Commit 4029a3f9 authored by Larkin Heintzman's avatar Larkin Heintzman

added figures and trust_model

parent b554e2b2
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import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as ss
import elfi
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def MA2(t1, t2, n_obs=100, batch_size=1, random_state=None):
# Make inputs 2d arrays for numpy broadcasting with w
t1 = np.asanyarray(t1).reshape((-1, 1))
t2 = np.asanyarray(t2).reshape((-1, 1))
random_state = random_state or np.random
w = random_state.randn(batch_size, n_obs+2) # i.i.d. sequence ~ N(0,1)
x = w[:, 2:] + t1*w[:, 1:-1] + t2*w[:, :-2]
return x
def autocov(x, lag=1):
C = np.mean(x[:,lag:] * x[:,:-lag], axis=1)
return C
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Set an arbitrary seed and a global random state to keep the randomly generated quantities the same between runs
seed = 20170530 # this will be separately given to ELFI
# true parameters
t1_true = 0.6
t2_true = 0.2
y_obs = MA2(t1_true, t2_true)
# Plot the observed sequence
plt.figure(figsize=(11, 6));
# To illustrate the stochasticity, let's plot a couple of more observations with the same true parameters:
plt.plot(MA2(t1_true, t2_true).ravel());
plt.plot(MA2(t1_true, t2_true).ravel());
# a node is defined by giving a distribution from scipy.stats together with any arguments (here 0 and 2)
t1 = elfi.Prior('uniform', 0, 2)
# ELFI also supports giving the scipy.stats distributions as strings
t2 = elfi.Prior('uniform', 0, 2)
Y = elfi.Simulator(MA2, t1, t2, observed = y_obs)
S1 = elfi.Summary(autocov, Y, 1)
S2 = elfi.Summary(autocov, Y, 2) # the optional keyword lag is given the value 2
# Finish the model with the final node that calculates the squared distance (S1_sim-S1_obs)**2 + (S2_sim-S2_obs)**2
d = elfi.Distance('euclidean', S1, S2)
rej = elfi.Rejection(d, batch_size=10000, seed=seed)
N = 1000
# You can give the sample method a `vis` keyword to see an animation how the prior transforms towards the
# posterior with a decreasing threshold.
result = rej.sample(N, quantile=0.01)
result2 = rej.sample(N, threshold=0.2)
smc = elfi.SMC(d, batch_size=10000, seed = seed)
schedule = [0.7, 0.2, 0.05]
result_smc = smc.sample(N, schedule)
print("quantile results:")
print("threshold results:")
print("smc results:")
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import numpy as np
from trust_model.base_model import HumanTrust
import pdb
class MCTrust(HumanTrust):
def __init__(self, pNames, mcRanges, firstStep):
super().__init__() # python magic
# mcRanges is dictionary that holds parameter names and ranges for each iteration of monte carlo
self.parameterNames = pNames;
self.parameterRanges = {};
self.mcRanges = mcRanges
def stepSets(self, step = 0):
for p, pName in enumerate(self.parameterNames):
self.parameterRanges[pName] = self.mcRanges[step][p]
# pdb.set_trace()
return self.parameterRanges
def randParameters(self):
# first set parameters, then randomize based on ranges
for (pName, pRange) in self.parameterRanges.items():
# overwrite w random garbage
self.__dict__[pName] = pRange[0] + pRange[1]*np.random.rand();
# def load_sets(self, sets):
# # load in sets of values to plug in for each variable
# # sets is list of tuples, (name, values)
# for i, pair in enumerate(sets):
# if pair[0] in dir(self):
# self.vars.update({pair[0] : (pair[1], pair[2])})
# # load initial values
# for ky, val in self.vars.items():
# self.__dict__[ky] = val[0][0]
# # figure out active variables, variables that'll change
# def step_sets(self):
# # step variables and re-init
# for ky, val in self.vars.items():
# if val[1] == 0: # columns
# if self.cstep == len(val[0]):
# self.__dict__[ky] = val[0][0] # reset
# row_flag = True
# self.cstep = 1
# else:
# self.__dict__[ky] = val[0][self.cstep]
# row_flag = False
# self.cstep = self.cstep + 1
# elif val[1] == 1 and row_flag: # rows
# # if self.rstep == len(val[0]):
# # self.rstep = 1
# if self.rstep < len(val[0]): # hack tastic
# self.__dict__[ky] = val[0][self.rstep]
# self.rstep = self.rstep + 1
# self.reset()
# return self.cstep, self.rstep
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