Commit 852e9434 authored by Larkin Heintzman's avatar Larkin Heintzman

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parent 3f79ced7
Pipeline #26 canceled with stages
function boundSet = getConstBoundSet(Z,x_area,y_area,bddBox,rho,obs_points)
[maxCols,~] = max(Z);
maxX = 0;
maxY = 0;
maxVal = 0;
r = rho/2;
for i=1:length(x_area)
for j=1:length(y_area)
if inpolygon(x_area(i), y_area(j), bddBox(:,1), bddBox(:,2))
obs_dists = sqrt((obs_points(:,1) - x_area(i)).^2 + (obs_points(:,2) - y_area(j)).^2);
if ~any(obs_dists <= 0.2)
if Z(j,i) >= maxVal
maxVal = Z(j,i);
maxX = x_area(i);
maxY = y_area(j);
% if maxX + sig >= bddBox(2)
% maxX = bddBox(2) - sig;
% elseif maxX - sig <= bddBox(1)
% maxX = bddBox(1) + sig;
% end
% if maxY + sig >= bddBox(4)
% maxY = bddBox(4) - sig;
% elseif maxX - sig <= bddBox(3)
% maxY = bddBox(3) + sig;
% end
th = 0:0.05:(2*pi);
[xSet, ySet] = pol2cart(th,r);
boundSet = [xSet'+maxX,ySet'+maxY];
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