Commit 7ed9bb55 authored by Larkin Heintzman's avatar Larkin Heintzman

added IIP and HS folders

parent 046a81e5
...@@ -9,7 +9,11 @@ collision_flag = false; ...@@ -9,7 +9,11 @@ collision_flag = false;
for i=1:step_num for i=1:step_num
% look for collisions (there is a faster way to do this, i am sure) % look for collisions (there is a faster way to do this, i am sure)
dists = sqrt((pt(1) - obs_points(:,1)).^2 + (pt(2) - obs_points(:,2)).^2); if ~isempty(obs_points)
dists = sqrt((pt(1) - obs_points(:,1)).^2 + (pt(2) - obs_points(:,2)).^2);
dists = [];
if any(dists <= dx) if any(dists <= dx)
% collision! % collision!
collision_flag = true; collision_flag = true;
function connected_flag = checkConnected(G,verts)
if nargin == 1
[~,C] = conncompAdj(G.adj);
elseif nargin == 2
% trim to only examine induced graph of verts
rows = G.adj(verts,:);
ind_adj = rows(:,verts);
[~,C] = conncompAdj(ind_adj);
if all(C == 1)
connected_flag = true;
connected_flag = false;
\ No newline at end of file
function [S,C] = conncompAdj(G)
[p,q,r] = dmperm(G'+speye(size(G)));
S = numel(r)-1;
C = cumsum(full(sparse(1,r(1:end-1),1,1,size(G,1))));
C(p) = C;
% C = C-1; % return comps - 1
S = S - 1;
\ No newline at end of file
function [dist,path] = dijkstra(G,start_id,d_max)
%DIJKSTRA Calculates the shortest distance and path between points on a map
% using Dijkstra's Shortest Path Algorithm
% Calculates the shortest distance and path between start and finish nodes SID and FID
% Calculates the shortest distances and paths from the starting node SID to all
% other nodes in the map
% Note:
% DIJKSTRA is set up so that an example is created if no inputs are provided,
% but ignores the example and just processes the inputs if they are given.
% Inputs:
% NODES should be an Nx3 or Nx4 matrix with the format [ID X Y] or [ID X Y Z]
% where ID is an integer, and X, Y, Z are cartesian position coordinates)
% SEGMENTS should be an Mx3 matrix with the format [ID N1 N2]
% where ID is an integer, and N1, N2 correspond to node IDs from NODES list
% such that there is an [undirected] edge/segment between node N1 and node N2
% SID should be an integer in the node ID list corresponding with the starting node
% FID (optional) should be an integer in the node ID list corresponding with the finish
% Outputs:
% DIST is the shortest Euclidean distance
% If FID was specified, DIST will be a 1x1 double representing the shortest
% Euclidean distance between SID and FID along the map segments. DIST will have
% a value of INF if there are no segments connecting SID and FID.
% If FID was not specified, DIST will be a 1xN vector representing the shortest
% Euclidean distance between SID and all other nodes on the map. DIST will have
% a value of INF for any nodes that cannot be reached along segments of the map.
% PATH is a list of nodes containing the shortest route
% If FID was specified, PATH will be a 1xP vector of node IDs from SID to FID.
% NAN will be returned if there are no segments connecting SID to FID.
% If FID was not specified, PATH will be a 1xN cell of vectors representing the
% shortest route from SID to all other nodes on the map. PATH will have a value
% of NAN for any nodes that cannot be reached along the segments of the map.
% Example:
% dijkstra; % calculates shortest path and distance between two nodes
% % on a map of randomly generated nodes and segments
% Example:
% nodes = [(1:10); 100*rand(2,10)]';
% segments = [(1:17); floor(1:0.5:9); ceil(2:0.5:10)]';
% figure; plot(nodes(:,2), nodes(:,3),'k.');
% hold on;
% for s = 1:17
% if (s <= 10) text(nodes(s,2),nodes(s,3),[' ' num2str(s)]); end
% plot(nodes(segments(s,2:3)',2),nodes(segments(s,2:3)',3),'k');
% end
% [d, p] = dijkstra(nodes, segments, 1, 10)
% for n = 2:length(p)
% plot(nodes(p(n-1:n),2),nodes(p(n-1:n),3),'r-.','linewidth',2);
% end
% hold off;
% Author: Joseph Kirk
% Email: jdkirk630 at gmail dot com
% Release: 1.3
% Release Date: 5/18/07
if (nargin < 2) % SETUP
error("provide more inputs");
else %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
% initializations
node_ids = (1:G.N)';
[a,b] = find(G.adj);
segments = [(1:length(a))', a, b];
nodes = [G.nodes(:,3), G.nodes(:,1:2)];
[num_map_pts,cols] = size(nodes);
table = zeros(num_map_pts,2);
shortest_distance = Inf(num_map_pts,1);
settled = zeros(num_map_pts,1);
path = num2cell(NaN(num_map_pts,1));
col = 2;
pidx = find(start_id == node_ids);
shortest_distance(pidx) = 0;
table(pidx,col) = 0;
settled(pidx) = 1;
path(pidx) = {start_id};
while sum(~settled) > 0
% update the table
table(:,col-1) = table(:,col);
table(pidx,col) = 0;
% find neighboring nodes in the segments list
neighbor_ids = [segments(node_ids(pidx) == segments(:,2),3);
segments(node_ids(pidx) == segments(:,3),2)];
% calculate the distances to the neighboring nodes and keep track of the paths
for k = 1:length(neighbor_ids)
cidx = find(neighbor_ids(k) == node_ids);
if ~settled(cidx)
d = sqrt(sum((nodes(pidx,2:cols) - nodes(cidx,2:cols)).^2));
if ((table(cidx,col-1) == 0) || ...
(table(cidx,col-1) > (table(pidx,col-1) + d))) && ((table(pidx,col-1) + d) <= d_max) % key addition
table(cidx,col) = table(pidx,col-1) + d;
tmp_path = path(pidx);
path(cidx) = {[tmp_path{1} neighbor_ids(k)]};
table(cidx,col) = table(cidx,col-1);
% find the minimum non-zero value in the table and save it
nidx = find(table(:,col));
ndx = find(table(nidx,col) == min(table(nidx,col)));
if isempty(ndx)
pidx = nidx(ndx(1));
shortest_distance(pidx) = table(pidx,col);
settled(pidx) = 1;
% return the distance and path arrays for all of the nodes
dist = shortest_distance';
path = path';
\ No newline at end of file
function [G,Gc] = generateEnvGraph(environment_size, rho, move_size, obstacle_points, env_step_size)
xbdd = environment_size(1:2);
ybdd = environment_size(3:4);
dx = 0.1 ; % fix this as a parameter later
[X,Y] = meshgrid(xbdd(1):env_step_size:xbdd(2), ybdd(1):env_step_size:ybdd(2));
G_points = [reshape(X,[],1), reshape(Y,[],1)];
% check for obstacle collisions
rm_index = zeros(size(G_points,1),1);
for i=1:size(G_points,1)
if ~isempty(obstacle_points)
dists = sqrt((obstacle_points(:,1) - G_points(i,1)).^2 + (obstacle_points(:,2) - G_points(i,2)).^2);
dists = [];
if any(dists <= dx)
rm_index(i) = i; % delete this entry because it's too close to obstacles
G_points(rm_index(rm_index ~= 0),:) = [];
env_nodes = size(G_points, 1);
% build adjacency matrix for G (this is the MOVEMENT adjacency)
adjacency = zeros(env_nodes);
for i=1:env_nodes
dists = sqrt((G_points(:,1) - G_points(i,1)).^2 + (G_points(:,2) - G_points(i,2)).^2);
if any(dists <= move_size)
close_nodes = find(dists <= move_size);
for j=1:size(close_nodes,1)
if close_nodes(j) == i
[collision_flag, ~] = checkCollisions(G_points(i,:), G_points(close_nodes(j),:), dx, obstacle_points);
if ~collision_flag
adjacency(i,close_nodes(j)) = 1;
% build adjacency matrix for G (this is the COMMUNICATION adjacency)
adjacency_c = zeros(env_nodes);
for i=1:env_nodes
dists = sqrt((G_points(:,1) - G_points(i,1)).^2 + (G_points(:,2) - G_points(i,2)).^2);
if any(dists <= rho)
close_nodes = find(dists <= rho);
for j=1:size(close_nodes,1)
if close_nodes(j) == i
[collision_flag, ~] = checkCollisions(G_points(i,:), G_points(close_nodes(j),:), dx, obstacle_points);
if ~collision_flag
adjacency_c(i,close_nodes(j)) = 1;
G = struct('N', size(G_points,1), 'nodes', [G_points, (1:size(G_points,1))'], 'adj', adjacency);
Gc = struct('N', size(G_points,1), 'nodes', [G_points, (1:size(G_points,1))'], 'adj', adjacency_c);
function [x_pts, y_pts] = generateObstacles(env, threshold, dx, init_conf, final_conf, safe_radius)
xdim = env(2) - env(1);
ydim = env(4) - env(3);
im = zeros(floor(xdim/dx), floor(ydim/dx));
im = perlin_noise(im);
obs_points = im;
obs_points = obs_points + abs(min(min(obs_points))); % make it positive
obs_points = obs_points/max(max(obs_points)); % make it normal
obs_points = smoothdata(obs_points,1,'movmean',10);
obs_points = smoothdata(obs_points,2,'movmean',10);
[x_pts, y_pts] = find(obs_points <= threshold);
x_pts = x_pts.*dx;
y_pts = y_pts.*dx;
% iterate through to get rid of points interferring with starting and
% ending points
% but do it for all points in initial and final configurations
for i=1:size(init_conf,1)
init_d = sqrt((init_conf(i,1) - x_pts).^2 + (init_conf(i,2) - y_pts).^2);
x_pts = x_pts(init_d >= safe_radius);
y_pts = y_pts(init_d >= safe_radius);
for i=1:size(final_conf,1)
final_d = sqrt((final_conf(i,1) - x_pts).^2 + (final_conf(i,2) - y_pts).^2);
x_pts = x_pts(final_d >= safe_radius);
y_pts = y_pts(final_d >= safe_radius);
\ No newline at end of file
function [vertices, order] = getVerts(V,robots,option)
%simply a vertex extractor to get the vertices at the end of cell-table V for
%each agent
if nargin < 3
error("not enough inputs")
if strcmp(option, 'end')
vertices = zeros(length(robots),1);
for i=1:length(robots)
% pick out last non-zero element of V
r = robots(i);
vertices(i) = V{r}.node_list(find(V{r}.node_list,1,'last'));
elseif strcmp(option, 'all')
vertices = zeros(length(robots)*length(V{1}.node_list),1);
order = vertices;
rowi = 1;
for i=1:length(robots)
r = robots(i);
tmp = nonzeros(V{r}.node_list);
vertices(rowi:(rowi+length(tmp)-1)) = tmp;
order(rowi:(rowi+length(tmp)-1)) = i;
rowi = rowi+length(tmp);
vertices = nonzeros(vertices);
order = nonzeros(order);
\ No newline at end of file
function [utility, computation_time, path_length] = main(input_env_step_size, m, v_level, input_N)
% Nomenclature:
% K: number of robots
% G(N,E): environment graph, nodes are convex regions and edges are connections between regions
% G'(N',E'): time-unfolded version of G(N,E), a node in N' is a time-stamped copy of a node in N.
% That is, n' in N' corresponds to (n,t) for node n in N and time t.
% T: total discrete time steps (the planning horizon)
% k: robot k in {1,,K}
% P_k = {r_k(0),,r_k(T)}: path planned by robot k, where each r_k(t) \in N'
% C(P_k): the cost of path P_k, assume all moves have cost one, so C(P_k) = T for horizon T
% P = P_1 U P_2 U U P_K:
% union of paths for all robots, represents which nodes are visited at which time
% F(P): team objective function, assume that F is known
% G_c(N, E_c): graph describing connectivity between nodes in G (node i in N and j in N are connected if (i,j) in E_c)
% P(t): a configuration of robots at time t using path P
% T_I: the disconnected interval, during which the network may choose to lose connectivity
% tau: the smallest integer such that tau*T_I > T
addpath('C:\Users\Larkin\Google Drive\DropBox\VT\Research\SAR\Interaction Planning\MATLAB\RA-L_2020');
N = input_N;
env_step_size = input_env_step_size;
% obstacle stuff
[x_pts, y_pts] = generateObstacles(environment_size, threshold, obs_step_size, starting_locations, goal_locations, safe_radius);
obstacle_points = [x_pts, y_pts];
dummy = rrtAgent(N, mean(starting_locations,1), mean(goal_locations,1), token_ownership, ...
environment_size, obstacle_points, distance_increment, step_size, ...
planning_iterations, move_speed, collision_radius);
t_start = tic;
dummy = dummy.planMultiGoalPath;
if isempty(dummy.path_waypoints)
utility = -1;
tmp = toc(t_start);
computation_time = -1;
path_length = -1;
[G, Gc] = generateEnvGraph(environment_size, rho, move_size, obstacle_points, env_step_size);
starting_verts = zeros(N,1);
for i=1:N
dists = (G.nodes(:,1) - starting_locations(i,1)).^2 + ...
(G.nodes(:,2) - starting_locations(i,2)).^2;
[~,near_node] = min(dists);
starting_verts(i) = near_node;
node_list = zeros(ceil(max_dist/env_step_size)*tau,1);
last_node_list = zeros(size(node_list,1),N);
time_index = zeros(ceil(max_dist/env_step_size)*tau,1);
V = cell(N,1);
% set up starting locations
for i=1:N
V{i} = table(node_list, time_index); % create table within each cell
V{i}{1,:} = [starting_verts(i), 1];
c_row = 2*ones(N,1);
connected_configs = zeros(floor(T/T_I),N);
t = 1;
while t <= floor(T/T_I)
if v_level
fprintf("horizon %d of %d ... \n",t,floor(T/T_I));
iter = 1;
while ~converged_flag
if v_level
fprintf("iteration %d\n",iter);
for i = randperm(N)
% reset path for robot k
V{i}{c_row(i):end,:} = 0;
% enumerate some feasible paths
[~,path] = dijkstra(G,getVerts(V,i,'end'),max_dist);
% remove those paths disconnected at T_I
path_trimmed = cell(size(path));
for j=1:length(path)
if ~isnan(path{j})
% if its a real path, check connectivity
verts = union(path{j}(end), getVerts(V,setdiff(1:N,i),'end'));
connected_flag = checkConnected(Gc,verts);
% remove those disconnected paths
if connected_flag
path_trimmed{j} = path{j};
path_trimmed = path_trimmed(~cellfun('isempty',path_trimmed));
max_util = 0;
max_idx = -1;
for j=1:length(path_trimmed)
[existing_verts, ~] = getVerts(V,1:N,'all');
verts = [existing_verts; path_trimmed{j}'];
util = trajectoryUtility(verts, G, env, sig);
% find maximum utility
if util > max_util
max_util = util;
max_idx = j;
if max_idx == -1
if v_level
utility = -1;
tmp = toc(t_start);
computation_time = -1;
path_length = -1;
best_path = path_trimmed{max_idx};
% update the path taken for robot i
next_idx = find(V{i}.node_list,1,'last');
time_idx = V{i}.time_index(next_idx);
V{i}.node_list(next_idx:(next_idx+length(best_path)-1)) = best_path;
V{i}.time_index(next_idx:(next_idx+length(best_path)-1)) = ...
iter = iter + 1;
converged_flag = true;
for i=1:N % check all path's convergence
if ~all(V{i}.node_list == last_node_list(:,i))
% if not all are equal, then we're not converged
converged_flag = false;
last_node_list(:,i) = V{i}.node_list; % update shift register
% update rows in V and reset convergence flag and track connected
% configs
for i=1:N
c_row(i) = find(V{i}.node_list,1,'last')+1;
connected_configs(t,i) = getVerts(V,i,'end');
converged_flag = false;
pos = G.nodes(connected_configs(t,:),1:2);
goals = goal_locations;
if all(sqrt((pos(:,1) - goals(:,1)).^2 + (pos(:,2) - goals(:,2)).^2) < rho)
goals_reached = true;
t = t + 1;
verts = getVerts(V,1:N,'all');
utility = trajectoryUtility(verts, G, env, sig);
computation_time = toc(t_start);
path_length = 0;
for i=1:N
D = dist(G.nodes(getVerts(V,i,'all'),1:2)');
path_length = path_length + sum(diag(D(:,2:end)));
%% plotting
if show_plot
% plot again after each agent re-plans
figure(2); clf; hold on;
colormap parula;
colors = hsv(N);
for n=1:N
plot(G.nodes(nonzeros(V{n}.node_list),1), G.nodes(nonzeros(V{n}.node_list),2),...
'.', 'color', colors(n,:), 'markersize', 20,'linestyle','-');
for j=1:length(V{n}.node_list)
if V{n}.node_list(j) ~= 0
text(G.nodes(nonzeros(V{n}.node_list(j)),1), G.nodes(nonzeros(V{n}.node_list(j)),2), num2str(j))
plot(G.nodes(V{n}.node_list(1),1), G.nodes(V{n}.node_list(1),2),...
'd','color',colors(n,:),'markersize',12,'linewidth', 2);
plot(G.nodes(nonzeros(connected_configs(:,n)),1), ...
G.nodes(nonzeros(connected_configs(:,n)),2), ...
'd','color',colors(n,:),'markersize',12,'linewidth', 2);
plot(goal_locations(n,1), goal_locations(n,2), '^',...
% plot(G.nodes(:,1), G.nodes(:,2), 'k.','markersize',10);
plot(obstacle_points(:,1), obstacle_points(:,2), 'r.','markersize',16,'linewidth',3,'markerfacecolor','r');
% monte carlo path planning runner
clear all; close all; clc;
% set up random number generator
M = 20;
m = 1;
offset = 1;
xdata = linspace(0.15,0.10,M);
util = zeros(M,1);
comp_time = zeros(M,1);
while m <= M
rng(m + offset);
fprintf("\nbegin iteration %d --------- \n",m);
input_env_step_size = xdata(m);
[utility, computation_time] = main(input_env_step_size, m);
if utility ~= -1 && computation_time ~= -1
util(m) = utility;
comp_time(m) = computation_time;
m = m + 1;
fprintf("\niteration %d failed \n",m);
offset = offset + 1;
time_str = datestr(now,31);
time_str = regexprep(time_str(6:end-3),':','-');
time_str = regexprep(time_str,' ','_');
filename = ['HS_allrand_M',num2str(M),'_',time_str,'.mat'];
\ No newline at end of file
function util = trajectoryUtility(verts, G, env, sig)
% Tj = size(plcs,2);
% [vertags,vertplcs] = covertIdxForm(verts,Tj);
% agentplcs = zeros(length(verts),2);
% % get each vertex position
% for a = 1:length(verts)
% agentplcs(a,:) = plcs{k,vertplcs(a)}(vertags(a),:);
% end
coords = G.nodes(verts,1:2);
util = 0;
for i=1:length(env.x_area)
for j=1:length(env.y_area)
dists = sqrt((coords(:,1) - env.x_area(i)).^2 + (coords(:,2) - env.y_area(j)).^2);
if any(dists <= sig) % if anybody is close enough to get a measurement
util = util + env.Z(j, i);
% experiment with a horizontal additive element to the objective function
% max_Z = max(max(env.Z));
% min_Z = min(min(env.Z));
% if strcmp(option, 'dists')
% mean_dist = norm(mean(goals,1) - mean(coords,1));
% beta = max(env.x_area);
% h_gain = (1/beta)*abs(beta - mean_dist);
% alpha = 10;
% util = util + alpha*h_gain;
% elseif strcmp(option, 'goals')
% N = size(goals,1);
% close_dist = zeros(N,1);
% for i=1:N
% coords_i = coords(order == i,:);
% close_dist(i) = norm(coords_i(end,:) - goals(i,:));
% end
% beta = max(env.x_area);
% h_dist = sum(close_dist);
% normalizer = (1/(1 + N*beta));
% h_gain = (1/(1 + h_dist))/normalizer;
% alpha = t/3; % testing a time dependent solution
% util = util + alpha*h_gain;
% end
\ No newline at end of file
xdata = [floor(linspace(200,1200,M))', linspace(0.15,0.1,M)'];
input_N = 3;
v_level = 1;
input_pj = 100;
m = -1;
[utility, computation_time, path_length] = multi_agent_path_planning(input_pj, m, v_level, input_N)
\ No newline at end of file
clear all;
% close all;
% basic RRT program with obstacles, will integrate with sampling-based intermittent
% interaction code later
show_live_plot = false;
show_end_plot = true;
env = [0, 20, 0, 20]; % environment [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]
xdim = env(2) - env(1);
ydim = env(4) - env(3);
dist_inc = 0.5; % incremental distance
init_conf = [10,1]; % initial configuration [x, y]
final_conf = [14,18]; % final configuration [x, y]
dx = 0.1;
star_radius = 5; % radius to look for rewire points
threshold = 0.35;
safe_radius = 2;
[x_obs, y_obs] = generateObstacles(env, threshold, dx, init_conf, final_conf, safe_radius);
obs_points = [x_obs, y_obs];
xlist = dx:dx:xdim;
ylist = dx:dx:ydim;
if show_live_plot
figure(1); clf; hold on;
plot(x_obs, y_obs, '.k')
% now for the RRT stuff
K = 2000; % start with 1000 vertices in graph
G = zeros(K);
verts = zeros(K,2); % coords of all points
verts(1,:) = init_conf;
% verts(2,:) = final_conf;
for k=3:K
% generate random config
q_rand = [rand*xdim + env(1), rand*ydim + env(3)];
% locate nearest vertex
q_near = getNearestVertex(q_rand, verts, -1); % just want one point
q_new = getNewConfig(q_near, q_rand, dist_inc, obs_points, dx);
if isempty(q_new)
% cmin = norm(q_new - q_near); % cost to get from nearest point to new point
% we have a working new configuation, add it and an edge
% check for new neighbors too
near_index = find(all(verts == q_near,2));
verts(k,:) = q_new;
G(near_index, k) = 1;
G = min(G + G',1);
if norm(final_conf - q_new) <= dist_inc
fprintf("final configuration has been reached\n")
verts(2,:) = final_conf;
G(2,k) = 1;
G(k,2) = 1;
% progress updates
if mod(k,100) == 0
fprintf("iteration %d\n", k);
if show_live_plot
plot(q_new(1), q_new(2), '.b')
plot([q_near(1), q_new(1)], [q_near(2), q_new(2)], 'g-')
% generate shortest path
gr = graph(G);
vert_path = shortestpath(gr,1,2);
if show_end_plot
figure(1); clf; hold on;
plot(x_obs, y_obs, '.k')
plot(verts(vert_path,1), verts(vert_path,2), 'mo-')
% dual tree stuff:
% dists = sqrt((q_new(1) - verts(:,1)).^2 + (q_new(2) - verts(:,2)).^2);
% new_neighbors = find(dists <= dist_inc); % adding neighbors like this is kinda of bullshit? we need to check for bloackages
% new_neighbors = new_neighbors(new_neighbors ~= near_index);
% G(near_index, new_neighbors) = 1;
% for i=1:length(new_neighbors)
% plot([verts(new_neighbors(i),1), q_new(1)], [verts(new_neighbors(i),2), q_new(2)], 'g-')
% end
\ No newline at end of file
clear all;
% close all;
% basic RRT program with obstacles, will integrate with sampling-based intermittent
% interaction code later
show_live_plot = false;
show_end_plot = true;
env = [0, 20, 0, 20]; % environment [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]
xdim = env(2) - env(1);
ydim = env(4) - env(3);
dist_inc = 2; % incremental distance
init_conf = [10,1]; % initial configuration [x, y]
final_conf = [14,18]; % final configuration [x, y]
dx = 0.1;
star_radius = dist_inc; % radius to look for rewire points
threshold = 0.35;
safe_radius = 2;
[x_obs, y_obs] = generateObstacles(env, threshold, dx, init_conf, final_conf, safe_radius);
obs_points = [x_obs, y_obs];
xlist = dx:dx:xdim;
ylist = dx:dx:ydim;
if show_live_plot
figure(1); clf; hold on;
plot(x_obs, y_obs, '.k')
% now for the RRT stuff
K = 1000; % start with 1000 vertices in graph
G = zeros(K);
verts = zeros(K,4); % coords of all points and theyre costs and parents [x coord, y coord, cost to go, parent]
verts(1,:) = [init_conf, 0, 1];
% verts(2,:) = final_conf;
for k=3:K
% generate random config
q_rand = [rand*xdim + env(1), rand*ydim + env(3)];
% locate nearest vertex
q_near = getNearestVertex(q_rand, verts, -1); % just want one point
q_new = getNewConfig(q_near(1:2), q_rand, dist_inc, obs_points, dx);
if isempty(q_new)
% got a new configuration, update cost to go and parent information
near_index = find(all(verts == q_near,2));
q_new = [q_new, q_near(3) + norm(q_new-q_near(1:2)), near_index];
cmin = q_new(3); % cost to get from nearest point to new point
ind_min = -1;
nearest_vertices = getNearestVertex(q_new, verts, star_radius);
for i=1:size(nearest_vertices,1)
% itrerate through nearest neighbors to look for easier method
[collision_flag, end_point] = checkCollisions(q_new(1:2), nearest_vertices(i,1:2), dx, obs_points);
new_cost = (nearest_vertices(i,3)+norm(nearest_vertices(i,1:2) - q_new(1:2)));
if ~collision_flag && new_cost < cmin
cmin = new_cost; % new lowest cost source vertex
ind_min = i; % index of new lowest cost source vertex
if ind_min ~= -1
new_parent = find(all(verts == nearest_vertices(ind_min,:),2));
if new_parent ~= 2 % never add final config as a parent node, dont make no sense
q_new(3) = cmin; % update cost and parent
q_new(4) = new_parent;
rewired_list = zeros(size(nearest_vertices,1),1); % list of vertices that get rewired to use q_new
for i=1:size(nearest_vertices,1)
% look for lower cost if q_new was parent
new_cost = q_new(3) + norm(q_new(1:2) - nearest_vertices(i,1:2));
% check collisions
[collision_flag, ~] = checkCollisions(q_new(1:2), nearest_vertices(i,1:2), dx, obs_points);
if new_cost < nearest_vertices(i,3) && ~collision_flag
% we need to update the parent of this vert
rewired_vert = find(all(verts == nearest_vertices(i,:),2));
verts(rewired_vert,4) = k;
verts(rewired_vert,3) = new_cost; % update cost to get there too
rewired_list(i) = rewired_vert;
verts(k,:) = q_new;
G(near_index, k) = 1;
G = min(G + G',1);
if norm(final_conf - q_new(1:2)) <= dist_inc
% fprintf("final configuration has been reached\n")
verts(2,:) = [final_conf, norm(final_conf - q_new(1:2)), k];
G(2,k) = 1;
G(k,2) = 1;
% break;
% progress updates
if mod(k,100) == 0
fprintf("iteration %d\n", k);
if show_live_plot
plot(q_new(1), q_new(2), '.b')
plot([verts(q_new(4),1), q_new(1)], [verts(q_new(4),2), q_new(2)], 'g-')
% also plot line to original nearest vertex
plot([q_near(1), q_new(1)], [q_near(2), q_new(2)], 'r:')
% also also plot rewired neighbors (somehow)
rewired_list = rewired_list(rewired_list ~= 0); % clear out zeros
for i=1:length(rewired_list)
plot([verts(rewired_list(i),1), q_new(1)], [verts(rewired_list(i),2), q_new(2)], 'b:')
plot(verts(rewired_list(i),1), verts(rewired_list(i),2), 'b*')
% if any(verts(:,4) == 2)
% fprintf("F\n")
% end
%% plotting
% generate shortest path
% gr = graph(G);
% vert_path = shortestpath(gr,1,2);
if show_end_plot
figure(1); clf; hold on;
plot_vert = 2;
while true
% follow final config backward to starting config
fprintf("next vert: %d\n", plot_vert);
plot(verts(plot_vert,1), verts(plot_vert,2), 'mo');
xs = [verts(plot_vert,1), verts(verts(plot_vert,4),1)];
ys = [verts(plot_vert,2), verts(verts(plot_vert,4),2)];
plot(xs, ys, 'm-');
if plot_vert == 1
plot_vert = verts(plot_vert,4); % go back to parent
plot(x_obs, y_obs, '.k')
plot(final_conf(1), final_conf(2), '*r')
plot(init_conf(1), init_conf(2), '*g')
% dual tree stuff:
% dists = sqrt((q_new(1) - verts(:,1)).^2 + (q_new(2) - verts(:,2)).^2);
% new_neighbors = find(dists <= dist_inc); % adding neighbors like this is kinda of bullshit? we need to check for bloackages
% new_neighbors = new_neighbors(new_neighbors ~= near_index);
% G(near_index, new_neighbors) = 1;
% for i=1:length(new_neighbors)
% plot([verts(new_neighbors(i),1), q_new(1)], [verts(new_neighbors(i),2), q_new(2)], 'g-')
% end
\ No newline at end of file
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
function [gmPDF, Z, gm, x_area, y_area] = buildGMM(plotArea, mu, sigma)
% BUILDGMM builds a gmm based on means and comvariances and gives the pdf
% back along with a matrix of points evaluated over the sim plot range
% mu = 10*rand(k,sim.d); % means
% sigma = 5 + ones(1,2,k); % covariances
gm = gmdistribution(mu, sigma);
gmPDF = @(x,y)pdf(gm,[x y]);
x_area = plotArea(1):0.1:plotArea(2); % use plot range
y_area = plotArea(3):0.1:plotArea(4);
Z = zeros(numel(y_area), numel(x_area));
for i = 1:numel(x_area)
for j = 1:numel(y_area)
Z(j,i) = gmPDF(x_area(i), y_area(j));
% want to build in clever sampling based on the gm distribution so we dont
% have to sample as much
\ No newline at end of file
function [collision_flag, end_point] = checkCollisions(q_start, q_end, dx, obs_points)
step_num = ceil(norm(q_start - q_end)./dx); % number of steps of dx to get to the distance increment
vec = (q_end - q_start)./norm(q_start - q_end);
vec = vec.*dx;
pt = q_start;
collision_flag = false;
for i=1:step_num
% look for collisions (there is a faster way to do this, i am sure)
if ~isempty(obs_points)
dists = sqrt((pt(1) - obs_points(:,1)).^2 + (pt(2) - obs_points(:,2)).^2);
dists = [];
if any(dists <= dx)
% collision!
collision_flag = true;
end_point = pt;
% otherwise take a step
pt = pt + vec;
end_point = pt;
\ No newline at end of file
function [S,C] = conncompAdj(G)
[p,q,r] = dmperm(G'+speye(size(G)));
S = numel(r)-1;
C = cumsum(full(sparse(1,r(1:end-1),1,1,size(G,1))));
C(p) = C;
% C = C-1; % return comps - 1
S = S - 1;
\ No newline at end of file
This diff is collapsed.
...@@ -7,15 +7,15 @@ score = zeros(1,Tk); ...@@ -7,15 +7,15 @@ score = zeros(1,Tk);
if parOpt if parOpt
if reqConn if reqConn
fprintf("selecting parallelized constrained samples\n") % fprintf("selecting parallelized constrained samples\n")
else else
fprintf("selecting parallelized unconstrained samples\n") % fprintf("selecting parallelized unconstrained samples\n")
end end
else else
if reqConn if reqConn
fprintf("selecting serialized constrained samples\n") % fprintf("selecting serialized constrained samples\n")
else else
fprintf("selecting serialized unconstrained samples\n") % fprintf("selecting serialized unconstrained samples\n")
end end
end end
...@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ if reqConn ...@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ if reqConn
continue; % if connectivity is required, can only pick samples from within the constrained bounding set continue; % if connectivity is required, can only pick samples from within the constrained bounding set
end end
util = trajectoryUtility([verts;i], plcs, env, k, sig, plotArea); % dont care about connectivity here util = trajectoryUtilityIIP([verts;i], plcs, env, k, sig, plotArea); % dont care about connectivity here
if util > maxUtil if util > maxUtil
maxUtil = util; maxUtil = util;
nextNode = i; nextNode = i;
...@@ -57,13 +57,13 @@ if reqConn ...@@ -57,13 +57,13 @@ if reqConn
end end
end end
if ~isempty(verts) if ~isempty(verts)
score(k) = trajectoryUtility(verts, plcs, env, k, sig, plotArea); score(k) = trajectoryUtilityIIP(verts, plcs, env, k, sig, plotArea);
plcSel{k} = verts; plcSel{k} = verts;
else else
score(k) = 0; score(k) = 0;
plcSel{k} = []; plcSel{k} = [];
end end
fprintf("samples selected for time slice %d\n", k); % fprintf("samples selected for time slice %d\n", k);
end end
else % connectivity is not required else % connectivity is not required
...@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ else % connectivity is not required ...@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ else % connectivity is not required
if length(unique(ags)) < length(ags) % if multiple agents are being used if length(unique(ags)) < length(ags) % if multiple agents are being used
continue; continue;
end end
util = trajectoryUtility([verts;i], plcs, env, k, sig, plotArea); % dont care about connectivity here util = trajectoryUtilityIIP([verts;i], plcs, env, k, sig, plotArea); % dont care about connectivity here
if util > maxUtil if util > maxUtil
maxUtil = util; maxUtil = util;
nextNode = i; nextNode = i;
...@@ -92,9 +92,9 @@ else % connectivity is not required ...@@ -92,9 +92,9 @@ else % connectivity is not required
verts = [verts;nextNode]; verts = [verts;nextNode];
end end
end end
score(k) = trajectoryUtility(verts, plcs, env, k, sig, plotArea); score(k) = trajectoryUtilityIIP(verts, plcs, env, k, sig, plotArea);
plcSel{k} = verts; plcSel{k} = verts;
fprintf("samples selected for time slice %d\n", k); % fprintf("samples selected for time slice %d\n", k);
end end
end end
...@@ -10,12 +10,21 @@ r = rho/2; ...@@ -10,12 +10,21 @@ r = rho/2;
for i=1:length(x_area) for i=1:length(x_area)
for j=1:length(y_area) for j=1:length(y_area)
if inpolygon(x_area(i), y_area(j), bddBox(:,1), bddBox(:,2)) if inpolygon(x_area(i), y_area(j), bddBox(:,1), bddBox(:,2))
obs_dists = sqrt((obs_points(:,1) - x_area(i)).^2 + (obs_points(:,2) - y_area(j)).^2); th = 0:0.1:(2*pi);
if ~any(obs_dists <= 0.2) [xSet, ySet] = pol2cart(th,r);
if Z(j,i) >= maxVal tmp_set = [xSet'+x_area(i),ySet'+y_area(j)];
maxVal = Z(j,i); if all(inpolygon(tmp_set(:,1), tmp_set(:,2), bddBox(:,1), bddBox(:,2)))
maxX = x_area(i); if ~isempty(obs_points)
maxY = y_area(j); obs_dists = sqrt((obs_points(:,1) - x_area(i)).^2 + (obs_points(:,2) - y_area(j)).^2);
obs_dists = [];
if ~any(obs_dists <= 0.2)
if Z(j,i) >= maxVal
maxVal = Z(j,i);
maxX = x_area(i);
maxY = y_area(j);
end end
end end
end end
% big-ass parameter file
% sample selection information
Tk = 3;
K = 1;
Pj = 200;
rho = 0.5;
sig = 0.25;
environment_size = [0 5 0 5];
% environmental heatmap info
mu = [environment_size(1) + rand(3,1)*environment_size(2), ...
environment_size(3) + rand(3,1)*environment_size(4)];
gmmMeans = size(mu,1);
sigma = 3*ones(1,2,gmmMeans);
sigma(:,:,1) = [5 5];
sigma(:,:,2) = [5 5];
% multi-agent path planning information
collision_radius = 0.1;
env_step_size = 0.2; % (upper bound)
es = environment_size;
sb = [es(1)+0.1, es(1)+0.9, es(3)+0.1, es(4)-0.1];
gb = [es(2)-0.9, es(2)-0.1, es(3)+0.1, es(4)-0.1];
connected_flag = false;
collision_flag = false;
while collision_flag || ~connected_flag
starting_locations = [sb(1) + (sb(2) - sb(1))*rand(N,1), sb(3) + (sb(4) - sb(3))*rand(N,1)];
collision_flag = any(nonzeros(dist(starting_locations')) <= collision_radius,'all');
adj = dist(starting_locations') <= rho - (env_step_size)/2;
adj = adj - diag(diag(adj));
[~,C] = conncompAdj(adj);
if all(C == 1)
connected_flag = true;
connected_flag = false;
connected_flag = false;
collision_flag = false;
while collision_flag || ~connected_flag
goal_locations = [gb(1) + (gb(2) - gb(1))*rand(N,1), gb(3) + (gb(4) - gb(3))*rand(N,1)];
collision_flag = any(nonzeros(dist(goal_locations')) <= collision_radius,'all');
adj = dist(goal_locations') <= rho - (env_step_size)/2;
adj = adj - diag(diag(adj));
[~,C] = conncompAdj(adj);
if all(C == 1)
connected_flag = true;
connected_flag = false;
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% temp
starting_locations = [0.5 3;
0.15 3.4;
0.5 3.8];
goal_locations = [4.5 1;
4.85 1.4;
4.5 1.8];
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% temp
token_ownership = true;
threshold = 0.4;
safe_radius = 0.6;
step_size = 0.1;
move_speed = 1;
planning_iterations = 300;
max_sample_itr = 10^6;
distance_increment = 1;
% build environmental heatmap
[gmPDF, Z, gmObj, x_area, y_area] = buildGMM(environment_size, mu, sigma);
env.Z = Z;
env.x_area = x_area;
env.y_area = y_area;
env.gmObj = gmObj;
% plotting parameters
lw = 1.5;
fs = 16;
ms = 10;
show_plot = true;
show_plot_env = false;
% Hollinger parameters
obs_step_size = 0.1;
move_size = distance_increment;
T_I = 2; % interval of disconnection
max_dist = T_I*move_speed;
T = (Tk+1)*T_I; % total horizon length
tau = T/T_I;
converged_flag = false;
goals_reached = false;
% group monte carlo runner
clear all; close all; clc;
addpath('C:\Users\Larkin\Google Drive\DropBox\VT\Research\SAR\Interaction Planning\MATLAB\Hollinger_Singh');
M = 20;
A = 10;
m = 15;
offset = 294;
xdata = [floor(linspace(200,800,M))', linspace(0.2,0.1,M)'];
seeds = zeros(M,A);
util = zeros(M,2*A); % [[IIP_1 IIP_2 ... IIP_A], [HS_1 HS_2 ... HS_A]]
comp_time = zeros(M,2*A);
path_lengths = zeros(M,2*A);
while m <= M
fprintf("\nbegin iteration %d with offset %d --------- \n",m,offset);
input_pj = xdata(m,1);
input_env_step_size = xdata(m,2);
a = 1;
while a <= A
fprintf("\naveraging iteration %d, offset %d --------- \n",a,offset);
[util(m,a), comp_time(m,a), path_lengths(m,a)] = multi_agent_path_planning(input_pj, m);
if util(m,a) == -1 || comp_time(m,a) == -1
fprintf("\niteration %d, run %d, has failed \n",m,a);
offset = offset + 1;
[util(m,A+a), comp_time(m,A+a), path_lengths(m,A+a)] = main(input_env_step_size, m);
if util(m,A+a) == -1 || comp_time(m,A+a) == -1
fprintf("\niteration %d, run %d, has failed \n",m,a);
offset = offset + 1;
seeds(m,a) = offset;
a = a + 1;
offset = offset + 1;
m = m + 1;
time_str = datestr(now,31);
time_str = regexprep(time_str(6:end-3),':','-');
time_str = regexprep(time_str,' ','_');
filename = ['averaged_p2_M',num2str(M),'_',time_str,'.mat'];
\ No newline at end of file
% group monte carlo runner
clear all; close all; clc;
addpath('C:\Users\Larkin\Google Drive\DropBox\VT\Research\SAR\Interaction Planning\MATLAB\Hollinger_Singh');
M = 10;
A = 42; % should be divisable by N
m = 1;
N = 3;
% assume upper bound of 10 fails per iteration
j = 10*M*(A/N);
v_level = 0; % quiet mode
xdata = [floor(linspace(200,1200,M))', linspace(0.15,0.1,M)'];
% xdata = [600*ones(M,1), 0.1*ones(M,1)];
Ndata = N*ones(M,1);
if length(Ndata) ~= M || length(xdata) ~= M
error('check ya self son');
seedsLAB = zeros(M,A);
utilLAB = zeros(M,2*A); % [[IIP_1 IIP_2 ... IIP_A], [HS_1 HS_2 ... HS_A]]
comp_timeLAB = zeros(M,2*A);
path_lengthsLAB = zeros(M,2*A);
seeds = zeros(M,A);
util = zeros(M,2*A);
comp_time = zeros(M,2*A);
path_lengths = zeros(M,2*A);
% parpool(N);
start_time = tic;
n = labindex;
offset = n*j;
m = 1;
while m <= M
fprintf("\nworker %d beginning iteration %d with offset %d --------- \n",n,m,offset);
input_pj = xdata(m,1);
input_env_step_size = xdata(m,2);
input_N = Ndata(m);
a = (n-1)*(A/N) + 1;
a_stop = n*(A/N);
while a <= a_stop
fprintf("\nworker %d averaging iteration %d, offset %d --------- \n",n,a,offset);
[utilLAB(m,a), comp_timeLAB(m,a), path_lengthsLAB(m,a)] = multi_agent_path_planning(input_pj, m, v_level, input_N);
if utilLAB(m,a) == -1 || comp_timeLAB(m,a) == -1
fprintf("\niteration %d, run %d, has failed \n",m,a);
offset = offset + 1;
[utilLAB(m,A+a), comp_timeLAB(m,A+a), path_lengthsLAB(m,A+a)] = main(input_env_step_size, m, v_level, input_N);
if utilLAB(m,A+a) == -1 || comp_timeLAB(m,A+a) == -1
fprintf("\niteration %d, run %d, has failed \n",m,a);
offset = offset + 1;
seedsLAB(m,a) = offset;
a = a + 1;
offset = offset + 1;
m = m + 1;
stop_time = toc(start_time);
% re-assemble matrices
for n=1:N
a = (n-1)*(A/N) + 1;
a_stop = n*(A/N);
tmp = seedsLAB{n};
seeds(:,a:a_stop) = tmp(:,a:a_stop);
tmp = utilLAB{n};
util(:,a:a_stop) = tmp(:,a:a_stop);
util(:,(a:a_stop)+A) = tmp(:,(a:a_stop)+A);
tmp = comp_timeLAB{n};
comp_time(:,a:a_stop) = tmp(:,a:a_stop);
comp_time(:,(a:a_stop)+A) = tmp(:,(a:a_stop)+A);
tmp = path_lengthsLAB{n};
path_lengths(:,a:a_stop) = tmp(:,a:a_stop);
path_lengths(:,(a:a_stop)+A) = tmp(:,(a:a_stop)+A);
time_str = datestr(now,31);
time_str = regexprep(time_str(6:end-3),':','-');
time_str = regexprep(time_str,' ','_');
filename = ['averaged_M',num2str(M),'_A',num2str(A),'_',time_str,'.mat'];
This diff is collapsed.
% monte carlo path planning runner
clear all; close all; clc;
% set up random number generator
M = 20;
m = 1;
offset = 1;
xdata = floor(linspace(150,250,M));
util = zeros(M,1);
comp_time = zeros(M,1);
while m <= M
rng(m + offset);
fprintf("\nbegin iteration %d --------- \n",m);
input_pj = xdata(m);
[utility, computation_time] = multi_agent_path_planning(input_pj, m);
if utility ~= -1 && computation_time ~= -1
util(m) = utility;
comp_time(m) = computation_time;
m = m + 1;
fprintf("\niteration %d failed \n",m);
offset = offset + 1;
time_str = datestr(now,31);
time_str = regexprep(time_str(6:end-3),':','-');
time_str = regexprep(time_str,' ','_');
filename = ['IIP_allrand_M',num2str(M),'_',time_str,'.mat'];
\ No newline at end of file
function [utility, computation_time, path_length] = multi_agent_path_planning(input_pj, m, v_level, input_N)
N = input_N;
Pj = input_pj;
% obstacle stuff
% [x_pts, y_pts] = generateObstacles(environment_size, threshold, obs_step_size, starting_locations, goal_locations, safe_radius);
% obstacle_points = [x_pts, y_pts];
obstacle_points(obstacle_points(:,1) >= 5,:) = [];
obstacle_points(:,1) = obstacle_points(:,1) - 1.5;
obstacle_points(:,2) = obstacle_points(:,2) - 2;
dummy = rrtAgent(N, mean(starting_locations,1), mean(goal_locations,1), token_ownership, ...
environment_size, obstacle_points, distance_increment, step_size, ...
planning_iterations, move_speed, collision_radius, v_level);
t_start = tic;
dummy = dummy.planMultiGoalPath;
if isempty(dummy.path_waypoints)
utility = -1;
computation_time = -1;
path_length = -1;
tmp = toc(t_start);
% figure(1); clf; hold on;
% plot(obstacle_points(:,1), obstacle_points(:,2), 'k.');
% plot(starting_locations(:,1), starting_locations(:,2), 'bo');
% plot(goal_locations(:,1), goal_locations(:,2), 'bo');
t_int = (dummy.path_len)./(dummy.move_speed*(Tk+1));
if t_int < 2*sig
if v_level
fprintf('not enough room to generate constrained bounding sets\n');
utility = -1;
computation_time = -1;
path_length = -1;
tmp = toc(t_start);
sample_centers = zeros(Tk,2); % center of sampling bounding areas
sample_slopes = zeros(Tk,1);
for k=1:(Tk)
sample_centers(k,:) = dummy.timeLookup(k*t_int, {dummy.path_waypoints});
tmp_pt = dummy.timeLookup(k*t_int - 0.01, {dummy.path_waypoints});
sample_slopes(k) = (tmp_pt(2) - sample_centers(k,2))/(tmp_pt(1) - sample_centers(k,1));
plcs = cell(Tk,Pj);
sample_sets = cell(Tk,1);
sample_sets_const = cell(Tk,1);
% bounding sets
w = t_int;
h = 1.5; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%temp
a = atan(w/h);
r = (w/2)/sin(a);
for k=1:Tk
th = atan(sample_slopes(k)) + [pi/2 - a, pi/2 + a, (3*pi/2)- a, (3*pi/2) + a];
[c_pt_x,c_pt_y] = pol2cart(th,r);
sample_sets{k} = [sample_centers(k,1) + c_pt_x', sample_centers(k,2) + c_pt_y'];
sample_sets{k} = [sample_sets{k}; sample_sets{k}(1,:)];
[c_pt_x_tmp,c_pt_y_tmp] = pol2cart(th,r - rho/2); % bound away from sides of set
bdd_set_tmp = [sample_centers(k,1) + c_pt_x_tmp', sample_centers(k,2) + c_pt_y_tmp'];
sample_sets_const{k} = getConstBoundSet(Z,x_area,y_area,bdd_set_tmp,rho, obstacle_points); % bounding set for tight sampling case
% generate samples for this time slice
x_len = max(sample_sets{k}(:,1)) - min(sample_sets{k}(:,1));
y_len = max(sample_sets{k}(:,2)) - min(sample_sets{k}(:,2));
x_min = min(sample_sets{k}(:,1));
y_min = min(sample_sets{k}(:,2));
counter = 1;
sample_itr = 0;
while counter <= Pj && sample_itr < max_sample_itr
tmp_pt = [x_min + x_len*rand(N,1), y_min + y_len*rand(N,1)];
collision_flag = dummy.checkObstaclesOnly(tmp_pt, sample_centers(k,:));
if all(inpolygon(tmp_pt(:,1), tmp_pt(:,2), sample_sets{k}(:,1), sample_sets{k}(:,2))) && ~collision_flag
plcs{k,counter} = tmp_pt;
counter = counter + 1;
sample_itr = sample_itr + 1;
if isempty(plcs{k,end})
if v_level
fprintf('ran out of sample iterations, bailing\n')
utility = -1;
computation_time = -1;
path_length = -1;
tmp = toc(t_start);
const_empty_flag = false(N,1);
for j=1:Pj
const_empty_flag = or(inpolygon(plcs{k,j}(:,1), plcs{k,j}(:,2), ...
sample_sets_const{k}(:,1), sample_sets_const{k}(:,2)), const_empty_flag);
if ~all(const_empty_flag)
if v_level
fprintf('insufficient sampling, constrained sets empty, bailing\n')
utility = -1;
computation_time = -1;
path_length = -1;
tmp = toc(t_start);
% select the samples based on coverage environmental heatmap
[plcs_sel, gdy_interaction_times] = selectSamples(sample_sets_const, plcs, rho, sig, N, env, K);
% plan paths for all agents
agents = cell(N,1);
agent_paths = cell(N,1);
agent_pts = [];
for i=1:N
agent_goals = [plcs_sel{i};goal_locations(i,:)];
agents{i} = rrtAgent(N, starting_locations(i,:), agent_goals, token_ownership, ...
environment_size, obstacle_points, distance_increment, step_size, ...
planning_iterations, move_speed, collision_radius);
agents{i}.id = i;
for k=1:Tk+1
time_obstacles = cell(N,1);
for i=1:N
agents{i}.time_obs = time_obstacles;
agents{i} = agents{i}.planMultiGoalPath;
if agents{i}.path_failed
utility = -1;
computation_time = -1;
path_length = -1;
tmp = toc(t_start);
time_obstacles{i} = agents{i}.path_waypoints;
agent_paths{i} = [agent_paths{i};agents{i}.path_waypoints];
agent_pts = [agent_pts;agents{i}.path_waypoints];
% evaluate performance:
% verts in Tj*N
utility = pointTrajectoryUtility(agent_pts, env, sig);
computation_time = toc(t_start);
path_length = 0;
for i=1:N
path_length = path_length + agents{i}.path_len;
%% plotting stuff
if show_plot
figure(1); clf; hold on; grid on;
set(gcf, 'Position', [200, 200, 600, 600])
colormap parula;
my_grey = [0.7 0.7 0.7];
if show_plot_env
colors = hsv(N);
plot(dummy.obs_points(:,1), dummy.obs_points(:,2), 'k.', 'markersize', ms+8, 'linewidth', lw);
for a=1:N
sl_handle = plot(starting_locations(a,1), starting_locations(a,2), 's', 'markersize', ms, 'linewidth', lw, 'color', colors(a,:));
gl_handle = plot(goal_locations(a,1), goal_locations(a,2), 'd', 'markersize', ms, 'linewidth', lw, 'color', colors(a,:));
core_handle = plot(dummy.path_waypoints(:,1), dummy.path_waypoints(:,2), 'm.-', 'markersize', ms, 'linewidth', lw);
for k=1:Tk
for j=1:Pj
plot(plcs{k,j}(:,1), plcs{k,j}(:,2), '.', 'markersize', ms, 'linewidth', lw, ...
'markerfacecolor',my_grey, 'markeredgecolor',my_grey);
for i=1:N
plot(plcs_sel{i}(k,1), plcs_sel{i}(k,2), '.', 'markersize', ms+8, 'linewidth', lw, ...
'markerfacecolor',colors(i,:), 'markeredgecolor',colors(i,:));
bdd_box_handle = plot(sample_sets{k}(:,1), sample_sets{k}(:,2), 'k--', 'markersize', ms, 'linewidth', lw);
cnst_box_handle = plot(sample_sets_const{k}(:,1), sample_sets_const{k}(:,2), 'k:', 'markersize', ms, 'linewidth', lw);
for i=1:N
t = 0.1:0.02:(agents{i}.path_len/agents{i}.move_speed);
for j=1:length(t)
pt = agents{i}.timeLookup(t(j), {agent_paths{i}});
plot(pt(1), pt(2), '.', 'markersize', ms, 'linewidth', lw, ...
'markerfacecolor',colors(i,:), 'markeredgecolor',colors(i,:));
legend([core_handle,bdd_box_handle,cnst_box_handle,sl_handle,gl_handle],'Core path','$B_k$','$\overline{B_k}$',...
axis image
This diff is collapsed.
function im = perlin_noise(im)
[n, m] = size(im);
i = 0;
w = sqrt(n*m);
while w > 3
i = i + 1;
d = interp2(randn(n, m), i-1, 'spline');
im = im + i * d(1:n, 1:m);
w = w - ceil(w/2 - 1);
\ No newline at end of file
function util = pointTrajectoryUtility(pts, env, sig)
util = 0;
for i=1:length(env.x_area)
for j=1:length(env.y_area)
dists = sqrt((pts(:,1) - env.x_area(i)).^2 + (pts(:,2) - env.y_area(j)).^2);
if any(dists <= sig) % if anybody is close enough to get a measurement
util = util + env.Z(j, i);
\ No newline at end of file
This diff is collapsed.
function [plcs_sel, gdyInteractionTimes] = selectSamples(sample_sets_const, plcs) function [plcs_sel, gdyInteractionTimes] = selectSamples(sample_sets_const, plcs, rho, sig, N, env, K)
% select samples given a set of viable samples, a heatmap, and both types % select samples given a set of viable samples, a heatmap, and both types
% of bounding sets % of bounding sets
load_params; % reload all known parameters % load_params; % reload all known parameters
% booleans % booleans
gdySolutions = true; gdySolutions = true;
parOpt = false; parOpt = false;
environment_size = [env.x_area(1), env.x_area(end), env.y_area(1), env.y_area(end)];
env.Z = Z; Tk = size(plcs,1);
env.x_area = x_area; Pj = size(plcs,2);
env.y_area = y_area;
env.gmObj = gmObj;
supergraphs = generateSupergraphs(plcs,rho,false); supergraphs = generateSupergraphs(plcs,rho,false);
...@@ -26,12 +24,12 @@ if gdySolutions ...@@ -26,12 +24,12 @@ if gdySolutions
for k=1:Tk for k=1:Tk
% check both solutions for validity % check both solutions for validity
if length(greedy_sol_const{k}) < N || length(greedy_sol_unconst{k}) < N if length(greedy_sol_const{k}) < N || length(greedy_sol_unconst{k}) < N
error('we failed to effectively select greedy samples, insufficient samples probably'); % error('we failed to effectively select greedy samples, insufficient samples probably');
end end
end end
end end
%---------------------------------------------% %---------------------------------------------%
fprintf('--------------------------------\n') % fprintf('--------------------------------\n')
% assume we can get the optimal solution, somehow. Now to compare trade % assume we can get the optimal solution, somehow. Now to compare trade
% offs: % offs:
clear all;
threshold = 0.45;
safe_radius = 1;
% step_size = 0.1;
env_step_size = 0.1;
starting_locations = [1,2;1 2.5;1 3];
goal_locations = [9.5,2;9.5 2.5;9.5 3];
environment_size = [0 10 0 5];
% [x_pts, y_pts] = generateObstacles(environment_size, threshold, env_step_size, starting_locations, goal_locations, safe_radius);
center_points = [7 2;
3.75 3.75];
obstacle_radius = 1.0;
% [X,Y] = meshgrid((environment_size(1)-obstacle_radius):env_step_size:(obstacle_radius+environment_size(2)), ...
% (environment_size(3)-obstacle_radius):env_step_size:(environment_size(4)+obstacle_radius));
[X,Y] = meshgrid((environment_size(1)):env_step_size:(environment_size(2)), ...
x_pts = X(:);
y_pts = Y(:);
obstacle_points = zeros(length(x_pts),2);
for i=1:size(center_points,1)
init_d = sqrt((center_points(i,1) - x_pts).^2 + (center_points(i,2) - y_pts).^2);
x_pts_tmp = x_pts(init_d <= obstacle_radius);
y_pts_tmp = y_pts(init_d <= obstacle_radius);
last_idx = nnz(obstacle_points(:,1));
obstacle_points(last_idx+1:(last_idx+length(x_pts_tmp)),:) = [x_pts_tmp, y_pts_tmp];
nonzeros_x_obstacle = nonzeros(obstacle_points(:,1));
nonzeros_y_obstacle = nonzeros(obstacle_points(:,2));
obstacle_points = [nonzeros_x_obstacle, nonzeros_y_obstacle];
% [X,Y] = meshgrid(4:env_step_size:6,0:env_step_size:5);
% obstacle_points = [X(:),Y(:)];
% for i=1:size(starting_locations,1)
% init_d = sqrt((starting_locations(i,1) - x_pts).^2 + (starting_locations(i,2) - y_pts).^2);
% x_pts = x_pts(init_d >= safe_radius);
% y_pts = y_pts(init_d >= safe_radius);
% end
% for i=1:size(goal_locations,1)
% final_d = sqrt((goal_locations(i,1) - x_pts).^2 + (goal_locations(i,2) - y_pts).^2);
% x_pts = x_pts(final_d >= safe_radius);
% y_pts = y_pts(final_d >= safe_radius);
% end
ms = 8;
lw = 2;
fs = 14;
figure(1); clf; hold on;
plot(obstacle_points(:,1), obstacle_points(:,2), 'k.', 'markersize', ms, 'linewidth', lw);
axis image
% save('obstacle_saved_easy.mat','obstacle_points');
\ No newline at end of file
clear all; clc;
dt = 0.1;
waypoints = [1 1;2 2;3 4;6 3;3 6;9 9]; % waypoints to move through
move_speed = 1; % movement speed of uav
waypoint_len = size(waypoints,1);
D = dist(waypoints');
dist_list = diag(D(1:end-1,2:end));
total_dist = sum(dist_list);
total_time = total_dist/move_speed;
t = dt:dt:total_time; % time parameter
% now we need to determine, based on time, what set of waypoints we are
% passing between
figure(1); clf; hold on;
for k=1:length(t)
q_time = t(k); % time we are interested in evaluating
q_dist = q_time*move_speed;
dist_list_sum = [0;cumsum(dist_list)];
for i=1:length(dist_list_sum)
if q_dist <= dist_list_sum(i)
wp_index = i;
unit_vec = waypoints(wp_index,:) - waypoints(wp_index - 1,:);
unit_vec = unit_vec/norm(unit_vec);
q_point = waypoints(wp_index - 1,:) + unit_vec*(q_dist - dist_list_sum(wp_index - 1));
plot(q_point(1), q_point(2), 'k.');
\ No newline at end of file
function util = trajectoryUtility(verts, plcs, env, k, sig, plotArea) function util = trajectoryUtilityIIP(verts, plcs, env, k, sig, plotArea)
Tj = size(plcs,2); Tj = size(plcs,2);
[vertags,vertplcs] = covertIdxForm(verts,Tj); [vertags,vertplcs] = covertIdxForm(verts,Tj);
% big-ass parameter file
% sample selection information
Tk = 3; % time slices
K = 2; % constraint for interaction
Pj = 50; % samples per time slice
rho = 0.75;
sig = 0.5;
% environmental heatmap info
mu = [1 1;3 1;8 3];
gmmMeans = size(mu,1);
sigma = 3*ones(1,2,gmmMeans);
sigma(:,:,1) = [5 5];
sigma(:,:,2) = [5 5];
% multi-agent path planning information
agent_number = 3;
N = agent_number;
starting_locations = [1,2;1 2.5;1 3];
% goal_locations = [5,5;9,9];
goal_final = [9,2;9 2.5;9 3];
goal_locations = goal_final;
token_ownership = true;
environment_size = [0 10 0 5];
threshold = 0.40;
safe_radius = 1;
step_size = 0.1;
collision_radius = 0.5;
move_speed = 1;
planning_iterations = 300;
max_sample_itr = 50*Pj; % get average 50 misses per sample point (?)
distance_increment = 3;
% [x_pts, y_pts] = generateObstacles(environment_size, threshold, step_size, starting_locations, goal_locations, safe_radius);
% obstacle_points = [x_pts, y_pts];
% build environmental heatmap
[gmPDF, Z, gmObj, x_area, y_area] = buildGMM(environment_size, mu, sigma);
% plotting parameters
lw = 1.5; % line width
fs = 16; % font size
ms = 10; % marker size
\ No newline at end of file
clear all; clc;
% multi agent path planning testing, including
% - adaptive sampling based on core safe path (tbd)
% - sample selection via sequential greedy methods (tbd, copy paste)
% - multi-agent path planning based on selected samples (d)
% - randomized obstacles based on perlin noise (d)
% plan an initial safe path to build samples around
dummy = rrtAgent(agent_number, mean(starting_locations,1), mean(goal_final,1), token_ownership, ...
environment_size, obstacle_points, distance_increment, step_size, ...
planning_iterations, move_speed, collision_radius);
dummy = dummy.planMultiGoalPath;
% dummy.path_verts
% dummy.path_waypoints
if isempty(dummy.path_waypoints)
error('failed to find a core path to goal');
% build sample areas around regular intervals of path
t_int = (dummy.path_len)./(dummy.move_speed*(Tk+1)); % interval between time slices (dont need one at goal)
sample_centers = zeros(Tk,2); % center of sampling bounding areas
for k=1:(Tk)
sample_centers(k,:) = dummy.timeLookup(k*t_int, {dummy.path_waypoints});
% take the samples and make sure they have a clear view of core path
plcs = cell(Tk,Pj); % cell array for placements per time slice
sample_sets = cell(Tk,1);
sample_sets_const = cell(Tk,1);
% set up circular bounding sets
r = t_int*dummy.move_speed/2;
th = 0:0.05:(2*pi);
for k=1:Tk
[c_pt_x,c_pt_y] = pol2cart(th,r);
sample_sets{k} = [sample_centers(k,1) + c_pt_x', sample_centers(k,2) + c_pt_y'];
[c_pt_x_tmp,c_pt_y_tmp] = pol2cart(th,r - rho/2); % bound away from sides of set
bdd_set_tmp = [sample_centers(k,1) + c_pt_x_tmp', sample_centers(k,2) + c_pt_y_tmp'];
sample_sets_const{k} = getConstBoundSet(Z,x_area,y_area,bdd_set_tmp,rho, obstacle_points); % bounding set for tight sampling case
% generate samples for this time slice
x_len = max(sample_sets{k}(:,1)) - min(sample_sets{k}(:,1));
y_len = max(sample_sets{k}(:,2)) - min(sample_sets{k}(:,2));
x_min = min(sample_sets{k}(:,1));
y_min = min(sample_sets{k}(:,2));
counter = 1;
sample_itr = 0;
while counter <= Pj && sample_itr < max_sample_itr
% guided random sampling, put box around
tmp_pt = [x_min + x_len*rand(N,1), y_min + y_len*rand(N,1)];
% check for collisions with obstacles!
collision_flag = dummy.checkObstaclesOnly(tmp_pt, sample_centers(k,:));
if all(inpolygon(tmp_pt(:,1), tmp_pt(:,2), sample_sets{k}(:,1), sample_sets{k}(:,2))) && ~collision_flag
plcs{k,counter} = tmp_pt;
counter = counter + 1;
sample_itr = sample_itr + 1;
if isempty(plcs{k,end})
error('ran out of sample iterations')
% select the samples based on coverage environmental heatmap
[plcs_sel, gdy_interaction_times] = selectSamples(sample_sets_const, plcs);
figure(1); clf; hold on;
colors = hsv(N);
plot(dummy.obs_points(:,1), dummy.obs_points(:,2), 'k.', 'markersize', ms, 'linewidth', lw);
for a=1:agent_number
plot(starting_locations(a,1), starting_locations(a,2), 'd', 'markersize', ms, 'linewidth', lw, 'color', colors(a,:));
plot(goal_locations(a,1), goal_locations(a,2), 'd', 'markersize', ms, 'linewidth', lw, 'color', colors(a,:));
plot(dummy.path_waypoints(:,1), dummy.path_waypoints(:,2), 'go-', 'markersize', ms, 'linewidth', lw);
for k=1:Tk
for j=1:Pj
plot(plcs{k,j}(:,1), plcs{k,j}(:,2), 'b.', 'markersize', ms, 'linewidth', lw);
plot(sample_sets{k}(:,1), sample_sets{k}(:,2), 'r--', 'markersize', ms, 'linewidth', lw);
plot(sample_sets_const{k}(:,1), sample_sets_const{k}(:,2), 'c--', 'markersize', ms, 'linewidth', lw);
for i=1:N
% plot(plcs_sel{i}(:,1), plcs_sel{i}(:,2), 'o','color', colors(i,:), 'markersize', ms, 'linewidth', lw, 'markerfacecolor',colors(i,:));
axis image
% key point, we are ignoring the intermediate goal positions because we
% assume that the core safe path, which DOES go through the intermediate
% goals, guides the overall path correctly. (should not be a big deal)
agents = cell(N,1);
time_obstacles = cell(N,1);
for i=1:N
agent_goals = [plcs_sel{i};goal_final(i,:)]; % take only final goal position for agent 1
agents{i} = rrtAgent(agent_number, starting_locations(i,:), agent_goals, token_ownership, ...
environment_size, obstacle_points, distance_increment, step_size, ...
planning_iterations, move_speed, collision_radius);
agents{i}.id = i;
agents{i}.time_obs = time_obstacles; % this is some decentralization violation stuff here
agents{i} = agents{i}.planMultiGoalPath;
time_obstacles{i} = agents{i}.path_waypoints;
%% plotting stuff
figure(2); clf; hold on;
mymap = [linspace(1, 0.35, 150); linspace(1, 0.35, 150); linspace(1, 0.35, 150)]';
colormap parula;
hplt = imagesc(environment_size(1):0.1:environment_size(2),environment_size(3):0.1:environment_size(4),...
plot(obstacle_points(:,1), obstacle_points(:,2), 'k.', 'markersize', ms, 'linewidth', lw);
dt = 0.1;
t_max = ceil(1.2*d_max/agents{1}.move_speed);
if mod(t_max,2) ~= 0
t_max = t_max+1;
t = dt:dt:(t_max);
t_len = length(t);
my_map = [linspace(0,1,t_len)', linspace(1,0,t_len)', linspace(0,0,t_len)'];
% plot colors indicating time along the path
time_count = 1; % which time slice we have reached so far
a = 1; % which agent we are working on
agent_reach_flag = zeros(N,1); % which agents have reached the current time slice, needs resetting
agent_times = ones(N,1);
color_idx = 1;
color_start = 1;
color_end = 1;
itr_flag = true;
while time_count < Tk+1
while itr_flag
if a == 1
% color_idx
% plot agent points
pt = agents{a}.timeLookup(t(agent_times(a)), {agents{a}.path_waypoints});
plot(pt(1), pt(2), '.','color', my_map(color_idx,:), 'markersize', ms+8, 'linewidth', lw);
if time_count == Tk
tmp_dist = norm(pt - goal_locations(a,:));
tmp_dist = norm(pt - plcs_sel{a}(time_count,:));
if tmp_dist < step_size % if we are close to sample
a = a + 1;
color_end = max(color_idx, color_end); % record new high point
color_idx = color_start; % reset color parameter
if a > N
color_start = color_end;
color_idx = color_start;
a = 1;
agent_times(a) = agent_times(a) + 1;
color_idx = color_idx + 1;
time_count = time_count + 1;
itr_flag = true;
for k=1:Tk
for a=1:N
plot(plcs_sel{a}(k,1), plcs_sel{a}(k,2), 'o', 'markersize', ms, 'linewidth', lw, 'color', colors(a,:));
d_max = -1;
total_len = 0;
for a=1:agent_number
plot(starting_locations(a,1), starting_locations(a,2), 'd', 'markersize', ms, 'linewidth', lw, 'color', colors(a,:));
plot(goal_locations(a,1), goal_locations(a,2), 'd', 'markersize', ms, 'linewidth', lw, 'color', colors(a,:));
% plot(agents{a}.path_waypoints(2:end-1,1), agents{a}.path_waypoints(2:end-1,2), 's-', 'color',colors(a,:),...
% 'markersize', ms, 'linewidth', lw);
% find longest waypoint path
% D = dist(obj.path_waypoints');
% waypoint_lens = diag(D(1:end-1,2:end));
% max([A, B],[],2)
if d_max < agents{a}.path_len
d_max = agents{a}.path_len;
total_len = total_len + agents{a}.path_len;
% my_map = [linspace(0,1,t_len)', linspace(1,0,t_len)', [linspace(0,1,t_len/2) linspace(1,0,t_len/2)]'];
for k=1:Tk
if ismember(k,gdy_interaction_times)
plot(sample_sets_const{k}(:,1), sample_sets_const{k}(:,2), 'c--', 'markersize', ms, 'linewidth', lw);
plot(starting_locations(:,1), starting_locations(:,2), '.','color', my_map(1,:), 'markersize', ms+8, 'linewidth', lw);
% for a=1:agent_number
% for i=1:(length(agents{a}.goal_list) - 1)
% plot(agents{a}.goal_list{i}.coords(1), agents{a}.goal_list{i}.coords(2), '*', 'color', colors(a,:),...
% 'markersize', ms, 'linewidth', lw);
% end
% end
% plot time obstacles
% for i=1:length(agent.time_obs)
% plot(agent.time_obs{i}(:,1),agent.time_obs{i}(:,2),'r*--');
% end
axis image
% waypoints = [1 1;2 2;4 7];
% agent.timeLookup(0.001,waypoints)
% okay so now we need to take samples around a core path
\ No newline at end of file
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