJECT_NAME}_EXPORTED_TARGETS} ${catkin_EXPORTED_TARGETS}) add_dependencies(${PROJECT_NAME}_node ${${PROJECT_NAME}_EXPORTED_TARGETS} ${catkin_EXPORTED_TARGETS} dji_osdk_ros)
## Specify libraries to link a library or executable target against ## Specify libraries to link a library or executable target against
# target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME}_node # target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME}_node
...@@ -181,11 +296,11 @@ include_directories( ...@@ -181,11 +296,11 @@ include_directories(
# ) # )
## Mark cpp header files for installation ## Mark cpp header files for installation
# install(DIRECTORY include/${PROJECT_NAME}/ install(DIRECTORY include/${PROJECT_NAME}/
# ) )
## Mark other files for installation (e.g. launch and bag files, etc.) ## Mark other files for installation (e.g. launch and bag files, etc.)
# install(FILES # install(FILES
...@@ -199,7 +314,7 @@ include_directories( ...@@ -199,7 +314,7 @@ include_directories(
############# #############
## Add gtest based cpp test target and link libraries ## Add gtest based cpp test target and link libraries
# catkin_add_gtest(${PROJECT_NAME}-test test/test_misson_controller.cpp) # catkin_add_gtest(${PROJECT_NAME}-test test/test_mission_controller.cpp)
# target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME}-test ${PROJECT_NAME}) # target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME}-test ${PROJECT_NAME})
# endif() # endif()
// System includes
#include "unistd.h"
// DJI SDK includes
#include <mission_controller/MissionWpAction.h>
#include <mission_controller/MissionWpUpload.h>
#include <mission_controller/Overwatch.h>
// ROS includes
#include <ros/ros.h>
#include <sensor_msgs/NavSatFix.h>
//#include <dji_vehicle.hpp>
#include <math.h> /* atan2 */
#include <mission_controller/FlightTaskControl.h>
#include <mission_controller/ObtainControlAuthority.h>
#include <mission_controller/Overwatch.h>
#include <geometry_msgs/Transform.h>
#include <geometry_msgs/Vector3.h>
#include <geometry_msgs/Quaternion.h>
#include <tf2/LinearMath/Quaternion.h>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <Eigen3/Eigen/Geometry>
#include <Eigen3/Eigen/Dense>
// header
int main(int argc, char** argv);
uint8 voltageNotSafety # Generally caused by low temperature, the battery has electricity,
# but the battery voltage is too low.
uint8 veryLowVoltageAlarm
uint8 LowVoltageAlarm
uint8 seriousLowCapacityAlarm
uint8 LowCapacityAlarm
\ No newline at end of file
uint16 remainFlyTime # remain fly time(s)
uint16 goHomeNeedTime # Time required for the gohome flight (s)
uint16 landNeedTime # Time required for the land flight (s).max value:100*/
uint16 goHomeNeedCapacity # Capacity required for the gohome flight (%).max value:100*/
uint16 landNeedCapacity # Capacity required for the land flight (%).max value:100*/
float32 safeFlyRadius # Safe flight area radius (m)*/
float32 capacityConsumeSpeed # (mAh/sec)*/
BatteryState batteryState
uint8 goHomeCountDownState # Countdown status of smart battery gohome
# 0/2:not in gohome state
# 1 :in gohome state
uint8 gohomeCountDownvalue # uint:s.max value:10
uint16 voltage # mv
uint8 batteryCapacityPercentage # uint:%.max value:100
uint8 lowBatteryAlarmThreshold
uint8 lowBatteryAlarmEnable
uint8 seriousLowBatteryAlarmThreshold
uint8 seriousLowBatteryAlarmEnable
\ No newline at end of file
# the time stamp of getting this data in the ROS system
time stamp
# the time stamp in FC
uint32 fc_timestamp_us
uint32 fc_utc_yymmdd
uint32 fc_utc_hhmmss
# Here is an example how to use FlightAnomaly msg:
# void flightAnomalyCallback(const dji_osdk_ros::FlightAnomaly::ConstPtr & msg)
# {
# uint32_t flightAnomalyData = msg->data;
# if(flightAnomalyData)
# {
# ROS_INFO("Flight Anomaly Reported by Flight Controller. Here are details:");
# if(flightAnomalyData && dji_osdk_ros::FlightAnomaly::COMPASS_INSTALLATION_ERROR)
# {
# }
# if(flightAnomalyData && dji_osdk_ros::FlightAnomaly::IMU_INSTALLATION_ERROR)
# {
# }
# // etc...
# }
# }
# constants for anomaly details
uint32 IMPACT_IN_AIR = 1 #
uint32 RANDOM_FLY = 2 #
uint32 YAW_CONTROL_FAIL = 16 #
uint32 STRONG_WIND_LEVEL1 = 64 #
uint32 STRONG_WIND_LEVEL2 = 128 #
uint32 ESC_TEMPERATURE_HIGH = 1024 #
uint32 ESC_DISCONNECTED = 2048 #
uint32 GPS_YAW_ERROR = 4096 #
uint32 data
# the time stamp of getting this data in the ROS system
time stamp
# the time stamp from GPS/RTK
string UTCTimeData
Header header
# ts is the time it takes to achieve the desired angle,
# so the shorter the time, the faster the gimbal rotates.
int32 ts # sec
# Mode is 1 byte size:
# Bit #: | Set to 0: | Set to 1:
# ----------- | ------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------
# bit 0 | Incremental control, | Absolute control,
# | the angle reference is the | the angle reference is
# | current Gimbal location | related to configuration in DJI Go App
# bit 1 | Gimbal will follow the command in Yaw | Gimbal will maintain position in Yaw
# bit 2 | Roll invalid bit, the same as bit[1] | Roll invalid bit, the same as bit[1]
# bit 3 |Pitch invalid bit, the same as bit[1] | Pitch invalid bit, the same as bit[1]
# bit [4:7] | bit [4:7]: reserved, set to be 0 |
uint8 mode
float32 yaw # rads
float32 pitch # rads
float32 roll # rads
uint32 alarmID #/*! error code*/
uint8 sensorIndex #/*! fault sensor's index*/
uint8 reportLevel #/*! fault level ,0-4,0 is no error,4 is highest*/
\ No newline at end of file
float32 x # Control with respect to the x axis of the
# DJI::OSDK::Control::HorizontalCoordinate.
float32 y # Control with respect to the y axis of the
# DJI::OSDK::Control::HorizontalCoordinate.
float32 z # Control with respect to the z axis, up is positive.
float32 yaw #Yaw position/velocity control w.r.t. the ground frame.
\ No newline at end of file
float64 latitude # degree
float64 longitude # degree
float64 altitude # meter
float64 radius # meter
float32 angular_speed #deg/s
uint8 is_clockwise
uint8 start_point
uint8 yaw_mode
float64 latitude # degree
float64 longitude # degree
float32 altitude # relative altitude from takeoff point
float32 damping_distance # Bend length (effective coordinated turn mode only)
int16 target_yaw # Yaw (degree)
int16 target_gimbal_pitch # Gimbal pitch
uint8 turn_mode # 0: clockwise, 1: counter-clockwise
uint8 has_action # 0: no, 1: yes
uint16 action_time_limit
MissionWaypointAction waypoint_action
# action_repeat
# lower 4 bit: Total number of actions
# hight 4 bit: Total running times
uint8 action_repeat
uint8[16] command_list
uint16[16] command_parameter
# constant for action_on_finish
uint8 FINISH_NO_ACTION = 0 # no action
uint8 FINISH_RETURN_TO_HOME = 1 # return to home
uint8 FINISH_AUTO_LANDING = 2 # auto landing
uint8 FINISH_RETURN_TO_POINT = 3 # return to point 0
uint8 FINISH_NO_EXIT = 4 # infinite mode, no exit
# constant for yaw_mode
uint8 YAW_MODE_AUTO = 0 # auto mode (point to next waypoint)
uint8 YAW_MODE_LOCK = 1 # lock as an initial value
uint8 YAW_MODE_RC = 2 # controlled by RC
uint8 YAW_MODE_WAYPOINT = 3 # use waypoint's yaw(tgt_yaw)
# constant for trace_mode
uint8 TRACE_POINT = 0 # point to point, after reaching the target waypoint hover, complete waypt action (if any), then fly to the next waypt
uint8 TRACE_COORDINATED = 1 # 1: Coordinated turn mode, smooth transition between waypts, no waypts task
# constants for action_on_rc_lost
uint8 ACTION_FREE = 0 # exit waypoint and failsafe
uint8 ACTION_AUTO = 1 # continue the waypoint
# constants for gimbal_pitch_mode
uint8 GIMBAL_PITCH_FREE = 0 # free mode, no control on gimbal
uint8 GIMBAL_PITCH_AUTO = 1 # auto mode, Smooth transition between waypoints on gimbal
float32 velocity_range # Maximum speed joystick input(2~15m)
float32 idle_velocity # Cruising Speed (without joystick input, no more than vel_cmd_range)
uint8 action_on_finish # See constants above for possible actions
uint8 mission_exec_times # 1: once ; 2: twice
uint8 yaw_mode # see constants above for possible yaw modes
uint8 trace_mode # see constants above for possible trace modes
uint8 action_on_rc_lost # see constants above for possible actions
uint8 gimbal_pitch_mode # see constants above for pissible gimbal modes
MissionWaypoint[] mission_waypoint # a vector of waypoints
uint8[] data
\ No newline at end of file
uint8[] data
\ No newline at end of file
uint8 batteryIndex
int32 currentVoltage # uint:mV
int32 currentElectric # uint:mA
uint32 fullCapacity # uint:mAh
uint32 remainedCapacity # uint:mAh
int16 batteryTemperature # uint:0.1℃
uint8 cellCount
uint8 batteryCapacityPercent # uint:%
SmartBatteryState batteryState
uint8 SOP # Relative power percentage
\ No newline at end of file
uint8 cellBreak # 0:normal;other:Undervoltage core index(0x01-0x1F)
uint8 selfCheckError # enum-type: DJISmartBatterySelfCheck
uint8 batteryClosedReason # enum-type: DJI_BETTERY_CLOSED_REASON
uint8 batSOHState # enum-type: DJISmartBatterySohState*/
uint8 maxCycleLimit # APP:cycle_limit*10*/
uint8 batteryCommunicationAbnormal
uint8 hasCellBreak
uint8 heatState # enum-type: DJISmartBatteryHeatState
\ No newline at end of file
Header header
float32 x
float32 y
float32 z
uint8 xHealth
uint8 yHealth
uint8 zHealth
\ No newline at end of file
float64 latitude # in degree
float64 longitude # in degree
float32 altitude
int16 heading #heading is in [-180,180]
uint16 staytime # in second
# The struct represents a target point in the waypoint mission. For a waypoint
#constant for flightpathMode
uint8 DJIWaypointV2FlightPathModeGoToPointAlongACurve = 0 #In the mission, the aircraft will go to the waypoint along a curve and fly past the waypoint.
uint8 DJIWaypointV2FlightPathModeGoToPointAlongACurveAndStop = 1 #In the mission, the aircraft will go to the waypoint along a curve and stop at the waypoint.
uint8 DJIWaypointV2FlightPathModeGoToPointInAStraightLineAndStop = 2 #In the mission, the aircraft will go to the waypoint along a straight line and stop at the waypoint.
uint8 DJIWaypointV2FlightPathModeCoordinateTurn = 3 #In the mission, the aircraft will fly from the previous waypoint to the next waypoint along a smooth curve without stopping at this waypoint.
#the next in a curved motion, adhering to the ``DJIWaypointV2_dampingDistance``, which is
#set in ``DJIWaypointV2``.
uint8 DJIWaypointV2FlightPathModeGoToFirstPointAlongAStraightLine = 4 # In the mission, the aircraft will go to the first waypoint along a straight line.
# This is only valid for the first waypoint.
uint8 DJIWaypointV2FlightPathModeStraightOut = 5 # Straight exit the Last waypoint, Only valid for last waypoint.
uint8 DJIWaypointV2FlightPathModeUnknown = 255 # Unknown
#constant for headMode
uint8 DJIWaypointV2HeadingModeAuto = 0 # Aircraft's heading will always be in the direction of flight.
uint8 DJIWaypointV2HeadingFixed = 1 # Aircraft's heading will be set to the heading when reaching the first waypoint.
# Before reaching the first waypoint, the aircraft's heading can be controlled by
# the remote controller. When the aircraft reaches the first waypoint, its
# heading will be fixed.
uint8 DJIWaypointV2HeadingManual = 2 # The aircraft's heading in the mission can be controlled by the remote controller.
uint8 DJIWaypointV2HeadingWaypointCustom = 3 # In the mission, the aircraft's heading will change dynamically and adapt to the heading set at the next waypoint.
# See ``DJIWaypointV2_heading`` to preset the heading.
uint8 DJIWaypointV2HeadingTowardPointOfInterest = 4 # Aircraft's heading will always toward point of interest.
# using ``DJIWaypointV2_pointOfInterest`` setting point of interest coordiate and ``DJIWaypointV2_pointOfInterestAltitude``
# setting point of interset altitute.
uint8 DJIWaypointV2HeadingGimbalYawFollow = 5 # The aircraft's heading rotate simultaneously with its gimbal's yaw.
uint8 DJIWaypointV2HeadingUnknown = 255 # Unknown.
#constant for turnMode
uint8 DJIWaypointV2TurnModeClockwise = 0 # The aircraft's heading rotates clockwise.
uint8 DJIWaypointV2TurnModeCounterClockwise = 1 # The aircraft's heading rotates counterclockwise.
uint8 DJIWaypointV2TurnModeUnknown = 255 # Changes the heading of the aircraft by rotating the aircraft anti-clockwise.
# mission, a flight route consists of multiple `WaypointV2` objects.
float64 longitude # waypoint position relative to WayPointV2InitSettings's reference point.unit: m
float64 latitude
float32 relativeHeight # relative to takeoff height
uint8 waypointType # Waypoint flight path mode
uint8 headingMode # Represents current aircraft's heading mode on current waypoint.
WaypointV2Config config # Represents current waypoint's speed config.
uint16 dampingDistance
float32 heading # The heading to which the aircraft will rotate by the time it reaches the
# waypoint. The aircraft heading will gradually change between two waypoints with
# different headings if the waypoint mission's `headingMode` is set to
# 'DJIWaypointV2_DJIWaypointV2HeadingMode_WaypointCustom`. A heading has a range of
# [-180, 180] degrees, where 0 represents True North.
uint8 turnMode # Determines whether the aircraft will turn clockwise or anticlockwise when
# changing its heading.
# Property is used when ``DJIWaypointV2_headingMode`` is
# ``DJIWaypointV2_DJIWaypointV2HeadingMode_TowardPointOfInterest``.
# Aircraft will always be heading to point while executing mission. Default is
# "kCLLocationCoordinate2DInvalid".
float32 positionX # X distance to reference point, North is positive
float32 positionY # Y distance to reference point, East is positive
float32 positionZ # Z distance to reference point, UP is positive
# While the aircraft is travelling between waypoints, you can offset its speed by
# using the throttle joystick on the remote controller. "maxFlightSpeed" is this
# offset when the joystick is pushed to maximum deflection. For example, If
# maxFlightSpeed is 10 m/s, then pushing the throttle joystick all the way up will
# add 10 m/s to the aircraft speed, while pushing down will subtract 10 m/s from
# the aircraft speed. If the remote controller stick is not at maximum deflection,
# then the offset speed will be interpolated between "[0, maxFlightSpeed]"" with a
# resolution of 1000 steps. If the offset speed is negative, then the aircraft
# will fly backwards to previous waypoints. When it reaches the first waypoint, it
# will then hover in place until a positive speed is applied. "maxFlightSpeed" has
# a range of [2,15] m/s.
float32 maxFlightSpeed
# The base automatic speed of the aircraft as it moves between waypoints with
# range [-15, 15] m/s. The aircraft's actual speed is a combination of the base
# automatic speed, and the speed control given by the throttle joystick on the
# remote controller. If "autoFlightSpeed >0": Actual speed is "autoFlightSpeed" +
# Joystick Speed (with combined max of "maxFlightSpeed") If "autoFlightSpeed =0":
# Actual speed is controlled only by the remote controller joystick. If
# autoFlightSpeed <0" and the aircraft is at the first waypoint, the aircraft
# will hover in place until the speed is made positive by the remote controller
# joystick. In flight controller firmware or above, different speeds
# between individual waypoints can also be set in waypoint objects which will
# overwrite "autoFlightSpeed".
float32 autoFlightSpeed
\ No newline at end of file
# This class represents an action for ``DJIWaypointV2Mission``. It
# determines how action is performed when a waypoint mission is executed.
# The action will be triggered when action associated executes.
# The parameters should be defined by ``DJIWaypointV2Action_DJIWaypointV2AssociateTriggerParam``.
uint8 DJIWaypointV2ActionTriggerTypeActionAssociated = 2
# The action will be triggered when the aircraft flies from one waypoint to the next.
# The parameters should be defined by ``DJIWaypointV2Action_DJIWaypointV2TrajectoryTriggerParam``.
uint8 DJIWaypointV2ActionTriggerTypeTrajectory = 3
# The action will be triggered when the aircraft flies between two waypoints
# The parameters should be defined by ``DJIWaypointV2Action_DJIWaypointV2IntervalTriggerParam``.
uint8 DJIWaypointV2ActionTriggerTypeInterval = 4
uint8 DJIWaypointV2ActionTriggerTypeSampleReachPoint = 5
# Unknown
uint8 DJIWaypointV2ActionTriggerTypeUnknown = 255
#contant for waypointV2ActuatorTriggerType
# The action will be executed by the camera.
# The parameters should be defined by ``DJIWaypointV2Action_DJIWaypointV2CameraActuatorParam``.
uint8 DJIWaypointV2ActionActuatorTypeCamera = 1
# The action will be executed by the gimbal.
# The parameters should be defined by ``DJIWaypointV2Action_DJIWaypointV2GimbalActuatorParam``.
uint8 DJIWaypointV2ActionActuatorTypeGimbal = 2
# The action will executes by control aircraft.
# The parameters should be setting by ``DJIWaypointV2Action_DJIWaypointV2CameraActuatorParam``.
uint8 DJIWaypointV2ActionActuatorTypeAircraftControl = 4
# Unknown actuator type.
uint8 DJIWaypointV2ActionActuatorTypeUnknown = 255
uint16 actionId # The ID of Action.
uint8 waypointV2ActionTriggerType
uint8 waypointV2ACtionActuatorType
# The trigger of action.You can only choose one to config
WaypointV2AssociateTrigger waypointV2AssociateTrigger
WaypointV2IntervalTrigger waypointV2IntervalTrigger
WaypointV2TrajectoryTrigger waypointV2TrajectoryTrigger
WaypointV2SampleReachPointTrigger waypointV2SampleReachPointTrigger
# The actuator of action.You can only choose one to config
WaypointV2CameraActuator waypointV2CameraActuator
WaypointV2GimbalActuator waypointV2GimbalActuator
WaypointV2AircraftControlActuator waypointV2AircraftControlActuator
\ No newline at end of file
# Parameters for aircraft control actuator. It is valid only when the
# ``DJIWaypointV2Action_DJIWaypointV2Actuator_type`` is
# ``DJIWaypointV2MissionV2_DJIWaypointV2ActionActuatorType_AircraftControl``.
#contant for DJIWaypointV2ActionActuatorAircraftControlOperationType
# Rotates the aircraft's yaw.
uint8 DJIWaypointV2ActionActuatorAircraftControlOperationTypeRotateYaw = 1
# Keeps the aircraft stop flying or start flying.
uint8 DJIWaypointV2ActionActuatorAircraftControlOperationTypeFlyingControl = 2
# Unknown
uint8 DJIWaypointV2ActionActuatorAircraftControlOperationTypeUnknown = 255
uint8 actuatorIndex # The index of actuator. It is valid when the diagnostics is related
# to camera or gimbal and the connected product has multiple gimbals and cameras.
uint16 DJIWaypointV2ActionActuatorAircraftControlOperationType
WaypointV2AircraftControlActuatorFlying waypointV2AircraftControlActuatorFlying
WaypointV2AircraftControlActuatorRotateHeading waypointV2AircraftControlActuatorRotateHeading
\ No newline at end of file
# This class defines if the aircraft starts or stops the flight.s.
uint8 isStartFlying # Determines the aircraft start flying or stop flying.
# ``TRUE`` for the aircraft to start flying.
\ No newline at end of file
# This class defines how the aircraft rotates on the yaw axis.
uint8 isRelative # Determines the aircraft rotate heading relative.
# if ``TRUE``, when the aircraft is rotating, relative to the current angle.
float32 yaw # Determines the direction how aircraft changes its heading.
\ No newline at end of file
#contant for actionAssociatedType
uint8 DJIWaypointV2TriggerAssociatedTimingTypeSimultaneously = 1 # The trigger starts simultaneously with the trigger that is associated.
uint8 DJIWaypointV2TriggerAssociatedTimingTypeAfterFinised = 2 # The trigger starts after the trigger associated has finished.
uint8 DJIWaypointV2TriggerAssociatedTimingTypeUnknown = 255 # Unkown timing type.
uint8 actionAssociatedType # The type of assciate trigger.
uint8 waitingTime # Waiting time in seconds after ActionTrigger starts.
uint16 actionIdAssociated # Associated action ID.
\ No newline at end of file
# This determines how the camera will be performed when a waypoint mission is executing.
#constant for DJIWaypointV2ActionActuatorCameraOperationType
# Starts to shoot a photo.
uint16 DJIWaypointV2ActionActuatorCameraOperationTypeTakePhoto = 1
# Starts to record a video.
uint16 DJIWaypointV2ActionActuatorCameraOperationTypeStartRecordVideo = 2
# Stops to record a video.
uint16 DJIWaypointV2ActionActuatorCameraOperationTypeStopRecordVideo = 3
# Starts focus.
uint16 DJIWaypointV2ActionActuatorCameraOperationTypeFocus = 4
# Starts focal lenth. Only support those support flocal lenth cameras.
uint16 DJIWaypointV2ActionActuatorCameraOperationTypeFocalLength = 5
uint16 actuatorIndex # The index of actuator. It is valid when the diagnostics is related
# to camera or gimbal and the connected product has multiple gimbals and cameras.
uint16 DJIWaypointV2ActionActuatorCameraOperationType
# you can only choose one to config.
WaypointV2CameraActuatorFocusParam focusParam # The parameters for camera focus operation. It is valid only when
# ``DJIWaypointV2Action_DJIWaypointV2CameraActuatorParam_operationType`` is
# ``DJIWaypointV2MissionV2_DJIWaypointV2ActionActuatorCameraOperationType_Focus``
WaypointV2CameraActuatorFocalLengthParam zoomParam # The parameters for camera focus length operation. It is valid only when
# ``DJIWaypointV2Action_DJIWaypointV2CameraActuatorParam_operationType`` is
# ``DJIWaypointV2MissionV2_DJIWaypointV2ActionActuatorCameraOperationType_FocalLength``
\ No newline at end of file
# This class defines a camera focal length operation for ``DJIWaypointV2Action_DJIWaypointV2CameraActuatorParam``.
# Focal length of zoom lens. Valid range is [``DJICamera_DJICameraOpticalZoomSpec_minFocalLength``,
# ``DJICamera_DJICameraOpticalZoomSpec_minFocalLength``] and must be a multiple of
# ``DJICamera_DJICameraOpticalZoomSpec_focalLengthStep``.
# Only support by those camera ``DJICamera_CameraSettings_isOpticalZoomSupported`` return ``TRUE``.
uint16 focalLength
uint8 retryTimes = 1
\ No newline at end of file
# This class defines a camera focus operation for ``DJIWaypointV2Action_DJIWaypointV2CameraActuatorParam``.
# The lens focus target point. When the focus mode is auto, the target point
# is the focal point. When the focus mode is manual, the target point is the zoom
# out area if the focus assistant is enabled for the manual mode.
# The range for x and y is from 0.0 to 1.0. The point [0.0, 0.0] represents the top-left angle of the screen.
float32 x # x axis focus point value.range: [0,1]
float32 y # y axis focus point value.range: [0,1]
uint8 regionType #focus type:0:point focus,1:rectangle focus
float32 width #Normalized focus area width(0,1)
float32 height # Normalized focus area height(0,1)
uint8 retryTimes = 1
\ No newline at end of file
# Represents current waypoint's speed config.
# 0: set local waypoint's cruise speed,
# 1: unset global waypoint's cruise speed*/
uint8 useLocalCruiseVel
# 0: set local waypoint's max speed,
# 1: unset global waypoint's max speed*/
uint8 useLocalMaxVel
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# gimbal actuator will be performed when a waypoint mission is executed.
#constant for DJIWaypointV2ActionActuatorGimbalOperationType
# Rotates the gimbal. Only valid when the trigger type is
# ``DJIWaypointV2MissionV2_DJIWaypointV2TriggerAssociatedTimingType_ReachPoint``.
uint8 DJIWaypointV2ActionActuatorGimbalOperationTypeRotateGimbal = 1
# Unknown
uint8 DJIWaypointV2ActionActuatorGimbalOperationTypeUnknown = 255
uint8 DJIWaypointV2ActionActuatorGimbalOperationType
uint16 actuatorIndex # The index of actuator. It is valid when the diagnostics is related
# to camera or gimbal and the connected product has multiple gimbals and cameras.
WaypointV2GimbalActuatorRotationParam waypointV2GimbalActuatorRotationParam # The operation type of gimbal actuator.
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int16 x # gimbal roll angle, unit: 0.1 deg,range:[-3600, 3600]*/
int16 y # gimbal pitch angle, unit: 0.1 deg,range:[-3600, 3600]*/
int16 z # gimbal yaw angle, unit: 0.1 deg,range:[-3600, 3600]*/
uint8 ctrl_mode # 0: absolute position control, 1:relative position control*/
uint8 rollCmdIgnore # 0: roll command normal, 1: roll command ignore*/
uint8 pitchCmdIgnore# 0: pitch command normal, 1: pitch command ignore*/
uint8 yawCmdIgnore # 0: yaw command normal, 1: yaw command ignore*/
uint8 absYawModeRef # 0: absoluate rotate yaw relative to aircraft,
# 1: absoluate rotate yaw relative to North*/
uint8 duationTime # 0: rotate time,unit:0.1s, range[1,255]*/
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# @brief Waypoint V2 Mission Initialization settings
# @details This is one of the few structs in the OSDK codebase that
# is used in both a sending and a receiving API.
#constant for finishedAction
uint8 DJIWaypointV2MissionFinishedNoAction = 0 # No further action will be taken.
# The aircraft can be controlled by the remote controller.
uint8 DJIWaypointV2MissionFinishedGoHome = 1 # Goes home when the mission is finished. The aircraft will
# land directly if it is within 20 meters away from the home point.
uint8 DJIWaypointV2MissionFinishedAutoLanding = 2 # The aircraft will land automatically at the last waypoint.
uint8 DJIWaypointV2MissionFinishedGoToFirstWaypoint = 3 # The aircraft will go back to the first waypoint and hover.
uint8 DJIWaypointV2MissionFinishedContinueUntilStop = 4 # When the aircraft reaches its final waypoint, it will hover without ending the
# mission. The joystick can still be used to pull the aircraft back along its
# previous waypoints. The only way this mission can end is if stopMission is
# called
#constant for gotoFirstWaypintMode
uint8 DJIWaypointV2MissionGotoFirstWaypointModeSafely = 0 # Go to the waypoint safely. The aircraft will rise to the same altitude of the
# waypoint if the current altitude is lower then the waypoint altitude. It then
# goes to the waypoint coordinate from the current altitude, and proceeds to the
# altitude of the waypoint.
uint8 DJIWaypointV2MissionGotoFirstWaypointModePointToPoint = 1 # Go to the waypoint from the current aircraft point to the waypoint directly.
uint32 missionID # The Mission ID. Use to distinguish different mission
uint16 missTotalLen # The Mission waypoint total length, could not exceed 65535
uint8 repeatTimes # Mission execution can be repeated more than once. A value of 0 means the mission
# only executes once, and does not repeat. A value of 1 means the mission will
# execute a total of two times.
uint8 finishedAction # Action the aircraft will take when the waypoint mission is complete.
# While the aircraft is travelling between waypoints, you can offset its speed by
# using the throttle joystick on the remote controller. `maxFlightSpeed` is this
# offset when the joystick is pushed to maximum deflection. For example, If
# maxFlightSpeed is 10 m/s, then pushing the throttle joystick all the way up
# will add 10 m/s to the aircraft speed, while pushing down will subtract 10 m/s
# from the aircraft speed. If the remote controller stick is not at maximum
# deflection, then the offset speed will be interpolated between [0,
# `maxFlightSpeed`] with a resolution of 1000 steps. If the offset speed is
# negative, then the aircraft will fly backwards to previous waypoints. When it
# reaches the first waypoint, it will then hover in place until a positive speed
# is applied. `maxFlightSpeed` has a range of [2,15] m/s.
# unit: m/s
float32 maxFlightSpeed
# The base automatic speed of the aircraft as it moves between waypoints with
# range [-15, 15] m/s. The aircraft's actual speed is a combination of the base
# automatic speed, and the speed control given by the throttle joystick on the
# remote controller. If `autoFlightSpeed` >0: Actual speed is `autoFlightSpeed` +
# Joystick Speed (with combined max of `maxFlightSpeed`) If `autoFlightSpeed` =0:
# Actual speed is controlled only by the remote controller joystick. If
# `autoFlightSpeed` <0 and the aircraft is at the first waypoint, the aircraft
# will hover in place until the speed is made positive by the remote controller
# joystick.
# unit: m/s
float32 autoFlightSpeed
uint8 exitMissionOnRCSignalLost # Determines whether the mission should stop when connection between the aircraft
# and remote controller is lost. Default is `NO`.
uint8 gotoFirstWaypointMode # Defines how the aircraft will go to the first waypoint from its current
# position. Default is ``DJIWaypointV2MissionV2_DJIWaypointV2MissionGotoWaypointMode_Safely``.
WaypointV2[] mission
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#constant for actionIntervalType
uint8 DJIWaypointV2ActionIntervalTypeTime = 1 # The action will be repeated after a particular period of time.
uint8 DJIWaypointV2ActionIntervalTypeDistance = 2 # The action will be repeated after a particular distance.
uint8 DJIWaypointV2ActionIntervalTypeUnknown = 255 # Unknown action trigger type.
uint16 startIndex # It determines the index of the waypoint at which the trigger starts.
# If the ``DJIWaypointV2Action_DJIWaypointV2IntervalTriggerParam_actionIntervalType``
# is ``DJIWaypointV2MissionV2_DJIWaypointV2TriggerAssociatedTimingType_Time``
# The time interval in seconds when two action are executed as the aircraft moves
# from the current waypoint to the next waypoint.
# If the ``DJIWaypointV2Action_DJIWaypointV2IntervalTriggerParam_actionIntervalType`` is
# ``DJIWaypointV2MissionV2_DJIWaypointV2TriggerAssociatedTimingType_Distance``
# The distance interval in meters when two action are executed as the aircraft moves
# from the current waypoint to the next waypoint.
uint16 interval
uint8 actionIntervalType # The type of interval trigger.
# See ``DJIWaypointV2MissionV2_DJIWaypointV2ActionIntervalType``.
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uint8 event
uint32 FCTimestamp
uint8 interruptReason #0x00:rc triggered interrupt
uint8 recoverProcess #0x00:finished pause recover
uint8 finishReason #0x00:finished normally; 0x10:External user trigger ended successfully
uint16 waypointIndex
uint8 currentMissionExecNum
uint8 finishedAllExecNum #0:not finished; 1:finished all exec num
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int8 commonDataVersion
uint16 commonDataLen
uint16 curWaypointIndex
uint8 state #0x0:ground station not start. 0x1:mission prepared. 0x2:enter mission.
#0x3:execute flying route mission.
#0x4:pause state. 0x5:enter mission after ending pause.
#0x6:exit mission.
uint16 velocity #uint:0.01m/s
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# It describes an action will be triggered when the aircraft reach the certain waypoint.
uint16 startIndex # It determines the index of the waypoint at which the action will be triggered.
uint16 endIndex
uint16 intervalWPNum
uint16 waypointCountToTerminate # It determines the waypoint count till the action triggered stops.
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uint16 waypointIndex # It determines the index of the waypoint at which the action will be triggered.
uint16 terminateNum
# This class represents a trajectory trigger action when should be trigger.
uint16 startIndex # It determines the index of the waypoint at which the trigger starts.
uint16 endIndex # It determines the waypoint when the trigger stops.
<?xml version="1.0"?> <?xml version="1.0"?>
<package format="2"> <package format="2">
<name>misson_controller</name> <name>mission_controller</name>
<version>0.0.0</version> <version>0.0.0</version>
<description>The misson_controller package</description> <description>The mission_controller package</description>
<!-- One maintainer tag required, multiple allowed, one person per tag --> <!-- One maintainer tag required, multiple allowed, one person per tag -->
<!-- Example: --> <!-- Example: -->
...@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ ...@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
<!-- Url tags are optional, but multiple are allowed, one per tag --> <!-- Url tags are optional, but multiple are allowed, one per tag -->
<!-- Optional attribute type can be: website, bugtracker, or repository --> <!-- Optional attribute type can be: website, bugtracker, or repository -->
<!-- Example: --> <!-- Example: -->
<!-- <url type="website"></url> --> <!-- <url type="website"></url> -->
<!-- Author tags are optional, multiple are allowed, one per tag --> <!-- Author tags are optional, multiple are allowed, one per tag -->
...@@ -54,16 +54,22 @@ ...@@ -54,16 +54,22 @@
<build_depend>rospy</build_depend> <build_depend>rospy</build_depend>
<build_depend>sensor_msgs</build_depend> <build_depend>sensor_msgs</build_depend>
<build_depend>std_msgs</build_depend> <build_depend>std_msgs</build_depend>
<build_export_depend>geometry_msgs</build_export_depend> <build_export_depend>geometry_msgs</build_export_depend>
<build_export_depend>roscpp</build_export_depend> <build_export_depend>roscpp</build_export_depend>
<build_export_depend>rospy</build_export_depend> <build_export_depend>rospy</build_export_depend>
<build_export_depend>sensor_msgs</build_export_depend> <build_export_depend>sensor_msgs</build_export_depend>
<build_export_depend>std_msgs</build_export_depend> <build_export_depend>std_msgs</build_export_depend>
<exec_depend>geometry_msgs</exec_depend> <exec_depend>geometry_msgs</exec_depend>
<exec_depend>roscpp</exec_depend> <exec_depend>roscpp</exec_depend>
<exec_depend>rospy</exec_depend> <exec_depend>rospy</exec_depend>
<exec_depend>sensor_msgs</exec_depend> <exec_depend>sensor_msgs</exec_depend>
<exec_depend>std_msgs</exec_depend> <exec_depend>std_msgs</exec_depend>
<!-- The export tag contains other, unspecified, tags --> <!-- The export tag contains other, unspecified, tags -->
// mission controller node all-in-one for DJI M210 (v1 or v2)
#include <mission_controller_node.h>
// #include <dji_osdk_ros/vehicle_wrapper.h>
// #include <dji_osdk_ros/dji_vehicle_node.h>
// global variables
ros::ServiceClient waypoint_upload_client;
ros::ServiceClient waypoint_action_client;
ros::ServiceClient flight_control_client;
ros::ServiceClient mission_waypoint_client;
ros::ServiceClient obtain_ctrl_authority_client;
// need to take another look at synchronization...
// ros::Publisher syncPub; // thing to publish to sync topic "positionSync"
sensor_msgs::NavSatFix gps_pos; // gps position from drone
geometry_msgs::Transform ex_pos; // position from external source (qualisys or some such)
geometry_msgs::Transform track_pos; // target position
geometry_msgs::Transform previous_ex_pos;
geometry_msgs::Transform previous_track_pos;
geometry_msgs::Transform pd_pos; // desired pose from pd relative to qual center (only x on rotation)
std::vector<float> expectedVel; // expected position after applying relative position move
float feedbackYaw; // yaw as measured by pos ref
float feedbackPitch; // pitch as measured by pos ref
float feedbackRoll; // roll as measured by pos ref
float trackingYaw; // yaw to track
float trackingPitch; // pitch to track
float trackingRoll; // roll to track
int calibrationWindow = 3; // the last _ position calls that are included in coordinate system calibration
std::vector<float> calibrationWindowValues;
float angleOffset;
float controlLoopTime;
float updateRateParam;
std::vector<std::vector<float>> poseRotationMatrix; // need to run calibration to get
std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<float>>> poseRotationMatrixValues; // need to run calibration to get
float poseMagnitudeScaler; // need to run calibration to get
float poseRotationRadians;
bool rotationMatrixCalibratedFlag = false;
bool gps_home_flag = false;
bool pos_home_flag = false;
bool localMissionFlag = false; // whether running position mission currently
bool gpsMissionFlag = false; // whether running gps mission currently
std::string missionTypeParam;
ros::Subscriber gps_pos_subscriber;
ros::Subscriber pos_feedback_subscriber;
ros::Subscriber pos_tracking_subscriber;
ros::Subscriber pd_position_subscriber;
ros::Subscriber pd_heading_subscriber;
// temp subscribers to pick up puredata parameter information, will be removed once the right parameters are settled on
ros::Subscriber pd_parameter_MinSpeed_subscriber;
ros::Subscriber pd_parameter_MaxSpeed_subscriber;
ros::Subscriber pd_parameter_MaxYawSpeed_subscriber;
ros::Subscriber pd_parameter_SpeedScale_subscriber;
ros::Subscriber pd_parameter_UpdateRate_subscriber;
ros::Subscriber pd_parameter_Damping_subscriber;
ros::Subscriber pd_parameter_Frequency_subscriber;
ros::Subscriber pd_parameter_AngleOffset_subscriber;
int droneId; // stupid but will work for now
int waypointMissionUpdateCounter = 0; // counts iterations before we check waypoints again
int waypointMissionUpdateLimit = 10; // number of counts before we check ...
int positionMissionUpdateCounter = 0; // counts iterations before we check positions again
int positionMissionUpdateLimit = 10; // ...
// std::vector<WayPointSettings> generatedWaypts; // waypoints to be generated, used to check if we're at waypoint or not
int waypointNumber;
int currentWaypoint = 0; // how many waypoints have we reached
long double initialWaypointDistance; // distance to first waypoint
long double initialPositionDistance; // distance to first position
double waypointSpeedParam;
double positionThresholdParam;
double angleOffsetParam;
double maxSpeedParam;
double speedScalarParam;
double maxYawSpeedParam;
// inverse controller variables
double dt;
double damping;
double frequency;
double kp;
double kd;
double ksg;
double kdg;
double g;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
ros::init(argc, argv, "mission_controller");
ros::NodeHandle nh;
// ros::param::get("base_speed", waypointSpeedParam);
// ros::param::get("max_speed", maxSpeedParam);
// ros::param::get("max_yaw_speed", maxYawSpeedParam);
// ros::param::get("angle_offset", angleOffsetParam);
// ros::param::get("speed_scalar", speedScalarParam);
// ros::param::get("drone_id", droneId);
// ros::param::get("mission_type", missionTypeParam);
// ros::param::get("position_threshold", positionThresholdParam);
// ros::param::get("loop_rate", updateRateParam);
// controlLoopTime = 1.0/updateRateParam;
// // additions
// ros::param::get("controller_damping", damping);
// ros::param::get("controller_frequency", frequency);
// kp = (6.0*frequency)*(6.0*frequency)* 0.25;
// kd = 4.5*frequency*damping;
// expectedVel = std::vector<float> {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
// angleOffset = 0.0;
// calibrationWindowValues = std::vector<float> {};
// for (int i = 0; i < calibrationWindow; i++)
// {
// calibrationWindowValues.push_back(0.0);
// }
// // set puredata position to zero zero so it doesn't immediately fly away
// pd_pos.translation.x = 0.0;
// pd_pos.translation.y = 0.0;
// pd_pos.translation.z = 1.5;
// pd_pos.rotation.x = 0.0;
// // ROS stuff
// // obtain control authority?
// obtain_ctrl_authority_client = nh.serviceClient<dji_osdk_ros::ObtainControlAuthority>(
// "obtain_release_control_authority");
// waypoint_upload_client = nh.serviceClient<dji_osdk_ros::MissionWpUpload>(
// "dji_osdk_ros/mission_waypoint_upload");
// waypoint_action_client = nh.serviceClient<dji_osdk_ros::MissionWpAction>(
// "dji_osdk_ros/mission_waypoint_action");
// flight_control_client = nh.serviceClient<dji_osdk_ros::FlightTaskControl>(
// "flight_task_control");
// // syncPub = nh.advertise<std_msgs::Float32>("sync_signal", 1);
// gps_pos_subscriber = nh.subscribe<sensor_msgs::NavSatFix>("dji_osdk_ros/gps_position", 1, &gpsPosCallback);
// pos_feedback_subscriber = nh.subscribe<geometry_msgs::Transform>("feedback", 1, &posFeedbackCallback);
// pos_tracking_subscriber = nh.subscribe<geometry_msgs::Transform>("tracking", 1, &posTrackingCallback);
// pd_position_subscriber = nh.subscribe<geometry_msgs::Transform>("pd/target", 1, &pdPositionCallback);
// // pd_parameter_MinSpeed_subscriber = nh.subscribe<std_msgs::Float32>("pd/parameters/minSpeed", 1, &pdMinSpeedCallback);
// pd_parameter_MaxSpeed_subscriber = nh.subscribe<std_msgs::Float32>("pd/parameters/maxSpeed", 1, &pdMaxSpeedCallback);
// pd_parameter_MaxYawSpeed_subscriber = nh.subscribe<std_msgs::Float32>("pd/parameters/maxYawSpeed", 1, &pdMaxYawSpeedCallback);
// pd_parameter_SpeedScale_subscriber = nh.subscribe<std_msgs::Float32>("pd/parameters/speedScale", 1, &pdSpeedScaleCallback);
// pd_parameter_UpdateRate_subscriber = nh.subscribe<std_msgs::Float32>("pd/parameters/updateRate", 1, &pdUpdateRateCallback);
// pd_parameter_AngleOffset_subscriber = nh.subscribe<std_msgs::Float32>("pd/parameters/angleOffset", 1, &pdAngleOffsetCallback);
// pd_parameter_Damping_subscriber = nh.subscribe<std_msgs::Float32>("pd/parameters/controllerDamping", 1, &pdDampingCallback);
// pd_parameter_Frequency_subscriber = nh.subscribe<std_msgs::Float32>("pd/parameters/controllerFrequency", 1, &pdFrequencyCallback);
// ros::ServiceServer overwatchService = nh.advertiseService("overwatch", overwatchFunction);
// // wait for services to be up
// obtain_ctrl_authority_client.waitForExistence();
// waypoint_upload_client.waitForExistence();
// waypoint_action_client.waitForExistence();
// flight_control_client.waitForExistence();
// // wait for waypoints to be up as well
ROS_INFO("mission controller ready to go");
return 0;
bool result
# for debugging usage
uint8 cmd_set
uint8 cmd_id
uint32 ack_data
\ No newline at end of file
#constant for camera_action
uint8 camera_action # see constants above for possible camera_actions
bool result
uint8 payload_index #see enum class PayloadIndex in common_type.h
uint8 exposure_mode #see enum class ExposureMode in common_type.h
uint16 aperture #see enum class Aperture in common_type.h
bool result
\ No newline at end of file
uint8 payload_index #see enum class PayloadIndex in common_type.h
uint8 exposure_mode #see enum class ExposureMode in common_type.h
uint8 exposure_compensation #see enum class ExposureCompensation in common_type.h
bool result
uint8 payload_index #see enum class PayloadIndex in common_type.h
float32 x #range from 0~1, top left corner is origin point
float32 y #range from 0~1, top left corner is origin point
bool result
\ No newline at end of file
uint8 payload_index #see enum class PayloadIndex in common_type.h
uint8 exposure_mode #see enum class ExposureMode in common_type.h
uint8 iso_data #see enum class ISO in common_type.h
bool result
\ No newline at end of file
uint8 start_stop
uint8 payload_index #see enum class PayloadIndex in common_type.h
bool result
\ No newline at end of file
uint8 payload_index #see enum class PayloadIndex in common_type.h
float32 factor
bool result
\ No newline at end of file
uint8 payload_index #see enum class PayloadIndex in common_type.h
uint8 exposure_mode #see enum class ExposureMode in common_type.h
uint8 shutter_speed #see enum class ShutterSpeed in common_type.h
bool result
\ No newline at end of file
uint8 payload_index #see enum class PayloadIndex in common_type.h
uint8 photo_aeb_count #see enum class PhotoAEBCount in common_type.h
bool result
\ No newline at end of file
uint8 payload_index #see enum class PayloadIndex in common_type.h
uint8 photo_burst_count #see enum class PhotoBurstCount in common_type.h
bool result
\ No newline at end of file
uint8 payload_index #see enum class PayloadIndex in common_type.h
uint8 photo_num_conticap # 0:reserve 1~254:number 255:keep capturing till stop
int16 time_interval #/ time interval (second)
bool result
\ No newline at end of file
uint8 payload_index #see enum class PayloadIndex in common_type.h
bool result
\ No newline at end of file
uint8 payload_index #see enum class PayloadIndex in common_type.h
bool result
\ No newline at end of file
uint8 payload_index #see enum class PayloadIndex in common_type.h
uint8 multiplier #Data struct of tap zoom multiplier used by user. Limit: 1~5
float32 x # range from 0~1, top left corner is origin point
float32 y # range from 0~1, top left corner is origin point
bool result
\ No newline at end of file
uint8 start_stop
uint8 payload_index #see enum class PayloadIndex in common_type.h
uint8 direction #see enum class ZoomDirection in common_type.h
uint8 speed #see enum class ZoomSpeed in common_type.h
bool result
\ No newline at end of file
WaypointV2[] mission
bool result
\ No newline at end of file
#constant for arm
uint8 ARM_COMMAND = 1
uint8 arm # see constants
bool result
# for debugging usage
uint8 cmd_set
uint8 cmd_id
uint32 ack_data
#constant for tasks
uint8 TASK_GOHOME = 1
uint8 TASK_TAKEOFF = 4
uint8 TASK_LAND = 6
uint8 task # see constants above for possible tasks
bool result
# for debugging usage
uint8 cmd_set
uint8 cmd_id
uint32 ack_data
bool result
\ No newline at end of file
#constant for tasks
uint8 TASK_GOHOME = 1
uint8 TASK_TAKEOFF = 4
uint8 TASK_LAND = 6
uint8 START_MOTOR = 7
uint8 STOP_MOTOR = 8
uint8 TASK_EXIT_GO_HOME = 12
uint8 TASK_FORCE_LANDING_AVOID_GROUND = 30 #/*!< confirm landing */
uint8 TASK_FORCE_LANDING = 31 #/*!< force landing */
uint8 task # see constants above for possible tasks
JoystickParams joystickCommand #Provide Position and Velocity control
uint32 velocityControlTimeMs #Velocity control time
float32 posThresholdInM #(Meter)
float32 yawThresholdInDeg #(Degree)
bool result
WaypointV2Action[] actions
bool result
\ No newline at end of file
bool result
uint8 horizon_avoid_enable_status #0:disable 1:enable 0xF:invalid
uint8 upwards_avoid_enable_status
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uint8 drone_type
\ No newline at end of file
# Global cruise speed of mission
# unit: m/s
# range:[0,WayPointV2InitSettings::maxFlightSpeed]
float32 global_cruisespeed
bool result
\ No newline at end of file
bool result
uint16 altitude
\ No newline at end of file
bool enable
bool result
uint8 deviceIndex # When the error code is related to camera or gimbal device,
# it will tell you which device it is.
HMSPushInfo[] errList # error code list in each pushing
uint32 timeStamp
\ No newline at end of file
bool result
\ No newline at end of file
uint8 first_smart_battery = 1
uint8 second_smart_battery = 2
uint8 batteryIndex
SmartBatteryDynamicInfo smartBatteryDynamicInfo
\ No newline at end of file
BatteryWholeInfo battery_whole_info
\ No newline at end of file
Header header
# ts is the time it takes to achieve the desired angle,
# so the shorter the time, the faster the gimbal rotates.
bool is_reset
uint8 payload_index
# rotation cooradiration
# 0 = execute angle command based on the previously set reference point
# 1 = execute angle command based on the current point
uint8 rotationMode
# pitch angle in degree, unit : deg
float32 pitch
# roll angle in degree, unit : deg
float32 roll
# yaw angle in degree, unit : deg
float32 yaw
#execution time, unit : second
float64 time
bool result
WaypointV2InitSetting waypointV2InitSettings
uint16 polygonNum
float32 radius
uint16 actionNum
bool result
\ No newline at end of file
JoystickParams joystickCommand
bool result
\ No newline at end of file
bool enable
bool result
\ No newline at end of file
#constant for mode
uint8 MODE_PWM_OUT = 0
#uint8 MODE_PWM_IN = 1 #PWM_IN is not functioning correctly
uint8 MODE_GPIO_OUT = 2
uint8 MODE_GPIO_IN = 3
uint8 MODE_ADC = 4
uint8 CHANNEL_0 = 0
uint8 CHANNEL_1 = 1
uint8 CHANNEL_2 = 2
uint8 CHANNEL_3 = 3
uint8 CHANNEL_4 = 4
uint8 CHANNEL_5 = 5
uint8 CHANNEL_6 = 6
uint8 CHANNEL_7 = 7
uint8 TURN_ON = 0 # Control PWM on/off
uint8 TURN_OFF = 1
uint8 action # Turn On/Off, 0: ON 1: OFF
uint8 mode # see constants above for possible modes
bool block # Block/Non-block Ouput
uint8 channel # 0-7
uint32 init_on_time_us # on time for pwm duty cycle in micro-seconds, 0-20000(0%-100%)
uint8 gpio_value # 0: Low, 1:High just for GPIO_OUT
uint16 pwm_freq # set pwm frequency in Hz
uint32 read_value
#constant for mode
uint8 MODE_PWM_OUT = 0
#uint8 MODE_PWM_IN = 1 #PWM_IN is not functioning correctly
uint8 MODE_GPIO_OUT = 2
uint8 MODE_GPIO_IN = 3
uint8 MODE_ADC = 4
uint8 mode # see constants above for possible modes
uint8 channel # 0-7
uint32 init_on_time_us # on time for pwm duty cycle in micro-seconds
uint16 pwm_freq # set pwm frequency in Hz
uint8 channel # 0-7
uint32 init_on_time_us # on time for pwm duty cycle in micro-seconds
#constant for action
uint8 ACTION_START = 0
uint8 ACTION_STOP = 1
uint8 ACTION_PAUSE = 2
uint8 action # see constants above for possible actions
bool result
# for debugging usage
uint8 cmd_set
uint8 cmd_id
uint32 ack_data
MissionHotpointTask hotpoint_task
# for debugging usage
uint8 cmd_set
uint8 cmd_id
uint32 ack_data
\ No newline at end of file
bool result
# for debugging usage
uint8 cmd_set
uint8 cmd_id
uint32 ack_data
\ No newline at end of file
float32 radius # in meters
bool result
# for debugging usage
uint8 cmd_set
uint8 cmd_id
uint32 ack_data
float32 yaw_rate # degree/s
uint8 direction # 0: counter-clockwise, 1: clockwise
bool result
# for debugging usage
uint8 cmd_set
uint8 cmd_id
uint32 ack_data
MissionHotpointTask hotpoint_task
bool result
# for debugging usage
uint8 cmd_set
uint8 cmd_id
uint32 ack_data
\ No newline at end of file
uint8 waypoint_mission_count
uint8 hotpoint_mission_count
\ No newline at end of file
#constant for action
uint8 ACTION_START = 0
uint8 ACTION_STOP = 1
uint8 ACTION_PAUSE = 2
uint8 action # see constants for possible actions
bool result
# for debugging usage
uint8 cmd_set
uint8 cmd_id
uint32 ack_data
MissionWaypointTask waypoint_task
\ No newline at end of file
float32 speed
# for debugging usage
uint8 cmd_set
uint8 cmd_id
uint32 ack_data
\ No newline at end of file
float32 speed
bool result
\ No newline at end of file
MissionWaypointTask waypoint_task # see msg/MissionWaypointTask.msg
bool result
# for debugging usage
uint8 cmd_set
uint8 cmd_id
uint32 ack_data
bool enable_obtain
bool result
\ No newline at end of file
# constants for different actions
uint8 STOP_MOTION = 3
uint8 LAND = 4
uint8 GO_HOME = 5
uint8 TAKEOFF = 6
# request
bool start
uint8 action
# response
bool result
bool result
\ No newline at end of file
uint32 version
string hardware
\ No newline at end of file
bool result
\ No newline at end of file
#constant for control_enable
uint8 control_enable # see constants above
bool result
# for debugging usage
uint8 cmd_set
uint8 cmd_id
uint32 ack_data
uint8[] data #length(data) <= 100
bool result
uint8[] data #length(data) <= 255
bool result
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This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
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This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
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